There are monsters living under your bed
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I used to believe that there was a creature (or something) under my bed that would grab my feet so I had to sleep with the blankets pinned tight under my feet and around my whole body so nothing could get me
When I was young, when it was dark, I used to believe there were monsters under my bed so I used to jump on my bed really quick, never hang my legs over the side and never look under the bed because I thought the monsters would grab you aqnd pull you under!
My sister (evil as she was) Always told me that monsters lived under our bed. Every night we would fight over who would turn off the light.Being the youngest. It was usually me...I remember jumping as far as I could to not get close to the bedside...afraid of being grabbed... I am 30 years old and I still can not stand beside a bed in the dark....I still catch myself leaping in....LOL
I used to believe there was a monster under my bed and if i put my hand down the side of my bed he would suck me down. I would always stick my hand down there and pull it back up quickly.
i used to belive that there was monsters and goblins under my bed
I thought (when i was younger ) that unless i covered my whole body with blankets when i was sleeping that the evil "things" (monsters alins what ever)could get you. But if they cant see you thwy cant hurt you can they
I used to believe that if you let your arm or foot dangle off the bed at night that someone (a monster or the devil) would come and grab you at night. To this day, I still have to have my feet and hands on the bed!
I useto think that everytime I got off my bed something was going to grab my leg and pull me under.... So I got into the habbit of jumping off my bed so I would land close to the door, then I could just run right out!
When I was little I used to be scared that monsters would come out from under my bed. It all started after watching the movie, 'Little Monsters'. My mum was surprised I didn't try sawing the legs off all the beds!
I used to believe that there was a herd of monsters under my bed when I was little.
The only way they could get me though was if I let a body part hang over the side of the bed, so every night I'd take a running jump onto my bed, and sleep smack in the middle.
God forbid I had to make a trip to the bathroom at some point, because I would attempt to leap clear across the room to my door, waking up everyone in the house.
I used to believe that if my arm or leg hung over the side of the bed a monster would grab it and drag me under there to another place
When I was younger, I used to believe that if I didn't sleep with all of my limbs concealed by the blanket, a man with an axe would come in the middle of the night and chop them off.
I used to believe that there was a monster under my bed and if I hung my arms and/or legs out of the bed the monster would drag me off the bed and eat me!
I used to run from the door of my bedroom and jump on my bed and then to leave my room I would stand on the bed and jump from the bed to the door because I thought that the monster under the bed would grab my feet and pull me under.
When i was liittle girl, i used to believe, i think that below my bed there was a monster who was going to catch me during the night,
So I did not dare to take my foot off the cover so as not get caught before going to sleep. I always look below the bed to see if it was there and finally there was never anything to catch me and no one was under the bed,
I also think that playing them like in toy story is alive but it's another story,
When I was a child I believed that there was a ghost under my bed. I was so scared that I went to bed early. Every time the bed moved I thought it was the ghost. One day I looked under the bed with great fear and I was very scared because there was a toy that looked like a ghost. I never did it again until I grew up.
I used to believe that there were a monster hiding under my bed so I couldn't sleep in my bed for days
when i was little i was sure that there was a monster with really long hands and claw so when i got in to bed i would run and jump off and when i got off i got off as quickly as i could and ran like heck!
i used to think that at night a monster went under your bed and if you were standing next to the bed he would grab your legs pull you under the bed and eat you so when i needed to get out of bed at night i would jump over my bed and run
When I would go to bed when I was little I thought if I put my hand the side of my bed little monsters would eat my hand.
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