under my bed
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I watched "Are you afriad of the dark?" when i was about 6 or so and there was an episode about the sand man stealing children by grabbing their legs and pulling them under the bed... after that i refused to just step into and out of my bed at night... i had to jump from or land 2-3 feet away from my bed... otherwise he just might grab me.
There wasn't a monster under my bed. There was a little girl. I'd leap off and onto my bed so she couldn't grab me and eat me. Before I went to bed I talked to her and snuck her a cookie. Needless to say when we got our bunk bed and I sat behind my mother as they moved my old bed, she was mortified when she saw about a hundred old cookies laying in a clump. I still slept on the top bunk, knowing the little girl was still waiting, and whenever I got off the ladder I'd leap into the middle of my room.
I belived when i was asleep there where whroolpools on my carpet then whene i woke up thay would suck me in.
When my sis and I shared a room, we had bunk beds. I always refused to sleep on the bottom because I was convinced there were alligators living under there. It didn't help that my brother had a stuffed alligator, and would sometimes put it under there just to scare me.
i used to think that if i stood barefoot near my bed long enough at night the boogy man would reach my foot and pull me under...i made up that he was like allergic to clothes and stuff so i would always wear socks or slippers....the stupidest thing is i started beiliving in him after that disney movie dn't look under the bed...i didn't even know wat a boogey man was before that movie lol
My sister and I used to believe that a wolf and our dog lived under our beds. We thought then when we went to sleep, they would come out to duel, the wolf trying to eat us, and our dog defending us. We would sometimes cry ourselves to sleep out of worry for our dog.
Like many other kids, I used to think that there was a monster under my bed. Once, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this HUGE lump under the covers. I ran like hell out of my room. When I went back in (with the lights on), I saw my cat climbing off my bed. I decided that there really was no monster under the bed, it had been the cat all along.
when i was little like 3 or 4, i unlike other kids, was scared to turn my back to the rest of the room for fear that these things, i dotn know what they looked like, but i imagined little signs that dignifed their purpose, toe eater, finger eater, arm eater, leg eater, nose eater and so forth for every body part....and if i turned away from the wall they would pop their little signs up and then eat my body part they were made to....i once was convinced i saw the "hair eater" and said to my beloved stuffed animal 'oliver' SICK EM! and i plopped him right in the middle of my bed hoping hed protect me....
When I was younger, bedtime was hard. You know how when you lsometimes first lay down and you can kind of hear your own pulse/heart beat in your pillow?¿ I used to think it was a little man in my pillow cutting a small circle just below my ear with a tiny saw so he could crawl inside my ear.... I'll admit I slept alot with my hand between the pillow and my ear!!!
i go to my grand parents every summer and 1 summer i was hanging my hand off the bed and my grandma said that her granma said to her that if you hang your hand off the bed a witch under there will grab you hand and put in a hot pot thing.
So now i never hang my hand over the bed any more.
I used to believe that if I didn't tuck in my feet into the blanket when I was sleeping, a monster under my bed would grab my foot and suck me underneath. There would be a dark lair under there and the monster would make me their new leader of darkness. Then the monster would leave and go out into the world while I was stuck under the bed. I still really haven't grown out of it; I still tuck in my feet. :P
This was when i slept with my mother instead of my own bed, and my little sister would always join us...Well, i had a phobia of sleeping on the outside of the bed which was closest to the door. So i'd make sure every night i'd sleep in the corner of fear that a monster or beast would appear and gobble the first his closest victim...So sadly, i was allowing my mother and little sister to be eaten before myself...I was a messed up child, what am i talking about, i still am.
When I was lying in bed I got scared of my own heartbeat bc i thought soldiers were tracking me down to kill me. Sadly sometimes I still do and I'm 14.
I use to believe that If I could completely cover every inch of my body with the blanket at bedtime that it would create a magical force field that would keep monsters out. I would spend about 10 minutes a night trying to tuck in any little holes in my force field and then I was scared to move an inch lest I create a monster hole. Man it got hot in there.
I used to believe there was a witch under my bed that came out when I slept and tried to cut my feet and legs off with an axe. So I started to sleep with my legs curles uo (fetal position) and if I ever stretched my legs out I'd quickly go back into the fetal position once more. Haha... Talk about a Morbid imagination!
I always make sure my feet aren't outside the bedsheet and covered with my blanket when I go to sleep cause wayyy back then I happened to watch my first horror movie, the kids got pulled out of their bed by the ghost who hid under their bed cause it caught their feet were outside the cover. I'm still scare till now. but I never did believed in ghosts.
I used to believe that my blanket is a sheild for monster. If a part of your body is sticking out, they would grab it.
I used to believe if you looked under your bed the fuzzy green eyeball monster would take your eyes out and replace them with cottonballs then lock you up for life in a miniature car.
I think you shouldn't look down there.
When i was little, when i went to bed i always jumped onto it so that evil little elves with canes wouldnt catch me... They would stick out the canes and make it grab onto my leg and take me under the bed. I did that every night until I forgot it. It was really creepy.
When I still slept in my crib, there was this big, purple box underneath. I was convinced that there was an alligator inside of it. I figured out how to get out of my crib by jamming the gate down but I couldn't get it back up. So it would jump out of my crib, run out of the room and give a quick glance at the box just before closing the door. Then I proceeded downstairs to my parents.
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