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My mom had told me since I was little not to flush the toilet while someone was in the shower. It was because when you did, it made the shower water cold. When I was 5, I accidentally flushed it because I forgot that my brother was in the shower. I started crying and my mom ran in the bathroom and asked me what was wrong. I told her that I flushed the toilet, and now all the pee was going to shower down on my brother. She set me straight, and I'm glad!
When I was little I had a switch in my bathroom that turned on a fan for ventilation. I used to believe that this fan was meant to let oxygen get into the room, and I would suffocate if I didn't turn it on.
when i was little i used to believe that there were people in the walls of my bathroom so when you poop you had to talk to them or they would kill you. i also used to think that if you didnt treat your toys right they would kill you in your sleep.
I used to believe that when my mom said that I could "drown" in the bathtub, it meant that I would go down the drain.
i used to think tht when i went for a bath tht a shark would come from some where n eat me so i used to always pull the plug n make ma mum put me n the shower!!!
when i was at my nans house when i was about 4 or 5, i would have a bath, then when my nan wrapped me in a towel and pulled out the plug i'd shout, 'NOOO!' and run down the stairs as fast as i could. It's because the sucking sound of my nans plughole would scare me so much, it sounded like a monster in the drains.
i believed that when i laid down in the bath tub that knifes would come out of the ceiling and stab me to death
When I was younger I used to think that when you took a shower that the water would go down the drain...and come right back down through the shower a continous circle. Then I began everything this way? Toilets, sinks, and even pools became disgusting to me...knowing that everyone was swimming in their own waste...uuhhhh.
When I was about four or five me and my older sister (who is two years older thatn me) believed that if you pulled the plug in the bathtub while you were taking a bath, it would pull you down with the water. So one day my sister decided to test this theory, with me as a guiny pig. She put me in the tub and moments later pulled the plug, I started crying my eyes out until all the water was gone and I realized it wasn't true.
well wer all little shits wen wer little especially at bath time, so ma mum got the funky bath cream to make it more fun an it had a little plastic creature in it. Ma mum told me that if i didnt behave she'd put it in the water it wud grow an eat me up and i beleived her so u can tell i was an angel till i was about 7 (yes that old) till i finally realised it wasnt real!!!
When I was a kid I was always afraid that if i stood to close to the drain I would be sucked down with the water...I think my older sister told me that. She was so evil then!
I used to believe that there was someone (human or ghost like thing) hiding in my bathtub, so every time i'd go to the bathroom, i'd have to open up the shower curtain and make sure there was no one there
I used to believe that I had to get out of the bathtub really quickly once the drain had been let out. I thought I'd be sucked down if I didn't hurry.
I used to think that there was a guy working behind the shower and whenever I turned the heat on I would say "Hurry up!" if I thought the guy was taking too long to turn the hot water on.
how many us believed you would go down the drain with the bath water? I did!
Becuase I was told not to flush the toliet while someone was in the shower I thought that it was because the water (and the other stuff) that was just in the toliet would come out from the shower head.I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO grossed out!!!
I used to think that when you ran the water in the sink or shower that once it went down the drain it went through a pipe and came back out the nozel again like a circle
top belief!
I have a brother a year older than me who would always tell me creepy stuff... He told me that if I went under water in the bath tub that Puritans would come up and suck me into the drain and make me practice their religion and if i didnt i would get killed......i took showers ever since
when i was 3 i saw the part of the movie "IT" where pennywise came out of the shower drain and until i was 7 i stared at the drain without looking away the whole time whenever i washed.
When my brother and I were children, my mom used to bathe us together. When she would leave us in the tub, we would lie down and pretend we were french fries frying in oil. LOL!!
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