under my bed
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When I was a kid, I slept with my fists balled up because I thought if I didn't, E.T. would eat my fingers.
My cousin used to believe that the boogey man would come out of his bed and eat his head and then he thought Count Spankula came and spanked him when he was 5.
I used to believe that mice and monsters lived under my bed and would come out when I was sleeping and hurt me.
i used to believe that there was a hand (like the one from the adams family) living under my bed.i always got my dad to check under my bed before i slept and i never let my feet out from under the duvet incase it bit me and tried to pull me under the bed!
I used to believe that there was a little troll with a jingle bell on his hat that lived in the walls of my bedroom. I thought he had little doors all over my room, and when I turned my lights off at night it would climb up my headboard and kill me. As you can imagine, I never went to sleep without 1 or 2 nightlights on.
But if I heard what sounded like a jingle bell, I would scream and hide under my covers till morning. Boy, was I stupid!
i used to think that if i didn't sleep with all of my body under the covers that a robber or something would chop them off if they were hanging out...scary!!!
Other kids beleived there were monsters under their bed, I beleived there was a pyscho killer. I'd take running jumps to my bed and jumped to the door out of bed. I'd always leave my door open in case the killer decided to come out so I could make a quick escape. I'd never hang any body partout of my bed so the killer wouldn't stick his knife through it. I wonder what happened to that killer...
I used to believe in the invincibility of my blanket, that if I was completely coevered by the blanket and the ends tucked under me, that nothing, not burglars or the monsters under the bed, could hurt me.
When I was younger I used to think that if I sat on the edge of the bed for too long, something would grab my legs, drag me under the bed and take me into another world, actually I still think that, not sure why, as I Know that it's just not possible, must be all the fear in me from when I was younger, I'm almost 30 by the way!!!
I used to believe that my duvet cover was monster-proof and for some reason, monsters couldn't eat the top half of my head. So I was perfectly safe with my nose poking out over the top.
I'd jump off my bed a good 3 feet to the floor out of reach of anything under there. Y'know, just in case. I think I got over it when I started storing books under there -- you can't be scared of a place when you know what's down there.
After watching "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" when I was about six, I climbed up to the top bunk of the bed and had a dream that a skeleton's hands crawled out from underneath my bed. Obviously, the episode I watched including a skeleton grabbing a little boy by the leg and trying to drag him underneath the bed. Needless to say for the longest time I would carefully climb onto the dresser and jump off to avoid being anywhere NEAR the floor under my bed.
When I was little I couldn't let my back face the room in bed because I thought that the skeletons underneath my bed would poke my bottom with needles. Even at 14 I can't sleep with my back facing the room (not for that reason)
i used too believe(and still do) that if i have my hand and foot hanging of the bead a scary man would grab me from under the bed and drag me under i am now 14 and still am scared to hang over the bed
I use to cover my head at night because I thought monsters would give me a bad hair cut while I was sleeping!
I have 2 older sisters and when i was young, i used to be able to hear them walking aroung outside my door. I used to think they were aliens (i blame the movie Mars Attack for that!) and whenever they went past i would pretend to be dead so they wouldn't zap me with their death ray.
Some nights my mum would come in to put away my clothes or something like that(when she thought i was asleep) and i would hold my breath for around 2 mins so the alien couldn't hear me.
One night i let out my breath with a long "paaaaaaah" sound and she came over to look at me. I screamed and ran out the door.
Up to when I was about 10 years old, I was afraid to fall asleep because I thought that the man with the yellow hat from Curious George would kidnap me.
when i was little, i used to think that if i didn't run to my bed, imaginay sharks would come and eat me.
top belief!
I used to believe that the No Clothes Monster lived under my bed (he looked sort of like Gollum from Lord of the Rings). If I ever stood completely naked in my room, he would get me. So when I changed my underwear I was very careful to keep one leg in the old pair until I got a new pair on. I probably did this until I was twelve or so.
I used to be terrified that when i was asleep someone would come and sew my duvet to the mattress and i would be trapped forever.......
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