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in my closet

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top belief!

When I was young, I had the classic "Monster in the Closet" scare. I had it for a while, until after one night, my Mom came in, checked inside my closet, and came out with a handfull of cookies. She told me it was the Cookie Monster! After that, I would always act scared just to see if I would get any more cookies.

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When I was little my friend and I thought that my bedroom closet was a time machine. We would go in there and spin around and come out and be all dizzy. We would then walk around my house and look for things from the past. We would say my cat was a saber tooth tiger.

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In the back of my closet, there was a piece of wood that looked like a door-although it didn't open!I thought that there was a secret tunnel behind it that led to another world! Earlier on in my childhood, I thought that there were monsters behind there just plotting against me and they would one night come out and eat me!

~afraid of the closet~
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When I was little my best friend and I used to think that fairies lived in my laundry closet and that we each owned half of them. We used climb on the washer and dryer and play with the fairies for hours and have HUGE fights over who owned Tinkerbell.

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i used to believe that if i kept the closet open the monster will come and kill me and later i started believing i was a princess then i believed i was a powere puff girl... i bet you can't top these beliefs!!!

Leen Sharafeddine
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I used to believe that a white gorilla from an episode of Star Trek lived in my closet. I had gorillas issues.

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I used to think that if you watched a horror movie, the monster or bad guy of the movie would be allowed to leave the movie and go in your room at night. Then they would watch you from the closet or under the bed and wait til you were alone to attack. I used to get sooo scared. Especially after watchin that movie When a Stranger Calls. I thought that the man would come and get me in the middle of the night. Honestly, i still do sometimes!

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When I was four, I was sure that evil monsters lived in the closet at the end of the hall that separated my room from my parents' room. I just knew that they lived within the folds of the neatly stacked blankets on the bottom shelf. I would always walk as quickly as I could past the closet and never look directly at it when I was close to it. I also thought that there was a monster under the bed that could grab my legs if I got up at night out of bed, so I made sure to leap into and out of bed to avoid it's reach! If I had a scary dream at night, I wouldn't want to run past the closet to get to my parents bed and wake them up, so I'd stay put because the closet and grabbing hands under the bed were scarier thoughts than my dream! I still remember one dream that scared me enough the run to them, but the treacherous obstacle course on the way to their bedroom was even scarier!

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top belief!

When I was little, I had heard of the boogieman, but I never exactly knew what he was, because, of course, I never met him. Because of his name, I though he was a man who lived in your closet who came out at night and danced with you, so I always looked forwards to meeting the boogieman, unlike most kids!

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i used to believe that behind the closet door that we had a mounted deer head on was the rest of its body, but i was always too afraid to open the door and look for his missing half.

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When I was about 5 I was sooooo afriad of the closet at nite I would rip all the clothes down out of my closet and turn on all the lights and put them back up in the morning so my friends didn't think i was a scarried cat.

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When I was younger, my older brother would always tell me that a guy would pop out of my closet and eat me if I werent asleep when my parents told me to. And one night I didnt listen to them and my brother hid in my closet and jumped out and pretended that He was the psycho. I was really scared

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When I was growing up, our bathroom was connected to my parents bedroom. They would always have their closet door wide open. I could see closet open and was deathly afraid a huge creature would explode from it at any moment tearing me to pieces. I spent very little time in there.

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I use to believe that there was a secret door from the bedroom closet & my sister's closet And that was how my middle sister could always slip away with my oldest sister without me knowing.

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top belief!

This was only a one time belief....I was quite near sighted when I was young, and didn't keep my room very tidy. I woke up late one night, seeing white spots on the floor and ran and woke mom and told her someone had broken in, drank milk, vomitted on my floor, and hidden in the closet.

She walked me to my room, turned on my light, and told me to pick up my socks.

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When I was a kid I had my little sister believing that their was a fairy that lived in my closet, her name was Sabrina and she flew to the grocery store on a paper airplane. The door to her house was behind the clothes but you could only see it sometimes. (Of course when my sister was looking for it was one of the times that it was not visible.) I carried on this story with her for so many years that I actually started believing it myself! More than once I found myself looking at the back of the closet wall for that door...

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I used to think E.T. was hiding in my closet and behind the plant that was on the balcony across from my bedroom!!!

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top belief!

When I first read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe... I thought that I could get to Narnia through the back of my closet. I used to try all the time, by standing in my closet and poking the back wall.

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when i was in grade 1 or 2, we were shown this video to make us not afriad of monsters in the closet. it was about this kid who indeed had a monster in his closet, eyes looking when his mom had his back turned, funny noises, the whole bit.
anyway, it all turned out that the monster just wanted a friend becuase he was scared of th edark too, or somethng akin to it.

i am 18. to this day, i have never been able to sleep with a closet door open. thanks a lot, public school system.

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i used to believe our house had secret passages all through it (even though it was a pretty small one-story house). i thought i could use them if i could only figure out how to get into them. i thought the key was a framed panel on the back wall of my closet, but i couldn't figure out how to make it open.

(i've since learned that had to be an opening for dealing with the piping for the bathroom - good i didn't get in.)

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