Mirrors are windows to other worlds
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Mirrors are windows to other worlds.
I used to believe that if u ran hard enough into a mirror, that u could visit another world. I tried it once, and ended upwith a really bad headache.
I always used to think that there was a totally different world through the mirror. The reason why we couldn't get through was because the person the looks exactly like you on the other world does the exact same thing. Whenever you poked the mirror to get to the other world, the other person pokes it too, blocking you from getting through.
When I was a kid, in the bathrooms, there was the big wall mirror and then a smaller one on the door of the medicine cabinet, so they would face each other when the cabinet was open. I was convinced that the "corridor" effect created by two mirrors facing each other closely was a sort of a dimensional portal (spent too much time reading big brother's Dungeons and Dragons books, maybe... and now they're mine, heh heh), and I had only to figure out how to "open" the big mirror so I could crawl through the corridor into a fantasy world where I could learn more magic and get myself a suit of armor and cool medieval weapons. I thought maybe writing the right thing in the mist from a shower would do it. I puzzled over this until I was a good nine years old...
My mom has a curio cabinet with a mirror on the back, which reflects the contents of the cabinet. That mirror was always so clean (because it was behind a glass door) that it seemed to be doing more than just reflecting. All the other mirrors in our house weren't quite so shiny. Anyway, I always thought that the mirror harbored another world, an opposite, reversed world where things were different, but where there was a girl who looked just like me. I used to spend hours just looking so hard at the mirror, trying to figure out how to get inside. My mom thought I really liked the stuff in there -- antique glass, music boxes, that sort of thing. But really, I just wanted to trade places with my opposite, and see if the world on the other side was any better.
I used to believe that the whole world was an illusion and things only exixted if I could see them. I thought that mirrors were a sort of window outside my world and I would sneak up on them and try to see outside before my reflection came up.
When I was younger I used to believe that the mirror was really a whole different world...and the only reason I couldnt enter it was because my reflection was blocking me (everytime i put my finger to the mirror, my reflection put ITS finger to "BLOCK" me) I would try and sneak up on my reflection and push through and i would get really frustrated when i couldnt get through. In fact I think i threw the mirror and had a hissy fit one time.
I used to believe that if you were in a place with two mirriors facing each other, had a set of identical twins, that if each twin were to enter a mirror, they would each be taken to the otherworld.
Weird huh?
I still have not shaken this belief, but when I was little, as long as I remember, I was always afraid that my reflection was not really a reflection, but some "evil twin" in another world who was always looking for the opportunity to snatch me and kill me. I would always be afraid to look in the mirror and be afraid that the other me in the mirror would not be doing what I was doing, and that I would have a heart attack from fear.
I began to believe at some point in mid-childhood that I had been sucked into the mirror in early childhood. The real me was on the otherside and this me was only the reflection. I was sometimes afraid that if I got to close and looked into her eyes that she would be able to switch with me again.
i used to believe mirrors were tunnels to a different universe where people wear shoes on their hands and gloves on their feet
i used to believe that if i touched the mirror without thinking about it, i would be able to get into a perfect world without pain and perfect happiness
i spent a lot of time in front of the mirror trying to get in without thinking about it
Me and my sister used to believe (and hope) that if you hugged in front of the mirror, it would get soft and you could go through it to the Hugga Bunch land.
At one point in time, I believed that on the other side of a mirror was another world. I used to have nightmares about someone from the other side sneaking through, and I also used to believe that if I moved fast enough, that my reflection wouldn't be able to follow me and I could slip through. As I got older, I realized that I would have to travel faster than light to accomplish that.
When I was little I used to think that there was another world on the other side of the mirror. I used to try to catch my reflection not reflecting what I was doing.
Up to age 8, I thought that in mirrors there was a whole different world where there was an exact copy of you and everyone you knew. Well, my grandparents had this huge mirror. I wondered what I was like in "Mirror Land", so one day I started putting notes behind the mirror, between itself and the wall, thinking the "mirror me" would read it. I sat there for hours waiting for "mirror me's" note to come out of thr mirror. At age 12, I still think mirrors are a little creepy.
I used to believe the person in the mirror was from another realm, and if you walked in you would get to meet the other you. I never could get through because i thought the other person had shut the mirror and wouldn't open it for me. So i used to talk to the other me in the mirror but then i broke the mirror because the other me never answered
When i was small i thought that in a mirror evrything was the same only backwards. I spent many hours running into the mirrior trying to get there.
when i was a kid my friend emma told me about mirror world, it was a place where you jumped through you mirror you would travel and come to the most amazing land. gullable me i believed her! and one night when she was at mine she told me this day was the mirror opening day so i ran up to the mirror and tried to dive through it! i ended up feeling stupid for beleiving such a thing and with a bumpy head
I used to believe that there was another person who looked exactly like me on the other side of the mirror, and I'd always try to catch her off guard and see if she was doing something different than me...
When I was little I loved a movie called the hugga-bunch. It was a bout these little doll looking kids that liked to hug. When someone was unhappy they would watch you through your mirror, and come out to try and help you. in order to go to their world you had to hug alot in front of the mirror to make it look like clouds were coming out of it. I always wanted to go there...so I would stand in front of the mirror for hours hugging my stuffed animals..and my hugga-bunch doll trying to make my mirror soft. Needless to say I never got the mirror soft. Looking back thinking about dolls watching you from the other side of the mirror is really creepy!
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