i used to believe

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When I was a little girl, my grandmother had a long mirror over her kitchen sink. Having aspirations to being a dancer, I loved to whirl and pose in front of that mirror. Or, I did until my grandmother told me that if I kept staring at the mirror, I would see the Devil. For years afterward, I was terrified of staring too long into any mirror--and most especially into Grandma's!

J. Usellis
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I was told that if you looked in the mirror at midnight on halloween, you would see the face of your true love. I even tried it, and scared myself stupid cuz I thought I was going to turn into a girl.

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I'm scared of mirrors because I think that there are ghosts in mirrors

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I still believe that there is something wrong with mirrors. I used to believe that I could be faster than my reflection at the mirror so, I used to move really fast in front of mirrors, trying to cheat my image.

Kinha SP
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I used to believe that if I looked in the mirror, exactly on the stroke of midnight, the devil would appear behind me. If it was anywhere near midnight, I would keep my eyes tight shut as I passed a mirror.

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I used to believe that if you looked in the mirror after you flushed the toilet, a monster would grab you and snatch you into it!

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When I was little i thought that the mirrors in the bathroom were actually cameras and people were watching me, so i sang and danced for them and even did toliet paper commercials.

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i have had, since I was about six, the belief, that something is always behind me, and that I never notice it until i see it in a mirror. I think that if i see something about to jump on me in a mirror that i will be paralyzed with terror. This belief causes me to always stand at odd angles to mirrors, so that i only see a wall in the mirror.

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I used to believe that every mirror was the trick kind people could look through - regardless of where it was or how big it was. I'm 16 now, and I still wont dress or undress infront of a mirror, and I LOATHE dressing rooms. Someone might be watching.

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