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I used to be afraid of mirrors because I thought that a ghost or demon or ghoul or other scary thing would jump out of it and get me if I stared into it long enough especially when it was nighttime.

Kitty Lover
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If you look in the mirror at 12 midnight with a candle you will see the person you will marry but it will take away 10 years off your life

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If you stare into a mirror in almost complete darkness, the devil will appear instead of your reflection.

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When I was in the 7th grade, the girls at my school would be playing those infamous mirror games like "Bloody Mary", one about seeing the Witch from Snow White, and one about some incantation to summon the devil.

I developed a slight fear of mirrors and was very happy I did not have a full length mirror in my room.
I would stay awake in fear of the devil. I would even get teased about it by friends.

Though I do have two in mine now since I'm vain, I still keep an open box with a cross on a chain AND a lion plooshie with a Star of David just in case.

Scandia is being gullible and phobic about this.
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When I was young, I used to watch horror movies that came on Saturday afternoons, or occasionally Friday nights if I could stay awake that long. One of them had a woman look into a mirror and and evil witch/demon/whatever looked back at her (can't recall the details). Thirty-something years later, I still refuse to look into a mirror at night because it creeps me out! Oddly enough, though, I never fell prey to the "Bloody Mary" tale, nor do I remember believing there was another world on the other side of my mirror.

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I used to believe that if you were caught alone with a TV that was turned off at night then it would try to manipulate you into "entering" it so that you can entertain others in some sort of magic TV land forever.

I also used to think that any sort of reflective surface I looked into was not reflecting my image, but what I would look like if I was a part of the television's world.

At the end of The Simpsons, there is a short scene after the credits with a bunch of people sitting in a room watching a movie. One of them says, "Shhh!" and then some music plays. This used the scare the HELL out of me. I thought I was watching people who were already trapped in the TV and had basically adapted to their new lives.

When I told my older sister this she marely reinforced these ideas. She also used to turn the volume WAY up when The Simpsons ended, then she would hold me down in front of the TV so that I could watch the people at the end...

I think I was 4 or 5 at the time.

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when i was little 4 or 5 i believed that when you were looking in a mirror if you turned round fast enough you could see your reflection still turning what makes it worse i stood for ages trying it

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When I was 6, I was afraid to go in my aunt's closet because I once saw the ghost of a little boy inside it. Some years later, I looked inside with a flashlight only to find a mirror in the back of the closet.

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This is sooooo weird. My freaky friend told me that if i looked in the mirror for more than 20 seconds, my face would turn into adolf hitlers face. don't ask.

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I used to belive that there was an evil man living in my mirror called "FRED" who watched me as I slept - who was basically an evil man (ie - the old man from Poltergeist 2/3 - that movie scared the crap out of me!)

Anyway - I am now 25 and I dont have a mirror in my bedroom, and if I am in a room with one I have to cover it with a towel.

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A few years ago I was really into ghosts and things until one night my friend came over. We were telling ghost stories and he told me the one about Bloody Marry. I got really freaked out and now when the power goes out im still afrain to go to the bathroom thinking she will jump out and kill me.

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I used to believed the one inside the small oval mirror was my twin sister. She share everything with me, happiness, sadness, loneliness and jealousy.

One day I looked too pale in front of the mirror. I tried to put on much more cosmetic with thicker eyeline & redder lipstick. Oh ! I was scolding and teasing myself with tears,"How come you're so ugly today?? Damn you!!" when I carelessly pushed the mirror to floor and then it's broken.

After that, I found the one inside any mirror wasn't me or my twin sister inside the broken oval mirror. My eyes inside the mirror was so strange, They were icy, sad and full of hatred.

Aiya...now I was only 25, how come others felt I was over 30?! I got much older after lose of my twin sister...

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if u break a mirror u get bad luck 4 7 years

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i used to believe that there was another ME inside every mirror i came across!! from then on when i stangly decided this, i used to stare into any mirrorand talk to my self, and my so called ME!!
i used to round the corner of the mirror to see how the ME got in there. i did this by squishing my face against the edge of the mirror and have a little brouse around the same room i was in but backwards and in my mirror!!!

Paige Cronk
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When I was young and my father brushed my hair before school in front of our huge bathroom mirror, he used to say "look at the monkey in the mirror." I looked for the monkey until I was 6 or 7. When I figured it out, I told him there was a big hairy gorrilla behind the monkey.

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When I was about 8, a boy in my class told me that if you looked into the mirror at midnight you would see Satan. Ever since then I havent been able to look into a mirror in a dark room!

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For as long as I can remember I've thought that there are people watching from behind fitting room / public bathroom mirrors. Someone told me this ridiculous trick to see if it's a "real mirror" or not... and even though I know it's preposterous, I still do the mirror check every time I'm in a room with a mirror. I'm 26!

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When I was young, I thought that if you turned a mirror around, you could see the back of your head. I was always in a bad mood, because it never worked for me!

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i used to believe that if you looked in a mirror in the dark you'd see you're future but if you saw it it would go horribly wrong and you'd be miserable...i still dont look in mirrors in the dark..and nobody can make me.

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When I was younger I coulnt look at mirrors.I got confused and thought that there were two of me,and I didnt know which one was the real me.

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