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in my closet

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When I saw ET (Extra-Terrestial) for the first time I was deathly afraid ET. At night, I would sleep with the bottoms of my feet together, afraid that he was going to come tickle them. Also, till this day, (remember the closet scene when ET is looking through it?) I have to close my closet at night (along with my drawers) or else I can't sleep.

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When i was little i use to belive that there was a vampire in my closet and a monster under my bed. so at night when i turned my light of i would run n jump in my bed and have the sheets around my neck so the vampire wouldnt bite me. oh yea sad thing is i still get scared when i watch scary movies n keep up with the tradation . . im 15!!!

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One night I couldn't sleep and I was playing in bed. My mom came in and yelled because it was 1:00am. She said if I wasn't asleep by 1:20 the pirhanas could come out from my closet and bite off my toes. I was so scared. I made sure I was never awake at 1:20 again!

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I used to believe that the Grim Reaper was in your closet and if you were a bad kid he would glide out and slash you in half with his knife thingy

Kaelyn Thompson, OKC, OK, age 12
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Well.. Kids are usually afraid of monsters under the bed, but in my case it was a vampire in my closet.

I watched the movie MONSTER SQUAD as a kid, and that's where I got the idea.

He was there every night. I had to sleep with my back to the closet. I was afraid that if the vampire knew that I knew he was there, he would kill me. (I guess it was just his hideout!)

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When I was young, I used to believe that if a part of your body wasn't covered by your blanket while sleeping at night, that a monster would come out of the closet and eat whatever was showing. This scared the crap out of me and I didn't find out this was false untill I fell asleep one night and didn't have on the covers.

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top belief!

I used to believe there was an ostridge in my wardrobe an if i moved it would come and attack me. I spent so many nights perfectly still, which is hard for a 5 year old! If only i new it woz an ostridge shaped pile of clothes and hangers!!

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when I was younger, my brother convinced me that in the back of our bedroom closet was a portal to another world. The door could only be opened if you knocked on the wall at 12 midnight. In this other world, you could fly around on hoverboards (Like in Back to the Future) and drink Cream Soda (which at the time I had never tasted before) all night long...

this magical portal later moved to the wall in our laundry room.

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When I was younger the scariest place in the world was my grandpa's closet because he always told me that there was a booger in it. I always pictured this big green man living with my grandparent's clothes. It baffled me that they didn't call the police. Later I found out that he kept a shotgun and didn't want me to go playing with it.

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I used to beleive that there was a giant polar bear living in my closet . . . and if I opened the door it would come roaring out and eat me. I never wanted to get dressed because I would have to open the closet to get clothes out. I woud run out of the room whenever my mother started to open it so I could get ready for school.

Leopold Lyon
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When I was about 6 I used to think if I left my closet open when I was just about to go to sleep that the clothes would walk out and get me, but they couldn't if I didn't keep the closet open.

I scared myself so much the one time I left my closet open I made myself belive they were coming out so I had to have my big white bear come save me! So I would slowly crawl to the edge of my bed take my blanket crawl across the floor to where my stuffed animals were then get the bear and sleep with it right above my head as I balled myself right in the middle of the bed.

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I always thought there were wild monkeys in my closet that came out at night, so me and my dad had a routine every night where he'd come in and tell the monkeys to leave me alone

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I used to think that there was another world somehow connected to my closet. I thought I could talk to them in my head, and once I actually slept in there because the 'fairies' were at war with the leprecauns.

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As I child I was convinced that if I hid under the bed covers, it would help to protect me from the variety of things that I thought wanted to 'get' me, one of whom as the Elephant Man who I believed lived in my wardrobe. I spent many a sleepless and sweaty night trying in vain to scream to wake my parents.

My dad, being a dentist, had a skull from his Uni days but this had to be put in the attic to calm me down. My older sisters often played on my fears and one night, after smearing soap thickly on her face (and leaving the area round her eyes soap-free to look like dark sockets) came into my room moaning 'Davina, Davina, the skull's coming to get you'. I was absolutely hysterical thinking I was gonna die and my sisters got the biggest bollocking.

Davina The Screamer
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When I was a little boy I used to think that at night, the clothes in my closet would sew them selves together and come out to attack me as a headless figure.

Eric Rustman
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When I was a little kid, only me and my two older sisters were allowed in my mother's closet. My two older brothers would've KILLED to get in there, so we'd rub it in their faces and say that there was a cart on wheels in there behind the racks of Mum's clothes, and that it was like a roller coaster that would take us around the house.

My brothers believed us until one day they were home alone, and proved otherwise...

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Unlike most children who think that monsters live in their closets, I thought that ET lived in mine. I thought that ET was really scary, so I'd avoid my closet at all costs.

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When i was in preschool my teacher read us the book "Theres an aligator under my bed" Well nothing could go under my bed so i thought that an aligator lived in my closet.....my mom had to sit with me until i fell asleep for a bout 3 weeks. Boy do i feel dumb now.

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When i was little my sister told me that there were leprechauns in my closet. I left her room to get a drink and came back and found she was missing, suddenly an irish accent came out of the closet. The "leprechaun" told me that he had eaten my sister and that he was going to sneak into my room that night and eat me. I ran out of her room crying and told my parents.

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i once went up to my mom and asked : mom why do clothes shrink in the wardrobe? i never realsed that i actually grew.

i also though trees made the wind because they moved wen the wind blew!

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