i used to believe

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in my closet

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I used to belive that their was a real boogyman in my closet, so I would cover my head with the covers thinking that would protect me from any harm.

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I ured to believe as a child and even into my teens that l could get to Narnia from inside my wardrobe. At 46 years old I still live in hope of that. Lol hahaha

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I used to believe that if I didn't close my closet door every night the closet monsters would try to jump under my bed the minute I shut my eyes. Then while they were under my bed I would think they were plotting to kill me and then eat me after I fell asleep. Now its just a habit to make sure my closet door is closed.

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As a child, I believed that if I kept the wardrobe door open, anybody could see me at night. This was until I was 17

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I believed in monsters under the bed and in the closet. When I was 4 or 5, I grew very tired of this fear- so I decided that the monsters under my bed were actually friendly (by my fiat)and protected me from all the other night terrors. When I needed to get up for water or to pee, they would form a sort of invisible 'honor guard', slithering along in the shadows and dark to protect me. After I decided this was how things 'really' were, I always relished walking in the dark and shadows whether I was inside or out.

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i used to believe our house had secret passages all through it (even though it was a pretty small one-story house). i thought i could use them if i could only figure out how to get into them. i thought the key was a framed panel on the back wall of my closet, but i couldn't figure out how to make it open.

(i've since learned that had to be an opening for dealing with the piping for the bathroom - good i didn't get in.)

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i used to believe that behind the closet door that we had a mounted deer head on was the rest of its body, but i was always too afraid to open the door and look for his missing half.

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I used to beleive that there was a giant polar bear living in my closet . . . and if I opened the door it would come roaring out and eat me. I never wanted to get dressed because I would have to open the closet to get clothes out. I woud run out of the room whenever my mother started to open it so I could get ready for school.

Leopold Lyon
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as a child my sister and i shared a bedroom and at the bottom of her bed was a huge brown wardrobe, and the only way i could get out of our room was to climb over her bed. well one evening i was about to climb over her bed to go to the toilet when she told me that if i climb over her bed gost and monsters would fly out at me and take me into the wardrobe and would never be seen again. needless to say i never got up to pee

hello kitten
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my sister told me (and i believed her) that santa's reindeer were living in her closet and he loaned them from her once a year!

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I used to think that a monster lived in my closet and only came out at night. On night i heard rustleing in the closet. I opened the door to find my cat Gizmo. He had been the monster those 3 years!

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When I was about 6-12yrs. old I watched a freddy kruger movie and stayed up until 2am watching the news because I was scared! Finally I was really tired and decided to go to the bathroom b4 going to bed and looked up from my bed toward my door(and closet) I saw freddy kruger peeking out of my closet!! I freaked out grabbed my stuffed bunny rabbit told him I loved him for being so brave and threw him in the closet as I ran out of my room crying!! I went to my mom's room woke her up and was crying about how thumper was a brave bunny and how we had to leave!! All and all i'm still scared to sleep with a walk-in closet nearby esp. if the door is open!! I still make my b/f sleep next to the closet (i'm 19 by the way)

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i used to think that all the good mythical animals lived in my wardrobe they lived there to stop bad ones getting in everytime i slept the leader Bowler who was a yellow and white dragon watched the window.

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In my grandma`s house, there was a closet with a big boiler tank thing in it and when it was heating up, it made big gurgling noises. When I was small, my cousin told me that it was The Closet Of No Return and there was a big hungry monster ready to eat me inside, which explained the gurgling noises.

Gullible Kid
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When i was younger, i used to believe that the hanger in my room became a witch every night.

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I used to believe that monsters lived in the closet and that arms of some sort would grab me from under the bed if I got up without looking. I eventually convinced my parents to buy me a bed with a pedestal so that there was NO underneath for the arms to hide!

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My best friend in elementary school told me that if you put pussy willows catkins (yes, that is what they're called!) in your closet, they'd turn into kittens overnight. Hense, we stripped the neighbor's bushes (a subject of great concern at the next coffee klatsch), made little nests on the floors of our closest out of tissues, and waited. And waited. And waited...

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When I was little my best friend and I used to think that fairies lived in my laundry closet and that we each owned half of them. We used climb on the washer and dryer and play with the fairies for hours and have HUGE fights over who owned Tinkerbell.

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when i was small i thought that vampires lived in my closet and that when u went to sleep they'd come out to bite u and turn u into a vampire.. so i always covered my neck ( still do haha ) with a sheet cuz i thought they couldnt bite through the sheet

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when i was little i had a big puffy black dress in my closet. and one night i saw a giant frog standing up in 2 legs in my closet. I threw anything i could find at the frog but it didn't leave so i started screaming "MOMMY" it turned out that it was my dress stuck with a green sweater i had. LOL

talk about being afraid of animals. And since then i've terrified by frogs.

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