under my bed
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this isn't really under the bed so much as beside it. when i was younger my bed was pushed against one wall and until I was about 5 i was too afraid to sleep facing the wall because i thought a little tiny train conductor lived in the crack between my bed and the wall and that he would come get me and take me somewhere bad in his train. haha i still rmeeber teh first night i slept facing the wall and realized no conductor lived there...
this one isn't what i believed but what i got my cousin and sister to believe
we had just watched that movie about monsters under the bed called Little Monsters and we went to bed after that. so i was sitting on my bed and we were talking about the movie and all the sudden i threw myself on the floor and made it seem like someone sucked my under my bed! i started screaming and yelling until they pulled my out lol they were scared of under beds for a long time after that!
I used to think an aligator lived under my bed and if my hands or feet hung down, it would nibble on them.
I used to believe that if you didn't go to sleep before the "tooth fairy" came that she would put a spell on you so that your teeth would fall out, and i also had a belief that my feet would need to be covered in bed so that the monsters under my bed couldn't eat them .. lol I still wake up and put my covers over them so the memory still stick =)
I had a friend who told me that there was an evil monster under his bed that would eat me if I touched the floor. After promising that it would follow me home should I ever tell anyone about it, he proceeded to "fall" on his floor and yelled "IT'S GOT ME!!!" Needless to say, I ran downstairs screaming and told my dad right away. For months afterward, I was scared to walk on my bedroom floor, especially at night.
I used to sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed when I was about 5 or 6. After seeing the "children’s" film ET I convinced myself that he was on the bottom bunk and if I ever looked down he would be there staring back.
It scared the crap out of me and never watched the film for years, which made it worse cos I couldn't remember what he looked like, so I imagined him as this really scary monster. I finally plucked up the courage to watch the film when I was 16!
I’m still not that keen on him!
I used to believe that the Boogey Man lived under my bed and would chop of any part of my body that hung over the side of the bed at night. I always made sure everything, toes, fingertips and hair, were safely ON the bed before I went to sleep.
I used to believe that there was a poop monster under my bed and whenever I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth I thought that the monster poop in my mouth when I was sleeping.
When I was really young I believed that Snuffleuphagus (from Sesame Street) lived under my bed. He was benevolent and kept me safe from marauding monsters.
Unfortunately when I was 5 we moved to Australia and 'Snuffy' didn't come with us.
when i was little, i was convinced that a big mean biker dude lived under the right side of my bed and watched me and kracked his knuckles when i slept. i never slept on my right side had a fear that if i woke up, this big mean smelly biker dude would see me,throw me on the back of his Harley-davidson and take me away. i'm 15,and in a new room from my childhood one, but i still have a habit of sleeping on my left side. yeah, i'm weird.
i used to believe jaws lived under my bed.
When i was about 5 my ceiling fan made a squeeking sound and i used to think it was the mice squeeking and playing under my bed!!!lol
I used to belive that E.T. lived under my bed. (You know, from the movie.) For as long as I had that bed, I couldn't sleep on the side that I saw him on.
When I was about 6 I used to beilieve that when I went to bed if I had any part of my body (apart from my head) out of the duvet, they would be taken off during the night! Lost a lot of sleep over that!
When I was little I used to believe that crocodiles lived underneath my bed. I used to have re-occuring dreams of being pulled out of my bed and not being able to get up off the floor and so just lay waiting for the crocodiles to get me! I always used to jump onto my bed from about a metre away just in case!
I used to believe that the monsters in the dark couldn't get me only if I had one teddy bear on each side of me.
when i was little i used to believe the boogie man would come up from under my bed and eat me
when i was younger i used to believe that if i was scared while lseeping i could hide under my blanket and the monsters couldnt see me...but eventually i would get really hot and forget what i was scared of in the first place
when i was little i thought there were snakes circling around my bed at night and they would eat me if i got out of bed. i also thought that they would eat my feet if they were hanging off of the bed.
When I was little I used to help my mom change the sheets on my bed and every time I'd see that little tag on the end of it. One night I got curious as to what was on it so I pulled the sheets up and read it. Among other things it read: DO NOT REMOVE. Upon further investigation I found that both my parents' and my brothers' mattresses said the same thing. Therefore, for some odd reason, I concluded that if you ever removed those tags some kind of government people (I don't know, the FBI or maybe IRS) would come and arrest you. I believed this for many years.
Come to find out, me and my dad were talking the other day about my new mattresses when he told me one of his childhood beliefs... I was amazed to hear my own beleif about the mattress tag be repeated by father, as his own when he was that age! Wierd family paranoia I guess, haha!
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