under my bed
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top belief!
I used to believe that there was a group of monsters who met under the bed that I slept in at my grandmother's house. There was a vampire, a witch, an octopus, and several unidentifiable creatures, and there meetings always seemed to be when I was visiting. I thought they could see through the mattress, sheets, and my pajamas, and my mother had told me not to let anyone see me naked, so I would always wrap up in layers and layers of covers, even when it was hot.
I was a pretty smart child and realized, of course, that lions were too big to fit under my bed. Because of this, I used to believe that alligators and crocodiles were under my bed at night.
It's not technically under my bed but when I was 4 or 5 we lived in a guest house. I was always listening to my parents conversations, and they always seemed to be talking about the 'punters'. I believed the punters were evil people with a leader called Captain Hook who stole little children from their beds in the night. I stayed really still when I heard my heartbeat when I was in bed because I believed it was the punters climbing up a ladder to my window to kidnap me!
I used to believe that there were two men who lived under my bed who wanted to kidnap me. I thought they would only come to get me when I walked near my bed, or had my shirt over my eyes(taking on or off a t-shirt). As a result, I always ran and jumped onto my bed from as far away as I could get, and changed very quickly.
I used to think that there was a monster with a knife under my bed and if I ever slept on my back he would pop up and hurt me with his knife. I don't know how I ever thought up of that.
i was just little when my mum told me if i got out of bed at night the spiders under the bed would come and eat my face even now i check under the bed to make sure there is nothing there
I had a very vivid imagination as a child. I used to see things.
Every night I would see giant crabs running around on my floor. I was terrified of them. So I would trhow down little wads of tissue that would turn into little people who would fight with the crabs to protect me. I actually would see these tissues move all over the room. Sometimes my tissue people would be grabbed by a crab and carried away under the dresser to whatever fate lied in store for them. Other tissue people would try to save the their friend. Sometimes I would throw down some more little tissue people for reinforcements. I was terrified for my feet to touch the floor or anything to hang over the bed because the crabs would get me. Eventually the tissue people became the characters from Gilligans Island and the crabs were rampant on the beach(my floor).
I did get over the whole crab thing, but not until the common "vampire" scare many kids have. The difference is that in the dark, I actually saw my tormentor. A beautiful younish girl who would stand at my window facing away from me until I stared at her, then she would turn around and show me her huge fangs. I would cover myself completely except for a tiny hole to breath from. I think I preferred the crabs...
When I tried to go to sleep, my eyelashes would rub against my pillows and make a slight scratching noise. I thought it was a small ant army going after me on my pillow. o.O
When I was younger I had my bed against the wall (at the side of the bed) with the rest of my room to the other side.
Being scared of the dark at the time, I used to sleep facing the wall just incase I woke up in the night and would be confronted by some 'thing' in the other side of my room...this became a slight habbit and still face the same wall when I sleep.
when i was little i saw this cartoon about these evil weasels and thought they were real and lived under my bed and if i got up during the night they would bite me
i believe in the boogie man and jason x and freddy krugar and all that scary stuff i get scared when ever i hear a noise @ 12 o clock at night under my bed and my door always opens
i always slept on the top bunk of our bunkbed when i wuz little, so i used to believe that there were little goblins underneath the bed. so i always hurried up the ladder as fast as i could and hurried under the covers before they could grab my feet and pull me under.
When I was about 4 or 5, I thought that little trolls lived inside my pillow. I even imagined that I could here them marching around in there (the marching noise I heard turned out to be the beating of my heart in my ear). I imagined them making intricate tunnels among the cotton, and carrying shovels over there shoulders. I knew they couldn't get me unless I put my hands under the pillow. Then they would bite the skin off my hand and I would wake up with two skeleton hands lying under the pillow.
When i was little my bedroom was the one right at the end of the hall way, i belived that a shark (yes a shark) lived underneath my bed and so i would go to the other end of the hallway, get a run-up, and run and jump onto my bed at night because i believed that if i didnt then when i was standing at my bed the shark would eat my feet.
When I was about six I never wanted to flush the toilet because I believed that a giant octupus would grab me and suck me down. I also believed that one lived under my bed at night so I would never touch the rug at night I had to stand on a piece of clothing or a stuffed animal if I needed to get up.
I used to believe that if your legs and arms stuck out of the duvet monsters would come to eat them. I also used to believe if you didnt keep your eyes shut tightly you would be taken away by Wee little Willy (An english rhyme) and put in cages where the elephants ruled.
top belief!
I convinced my little brother that Michael Jackson is under his bed. Now, the poor kid freaks out if he even sees Michael on TV. Well, Michael Jackson IS pretty creepy!
After watching the orginal movie The Blob. I used to to go sleep curled in a ball in the middle of the bed so that when the Blob came I would have an equal chance to get away no matter which side of the bed it came from.
Like most children, I believed that there was a monster under the bed. However, my monster was a bit more specific: he was called the "Toe Monster," because my daddy had told me that if if stuck my toes under the edge of the bed, the monster would eat them off. Pretty boring I guess, as far as monsters go.
Between the ages of 6 and 13 I used to beleive that when the lights were switched off at night, all the nooks and crannies (little spaces) had lots and lots of pairs of evil looking eyes and I used to hide under the covers because I thought the eyes would get me. I also used to think that at the same time if i looked under my bed when it was dark that there was one hugh pair of eyes staring at me and waiting to grab me
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