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I used to believe that if I stayed in the bath tub for too long I would get sucked down the drain!
from then on I hated baths!!!
everynight that I would go to the bathroom I would always open the bathtub curtain cause I used to think there was some creppy person just waiting until I was done using to bathroom to come out
i used to believe that the water in the sink was filterd out from the water in the toilet bowl...i would never get a drink of water after flushing!
Ever since I was little, I would always look over my shoulder coming from the bathroom because I didn't kow if someone was behind me. I would make to sure to get to my bedroom as fast as I could. I would also open & close the door to my bedroom just enough so that I would be the only person to be able to fit in my room. I am 18 and sometimes I still feel that thing were you know someone is looking at you. Very scary....
Remember the "Mr. Bubble" commercials? I used to think that there really was a Mr. Bubble who would appear in your bathroom. Boy, was I disappointed.
top belief!
I use to believe that I would get sucked down the drain with the bath water if I stayed in the tub after the plug was pulled. I loved taking baths but my parents didn't have any trouble getting me out of the tub, they said they could pull the plug and I would materialize standing on the floor next to them. I was eleven years old before I stayed in the tub until the water had all drained out to prove to myself that I would not go down the drain.
My dad liked to mangle children's poems when giving us baths. One night he was bathing me and he started in, 'the king was in the counting house, fixing up the car, the queen was at the golf course shooting over par, the maid was in the bath tub trying to wash her toes, she accidently pulled the plug...' and I shrieked out, 'AND DOWN THE DRAIN SHE GOES!'
top belief!
I used to believe that under the whirlpool that the drain would create in the bath, there was an eerie world of pigmy people who dressed in suits and played accordian music. The place was adorned with crystal chandeliers, red shag carpeting and flowing red drapes everywhere.... Very odd.
top belief!
When I was young, I heard a lot of talk about nuclear war. Something put the idea in my head that if I was in the bathtub I would be safe.
One Halloween when I was about 2 or 3 some guy decided to let off firecrackers in the field across the street. I imediately dove in the bathtub. This came in handy about a year later when our neighbour got into a shoot out with the police. (Yes, it was a bad part of town). We moved shortly after that. When we got to the new house, I was sure to pick out the room directly across from the bathroom.
top belief!
When I was in junior high school I thought that shampoos "for dry hair" gave you dry hair and shampoos "for oily hair" gave you oily hair. I always bought the shampoo for dry hair and didn't understand why anyone would ever buy the shampoo for oily hair... I mean, who would want oily hair?
top belief!
I used to believe that if you took a shower and kept your eyes closed for too long blood would come from the shower head like in this old horror movie i saw. I still get a little freaked out when I wash my hair.
My older sister told me that if you stayed in the tub while it was draining, you would get stucked down with the water. From then on, I would get out of the tub as quickly as possible.
I used to belive that when you sat on the toilet that a snake would come up and bite you in the butt. We had a sewer tank, so that might of been true?!
I always hated taking a bath because I believed I would get sucked down the drain. I learned this from the Ernie Kovacs (sic) show which my dad watched on a regular basis. At one point this show featured a hand sticking up through a draining bathtub drain.
When I was about 5 I believed my sister would go down the drain if she stayed in the bathtub when the drain let out. I would plead with her to get out before the water ran out.
you know that little silver thing in the bath tub that starts to drain water if the baths to full ,well when i was a kid i though that it was a camera and i was a news reporter ,reporting from a flood in africa .simples minds yes!
I was afraid to have the shower curtain closed. I swore that someone was behind there ready to jump out and kill or hurt Me. I still pull the curtain back before I can use the bathroom..even just to brush my teeth in the bathroom.
I used to believe that there was a whole world inside the spec of light shining from the bathroom light on the chain of the plug in the bath. I used to look into the world carefully, so I didn't block the light.
My cousin said that if u pee in the tub when taking a bath, your skin would be smooth.
When I was about 5 or 6 I believed that an evil Spiderman lived in my bathtub. I would always stand as far away from the shower curtain as possible while still being able to reach it and throw it open to check for him before shutting the door to use the bathroom. I have no idea where that one came from...
I used to believe that if too much water went into the overflow hole in the bathtub, it would fill inside the walls of the bathroom and flood the house.
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