under my bed
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when i was little i used to believe in bed bugs so every night when my mom would say "dont let the bed bugs bite?" i would get out a shoe from under my bed and hold it just in case until i fell asleep!
top belief!
I saw The Blob too young. I used to think that if I wore red to bed, the blob would come out from under the bed and eat me.
when i was younger i use to watch "chuckie".. and at night when i went to sleep i thought (we had bunk beds) if you slept on the bottom bunk chuckie would come under my bunk when my sister, who was on top, fell asleep and kill me. i would start crying and screaming begging my sister to let me sleep with her ontop but she said no. and started makin fun of me saying that he was going to come out and get me.. this only made me scream louder. *weird*
top belief!
i used to beleive that every night when i went to bed there were two mice that would come out and draw a diagram of my body. This was there science project and it took them two years to complete.
When I was younger, I used to believe that if I was in by bed with the covers on, no robbers or monsters could get me. Even today I'll turn off my light and run quickly to the bed and slide under the covers.
I used to believe that if i stuck my head out of the quilts, the shadow creatures would pull me out and tear me up into little peices.
i use to belive that a man lived under my bed a night "the shadow man" and was scared to get out of bed although he was ment to protect me i was really scared!!!
i used to have this fear if, when i was sleeping and any part of my body hung over the bed, then killer ants would attack me.
When I was younger my older brother told me that weasels lived under my bed and if I ever let go of my pillow They would get me. So for about a year I carried around a pillow everywhere I went. Silly huh?
I used to always think a werewolf came out of my bed at midnight if I wasn't asleep, unless I didn't move at all; then he wouldn't notice me. I pissed in my pants many times because of this, when I had to go to the bathroom very late at night but was scared of the werewolf.
when i was young,if ever I woke up at night,i did not dare to move as I thought that there were monsters around my bed waiting to jump on me at the slightest noise I make.so i used to wait for a farway vehicle to pass by to attract their attentions so that i could move a bit in my bed!
I used to believe that if any part of my body hung out of my bed that a shark would bite it! To this day (now 29 years old) I still have the covers over my head and can't bare to have any part of my body hanging over the bed, just incase!
Every night under my bed i would allways think there was a buggy man gonna come up and grab me by my feet so every night i would keep my feet in under the blankets and i would curl up so nothing at all could get to my feet. So a cupple years lator i was still scared of the buggy man so my dad went and got me a bed that has drawers at the bottom and theres no way the buggy man could ever get to me.
When I was a kid I used to believe my Blanket was undestroyable and I would be safe of any threat just as long as I was fully covered by it!
I was a true believer in monsters under the bed, but since I handn't been eaten yet, I figured I had good monsters under my bed. I also heard strange noises at night from my parent's room (my dad snoring) so I figured there were evil monsters under their bed, but they were too afraid of my dad to eat them. I remember every night, whispering to the "monsters" under my bed and asking them to please tell the monsters under my parent's bed not to eat them.
When I was little, I used to beleive that the evil little boy from "Pet Semetary" was under my bed. Before sleeping, I would always pile blankets over my ankle. That way he wouldn'tr be able to slice my achilles tendon, like he did to the old man.
I used to believe when i was little that if i didnt keep my feet covered up when in bed that a guy would come and chop them off in the middle of the night. I spent many of summers sleeping with sweaty feet!!
I used to belive that the minute the lights were turned off in my bedroom, slimy, slithering, snake-like things came out from under my bed and layed on the floor! I was terrified to get out of bed untill my mom turned on the light! To this day I'm still afraid of snakes. But for a different reason............
I belived for the longest time that under my bed there were aligators and crocidiles and so i would jump from across the room onto my bed so they woudlent eat my feet
Keep your arms and legs on the bed at night because if they go over the side the scorpions under the bed will sting you. This is still true today, you have been warned.
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