i used to believe

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top belief!

The neighbours and I were
surprised to discover that my
25 year old (ex)boyfriend
believed it was OK to wander
around naked, with an erection,
whilst the curtains were open
and the light was on because
"When you put the light on at
night the window goes all like
mirror so nobody can see in".

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I used to think that if I looked in a mirror for over 5 mins I would dissapere to Narnia!

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I believed that if I looked too long in the mirror admiring myself the Devil would appear.

Paul Elletson
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I used to think that if I stared into the mirror long enough you could see the faces of your past lives. Really its just your eyes getting tired and distorting what you see.

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Our next door neighbour told us if you looked in a mirror after midnight you would see the devil!

Joe Hawkins
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I used to believe that if I looked in the mirror in the dark (or at night), I would see a reflection of myself as a VERY old lady.

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top belief!

I used to believe that mirrors were found inside rocks.

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When I was younger I had a mirror at the end of my bed on the wardrobe, at school someone told me that their sister's friend of a friend had been stood looking at the mirror reading the bible backwards at midnight and the devil appeared. This caused them to die of fright. So you can imagine that I was terrified of getting up in the middle of the night and looking in the mirror. And I couldnt watch The Candyman until a few years ago.

Ric Brailsford
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top belief!

I used to think that it was kind of sad that the bathroom mirror just sat there, reflecting and reflecting all day long with nobody in the room to see it.

This made me wonder if the mirror would stop reflecting when you weren't looking at it. I wondered what it looked like when it wasn't reflecting, and I used to try to sneak up on the bathroom mirror and catch it unawares. It was always too smart for me, though.

I also thought it was amazing that it was able to reflect without needing any electricity.

Science-minded kid
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0k when I was young I believed mirror had souls and they watched you grow up and saw all your tears and smiles and cred about you like a guardian angel. Mirrors could see the truth when you got punished unfairly and mirrors could show you the future or the past if they wanted to.
Well, and this is the true part, I had a mirror to my dresser as a kid in NJ and I wrote my name on the back of my mirror with orange crayon when I was about 7.
This mirror moved with me to GA and I gave it away when I turned 16 and got a 'grownup' bedroom set. Well I lived all over the world for the next 18 years and finally moved back to the US and Boston and lived with a new friend who had an old Victorian house with a basement. I went in her basement and I saw a mirror against the far wall that looked exactly like my childhood dresser mirror(it was an odd design, not common). It kind of scared me but I went to it and I saw myself all grown up in the mirror and remembered about my name in crayon. I tilted it forward and yep! there was my name in orange crayon! My mirror just wanted to see me one more time and to make sure I was happy! True story.

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top belief!

When I would get up at night to go to the bathroom, I never turn on the light because it makes it harder to get to back to sleep. But, up until I was about 25, I would never look at myself in the mirror as I washed my hands because I was sure I would have glowing red eyes. I think I finally told myself to grow up, and tested the theory enough times to prove it wrong

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top belief!

I used to believe that the tiny creatures living under my bed aimed a knife at my heart every evening when I laid down. However, if I moved, it would take them fifteen minutes to reset the knife position. So I'd check the time on my clock and every fifteen minutes I'd wiggle around to throw off their aim until I fell asleep. To this day I'm still a very restless sleeper.

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top belief!

When I was 13, I convinced my friend that the mirror in her bathroom was actually one-way glass and her brother was watching her from his bedroom...

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For some unknown reason, my (normally kind and loving) Granny told me that if I looked in the mirror too much I'd see the Devil standing behind me. Consequently I was absolutely terrified of looking into mirrors in empty rooms, or of even passing by mirrors at night, just in case. To this day I have a residual uneasiness about looking in a mirror at night.

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i used to believe that at night if you looked into a mirror to long that a dead person would apear in the mirror.

until i looked in to the mirror one night and did not see a dead man!?

bob the pinecreek
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top belief!

I used to believe that if you stared in a mirror for an hour or longer and then backed away your reflection/and time would freeze. The only way to unfreeze it would be to get back in the same exact possition and stare for the same amount of time.

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top belief!

I'm not sure if I believed this or not, or just parts of it, but when I was about six years old my older brother (who was totally mean at around eight years old) told me that I was so ugly Mum and Dad had to pay for people to act as me on the other side of mirrors (not just in our house but everywhere I ever went) so I would not see what I looked like and could have a 'normal' life without the stigma of knowing I was so ugly. He also said this was why our family was 'poor'. He said it was really tricky getting people who looked like the rest of the family to act like them behind the 'mirrors'. It was a pretty convuluted story for him to make up which might be why I thought it was true. What a mean big brother! The absolute meanest bit was that he said the person they got to act as me was just 'average looking, not too pretty' so that I wouldn't think I was beautiful or anything like that. They didn't want me to be overconfident. Ouch!

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My Grandmother would tell us that if we looked into a mirror at night we would see the devils face. Until today I have a kreepy feeling when passing a mirror in darkness

Vaggelis Matthaiopoulos
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top belief!

I used to think that a mirror was my twin! I used to talk to the mirror and everythin. I gave it high fives, and whenever I left the bathroom or my room I would wave goodbye. it was my own personal twin! I am completly weird!

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top belief!

I used to believe that if you could make a room that was all mirrors then
when you turned off the light the room would still stay lit........
turns out that something like this is the basis for lasers.

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