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You can get sucked down the plughole

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: You can get sucked down the plughole.
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I used to be totally convinced if I was in the bath tub when the plug was pulled something would reach out of the drain and pull me in. I would get out, dry off and get my parents to pull the plug while I hid behind the door. I convinced my little sister of this one too.

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I used to think that if I stayed in the bath while the water was being drained away, it would suck me down the plughole. My mum used to ask me how i would fit down such a small hole, but I knew that "they" (the drain people) had powers you coudln't even imagine....

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When I was younger I asked my dad where the stuff in the toilet went after you flushed it, and he told me the sewer plant. But I thought of a giant venous fly trap and for the longest time I was terrified it would come up out of the toilet and grab me.

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I used to believe the bathtub drain could eat people and my toys. I would take all the toys out of the bath, dry off and then reach in and pull the drain and run as fast as I could. All because I walked in on the part of Psycho when the blood is running down the drain.

Aubrey Morgan
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I used to think that you would get sucked down the plughole after having a bath and would be carried away to a poo factory with the rest of the waste water from the bathroom.

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I used to believe that the sink hole down my bathtub inhabitited the good witch, whereas my best friend's bathtub's drain inhabitited the wicked witch. I slept over at my best friends house once, i had a bath and sat right up the other end to the drain hole. Once the water went down the drain, i was so scared that the wicked witch was going to suck me down with the water i cried.

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When I was like 2/3 my sister and I used to go into the bathroom while my mum was having a bath and sit and talk to her. I remember her telling us that if the plug was pulled out she would go down the plughole.
Well ofcourse she pulled out the plug and slowly slid deeper into the bath; my sister and I went hysterical screaming and trying to hold her up screaming we loved her and crying.
My mother used to stop when we were really upset, she said it was to test how much we loved her. I remember being really really upset, scared and traumatised thinking the plug-hole was going to take my mummy away.
I was always scared of the plug hole for a long while after that.

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When I was little I used to believe that when I was in the bathtub and the water was draing that I could get sucked down the drain and that would be the end of life as I knew it! So as soon as the water started to drain, I would feel this sense of fear and panick come over my body and I would hop out really fast and thank my lucky stars I survived another bath!

Amanda Crosier
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When I was very young, my father used to sing me a little song while he bathed me. It went "my baby has gone down the plughole, my baby has gone down the drain. My baby has gone down the plughole, I'll never see baby again!" he used to sing it in a very sad voice. I believed that if I didn't cling on to the side of the bath I would go down the plughole and have to live with all the other babies who'd suffered the same fate. I was too small to hold on to the bath and I used to scream and scream at the mention of having a bath not because I didn't want to live in the drain's with the other babies but because I didn't want to make my father sad!

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Having seen Laurel and Hardy go down the plughole in the bath with the water I always had to jump out of the bath before plulling the plug out in case I suffered the same fate.

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When I was little I used to think the bath tub would suck down my wash cloth when my mom went to drain the water. She never did figure out why I screamed every time she pulled the plug.

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Being sucked down the bathtub... My Grandmother once told me when I was 4 or 5 that if I didn't finish all the food on my plate I would end up so thin I'd get sucked down the bathtub hole when someone pulled the plug. It didn't actually make me finish my food but I ended up being really scared of going down with the gurgling water at the end of my bath!

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I used to think that if you went too near, you would get sucked down the plughole in the bath and come out of the tap somewhere else. Whenever the bath was draining I stayed well back!

A great method of transport
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My sister used to think that she would get sucked down the plughole when we pulled the plug out while she was still in the bath.

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I must have only been about 3 or 4 but there was a song that my mum used to sing to me about a baby that went down a plughole because it was really thin. Well...people in my family always used to comment on how thin they thought i was so whenever my mum or dad used to put me in the bath, I was terified that I would get sucked down too. As soon as they pulled out the plug and I heard that sucking noise it makes, I would get hysterical because no-one could pull me out quick enough. It still freaks me out to this day. lol

wappy !
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My mom would have to take me out of the tub before ahe drained the water because i was convinsed that i would get sucked down the hole

nicki bird
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I used to believe that if someone pulled the plug on the drain while I was in the bath, I would go down it. So everytime I was done taking a bath I would hop out really quickly. If my mother pulled the plug on the drain while I was in it, I would start crying and screaming for her to get me out. I really thought that my body would get sucked down that little hole just like the water, and I would be gone forever.

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I took the fear of getting sucked down the plughole to the extreme . . . My father convinced me that I would be sucked down the plughole when I was about 3 years old. Afterwards, I wouldn't sit down in the bathtub for a year . . . I was a very gullible child and my mother threatened to kill my father after the incident.

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When I was little I thought the gurgling noise that sounds when almost all the water has emptied out of a bath was a monster and i used to run and hide under my bedcovers whenever I heard it!

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when i was little my mother used to tell me if i didnt get out of the bath i would be sucked down the plughole!

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