under my bed
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i used to think that when u went to bed the boogie man eat your feet
I thought there were two men underneath my bed and they could only get me when the light was off, so I had to turn the light on every time I stepped into my bedroom.
I used to think that the boogie man lived under my bed and so I jumped to my bed from as far away as possible and thought if he caught me I would be forced to silently and motionlessly sit in a circle with other kids that had been caught.
used to believe that when i got out of bed and i put my foot on the ground that something would reach out from under the bed and grab my leg!
the boogie-man would come and take me under my bed and take me into his fortress and eat me
When I was young (29 now), I remember being scared to death of the "thing/monster" under my bed. If I had to pee in the middle of the night I was literally petrified to step foot on the floor for fear it would grab me. If I really had to go to the bathroom, I would climb on as much furniture as possible to get to the doorway. If I had to touch the floor, I ran like hell. Never seemed to bother me going back to bed though...lol
I used to run and jump onto my bed from a distance b/c I thought something was gonna grab my legs if I didn't. Then I would cover my whole body except my head with the blankets and tuck them under me so even if there was something under there it couldn't grab my bare skin. I'm 23 now, and I don't jump to the bed, but I still have to cover up from the waist down at all times while I'm sleeping b/c it kinda freaks me out to leave poking out.
When i was 4, i used to think that there were poisonis snakes under my bed.I would try to go to sleep, but i thought about it, and i ran and yelled my mom for help. To this day, im still scared of beds with space underneath it!! And im 12!
I used to think there was a tarantula underneath my bed at night, and if I stood next to my bed for too long, it would grab me underneath the bed and eat me. When I was going to bed, I always used to jump straight onto my bed.
From about 2 1/2 up to my teens even, I used to believe so strongly that ther were alligators under my bed and dogs at the foot of my bed. I would run and jump from the doorway of my room to the bed. Forget about getting up at night to go to the bathroom!!!! I would lay there and get myself all worked up into a sweat, my heart racing, and I swear I could here the alligators rustling under my bed.
when i was about 5 yrs. old and my bro was like 20, i would ask him before we go to bed why there was hot air comming out from under my bed and he would tell me not to move or i could fall into the pitts of hell or wake the demons..but i soon figured out it was just my vent and he is a dickface
I used to believe that when you sleep at night, monsters came out from under your bed when you fart. Thats what they eat when they are hungry. yes i am a computer geek that lives w. mi mommy :)
I used to tuck the sheets in under every possible side of the mattress... out of the fear that something would bite at my arms/legs... usually spiders, but sometimes crabs with big claws.
I still feel uncomfortable to this day when my leg is hanging over the edge of the bed
In the early 70's, in my early teens, our school presented a series of black and white movies, presumably created in the early-to-mid 60s against the use of drugs. In one scene there was a guy who was coaxed by another group of guys to go "party" with them. The group injected something into the guy who said no and struggled to get away. After that, he was a full-blown junkie, selling everything he owned, desperate for his next fix, and looking like a ghoul. After that, every night I thought these guys would be under my bed and inject drugs into me and turn me into a junkie. Again, the same fetal position, bunch the blankets over my entire body, nothing touching the floor, no appendages hanging over the edge. They were THERE!
when i was 5, i stayed up way past my bedtime because i was hyper. it was about 9 pm, and i was almost asleep when i heard two or three big thumps outside my room. that night my mom had told me not to let the bed bugs bite. i thought that the thumps were a giant bed bug! i believed it too, until my mom told me otherwise... when i was 8.
when i was little, i thought that in the middle of the night, if any part of your body was outside of the covers, a man with an axe would come and chop that part off! i was so scared, so i tried to stay awake, but i fell asleep anyway.
I dont remember the name of the movie but it had a clown doll in it and it pulled a kid under the bed.....creeped me out so bad..it still feels like he is down there....waiting
I used to believe that an an alligator lived under the bed I shared with my sister. It wasn't just any alligator but THE alligator that the dad flushed down the toilet in that 80's tv movie. To this day, if I wake up with any part of my body hanging over the edge of the bed, I feel a quick second of panic and I shudder. My sister had sworn this to be the truth when she told me this when she was about 9 and I was about 6.
top belief!
As a child I'd go to sleep cuddled in a ball because I thought there were Lions and Tigers and Bears at the end of my bed, waiting to eat my feet. I grew up in South Africa, so it seemed a possible situation. One night I woke up at about 3am SCREAMING. My parents ran in to see what was wrong and I told them the Lions were trying to get me. It turned out to be our 4 new kittens who were playing under my covers!!
When I was little, we got Zombies Ate My Neighbors for our awesome high-tech Sega Genesis. That game scared the crap out of me. But I played it anyway. Every time I played it I had nightmares. I believed that those zombies from the game really lived underneath my bed, and if I touched the floor when the light was off, they would reach out and grab me, but they couldn't touch me if the light was on. Of course, my bed was across the room from my lightswitch. I had to flip the switch, sprint and leap across the room before the zombies noticed the light was off. It took me eight or nine years to realize they didn't exist... but to this day that game creeps me out.
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