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under my bed

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somehow i got it in my head that, at night, there was an alligator under my bed. i thought if i lept onto the bed from a distance it wouldn't get me. i was afraid to let my arm or leg hang over the edge of the bed for fear the alligator would bite me

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My sister told me that there where alligators under the bed and if I needed to pee in the middle I had to reach over and join hands with her (from the other bed) and together they couldn't get us.

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I used to believe that if I fell asleep with the fan on and the door closed that I would die. However, it was perfectly safe to do one with the other.

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Like many young children, I enjoyed jumping on my bed, espcialy since I was not suppose to do it. One particular time I was jumping, I looked at the opposite end of my bed and saw a "bump" go up when my feet touched my bed. I was a little shocked, so I did it again to see if it would happen again. It did, and I immediatly thought that it was some sort of monster on in my matress that got scared when I jumped on my bed. I even tried to jump on the "monster", but was a little angry when I saw that it moved to the other side of the bed. It was a few years later that I realized it was just my bed going up due to my jumping.

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When I was a kid I believed that people with giant arms lived under my bed and if my feet stuck out of the blankets they would grab my feet and tickle them. I'm now 35 and still refuse to sleep without my feet being completely tucked under the blanket even though I've known for many years now there are no people under my bed.

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I used to think there were people trapped under my bed and they would reach out and grab my ankles and pull me under my bed, if I got to close, and they would try to eat me.

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I didn't ever think i had a monster under my bed. I thought there was a monster under the FLOOR under my bed! it stuck a whith hand up from a flap under my bed (which isnt actually there.) One night my mom made a "monster repelling spray" from water and (i think) spices. I was SOO glad to move to a new room when my little sister was born! (There were also 3 dots of light on the wall every night, which kinda creeped me out)

it was very silly!
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When i was little i thought if i left my toes,hands,feet anything hangin out of my bed that scream on the texas chainsaw massacre of the horror would come and chop my feet off.Even thought i know its not true now im still terrified of leaving my feet out. Yeah also because my cat attacks my feet LOL

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I used to believe that if I didnt hurry and get into my bedsheets at night, there would be a huge scary wolf that would reach out and grab my feet and eat me. How dumb am I ?? haha

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when I was laying on my pillow at night with my eyes open, naturally I would hear little scratching like noises because I would blink and my eyelashes rubbed on the pillow to make a noise. I thought that it was a man on the other side of my pillow writing something.

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I used to believe that if i didnt cover my feet while in bed that someone would come and cut them off while i was sleeping.

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i used to belive that monsters used to sneak from the sewers and slip through the gap under my door to hide under my bed i used to imagine one-eyed dinoragans (half-dinosaur, half-dragon) and lots more and my good mythical animals would know and dive under my bed and either frighthen them or eat them.

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When I was 8, I was convinced the Daleks were going to come out from under my bed and get me!

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You know how when you're younger your parents say goodnight to you and then turn off your light. Well since I never saw them leave the room I was used to believe that my parents slept under my bed and that their room just existated during the day.

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When I was a young man in the mid eighties, my family and I had 1 cable channel, HBO. In the summer of around 1985 I watched the movie "Poltergeist" over and over for over a month. The scene where the young boy in the family is attacked by a stuffed clown doll and pulled under the bed scared me so much that to this day when I turn in for sleep at night I must check under the bed to ensure the clown is not waiting there to pull me under, and I'm 31 now.

Felix - Bronx
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When I was little I saw the Coneheads, and one night I thought that one of them was under my bed....I was TERRIFIED, and even though my mom told me they weren't that stuck with me for a LONG time.

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I used to believe that there was an army of hamsters under my bed, so I would jump from the opposite side of my room to get to my bed so the hamster couldn't shoot me with their little hamster guns.

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there were little firemen under the bed that would chop off your hands & feet if they hung over the bed while you were asleep

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When I was around 4 years old, my father took me to the show to see "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and for years after that I thought there was an octopus living under my bed so I would have to take a flying leap to get in and out of my bed so the octopus wouldn't grab my ankle and pull me in!

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Well, I was a very strange child. For some reason I was terrified of sleeping with my legs uncurled because the Alligators that inexplicably lived at the end of my bed would BITE OFF MY TOES!
Oh, and I had a strange phobia of windshield wipers, screaming uncontrollably whenever they were on. Yeah.. I was weird

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