i used to believe

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top belief!

I believed that underneath my bathtub was a huge cavernous world of water inhabited by small gnomes in row boats.

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My mom told me that when she was a kid she was always scared that if she'll get too thin and be inside the bathtub, she'll be sucked down the drain. She went to therapy for that later. Seriously

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I used to believe that if the bathroom light was on whatever monsters there were in the house would not be able to get me. Other lights would do, but the bathroom was best.

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I used to believe that snakes would be able to crawl up through the drain of the bath tub~~~

Stephanie V.
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When I was old enough to see out the bathroom window while taking a shower, I noticed that the streetlamp would make an interesting diaper-shaped pattern on the privacy glass. For some reason, I thought that this pattern was God, and I would talk to it during every shower. I felt bad, though, since I was always naked when I talked to God. Everytime I opened the window, God disappeared, and all I could see was a streetlight. I believed this longer than I care to admit.

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When I (would) take a bath I (would) never close my eyes or go close to the drain because I was afraid that something would come out of the drain and grab me.

Chelsea Ann
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I used to beleive that if sat near the drain in the bathtub, there was a good
chance you were going to get sucked down
the drain by the DRAIN MONSTER, when the water was let out of the tub.

Paul NJ
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I used to believe that you could get washed down the drain when you took a shower, and I also briefly believed that you could get bit by an alligator who had been flushed when you used the toilet. I'd like to thank my older brothers for sharing that info with me :P

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When I was around 4 or 5, my mom told me that if I didn't brush my teeth, pill bigs (or roly polies) would enter my mouth at night. She caught me standing in the bathtub brushing my teeth in my sleep after that.

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my mum used to tell me that if i didn't brush my teeth little men would come and break my teeth with hammers. i remember being really worried in case i hadn't brushed properly!

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I used to have to put the plug in the bath when I was having a shower because I thought spiders would come up through the plughole. I think I'd just seen Arachnophobia on TV or something...

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i used to think that there was this shark living in the water pipes under our bath tub. and i was sure that if i turned my back on the drain, the shark would come right out of it and eat me. so, needless to say, actually getting OUT of the tub was quite difficult.

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the first time i started showering since since i graduated fromt he bath which usually i usually share with my brother, i had to have my mother stand in the bathroom with me while i showered. i was absulutely terrified that gremlins were standing on each other's shoulders and peeking through the small hexagonal window in the corner of the stall

Danny C.
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I used to think that the Vacuum Cleaner was pronounced "BATHROOM CLEANER". This was re-inforced by the fact that my Mom kept it behind the door in the Bathroom.

Dave W.
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top belief!

In the medicine cabinet of my childhood home, there was a small slot at the back that was designed for disposing of used razor blades. My sister and I discovered it one day and were amazed. We thought it was a coin slot, and that if we put pennies in it, gumballs would come out from somewhere. We put tons of coins down it, and ran to various places such as the heating vent to see if a gumball came out. Then we started putting hand writted notes down the slot. Somewhere in the inner wall of that bathroom is a lot of money and funny messages, wonder if they will ever be discovered?

Missy Rae
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top belief!

Whenever I would take a bath, I believed there was a family of skeletons watching me through a window near the cieling. The window was only there when my back was turned and I say "family" as in there was a mother, father and little boy skeleton.

Jonathan Franz
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I used to think that if a liquid was colour i.e. yellow bubble bath that you could paint things with it. I made a crossbow when I was about 6 and ran up to the bathroom to paint it with said yellow bubble bath.....it didn't paint it yellow!! =o(

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top belief!

I thought the water that came out of the bathroom taps came from a tank on the roof and wasn't clean like the water from the kitchen taps. I used to imagine there were dead pidgeons floating in a vat of stagnant water on the roof. I still don't like baths. Just can't shake that 'dirty water' image...

T Smith
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top belief!

I once saw a commercial or something that showed a kid who'd left the faucet running while he was brushing his teeth. the water came from a pond right outside his window, where there was a happy little fish swimming around, but the fish drowned because the kid had left the faucet running and sucked the pond dry. after i saw that i never used faucet water to brush my teeth, because i thought that it was pond water.

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I used to believe that if you didn't get out of the bathroom as soon as you finished washing your hands, fire and babies would come and get you.

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