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under my bed

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When I was about seven, I believed that a ghost would come and steal me in the night. I spent a couples of years only being able to sleep if I was gripping the edge of the mattress.

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i was (and still am; well, sort of :)) terribly scared of mummies, so guess who were hiding under my bed at night!

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When I was about five a started sleeping on the top of my old bunk bed. I used to pad out the bottom bed with pillows and curl up inside my quilt on the top, this way I thought if anyone broke in they would check the bottom bed cause it was closer to the floor then give up! To this day I still curl up completely inside my quilt.

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When I was young, I believed that if I didn't keep my arms under the covers, someone would cut them off!

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I used to believe that green scaly goblins with long hairless arms lived under my bed, and would reach out to grab me if I got too close. I would run and jump into bed at night. One morning I was making my bed, and my cat reached out from under the bed and grabbed my ankle with both her paws, and I almost teleported I ran away so fast.

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My sister once wanted help cleaning under her bed. She told me to do it, but I refused. She told me the easter bunny came early and left my brother's things under the bed. So to find my present, i had to dig everything under the bed out. She did that to me every month.

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I believed that a platypus lived under my bed. Well, maybe I didn't actually believe it, but it might have been possible, and one can't be too careful about such things, can one? Anyway, it could climb up if I let the bedclothes touch the floor, so I made sure everything was tucked in. A male platypus has poison "spurs", so it's good to make sure one can't get into your bed.

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I used to believe that alligators lived under my bed and the only way I could avoid getting my toes bitten off was to get a running start from across the room, leap into the air and into my bed before the alligators knew I was there. I believed somehow they didn't know how to crawl up into the bed with me

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One time as a child I had a high fever and was dilerious. My brother Bruce thought it wopuld be funny to get under my bed and slowly pull the covers off of me. I thought there was a witch under my bed that would get you if your skin was exposed. It freaked me out so bad that even now as an adult I have to have at least a sheet covering me.

Sleeping Under Cover
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I used to think that The Hamburgler lived under my bed, and would come out and tickle me if I made a noise. I'd lay in bed, trying not to breathe too loudly so I could hear his "Robble! Robble!" before the eminant attack.

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Visits to my grandfather's house always included leaving Oreo cookies for the trolls that lived underneath his bed and would only come out at night...There was always excitement when we discovered that the Oreos had been eaten. One evening, I camped out on his floor with a flashlight for what seemed like hours, just trying to catch a glimpse of one of the trolls. I was sure that I could befriend them, if only we could meet.

kelly from kansas
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I used to believe that a gang of monsters lived underneath my bed; and while they were very small, they had the ability to stretch their arms long enough to grab me if I should happen to hang a limb over the side of the bed. Most of the time I envisioned them under there passing the time by playing cards...just waiting for an opportune moment. If I slept with stuffed animals or dolls on either side of me, then they would produce an invisible barrier so that the monsters couldn't get me, but I was obssessive about making sure I was in the VERY CENTER of the bed, because my animals could not protect me should I happen to hang a limb over the side of my bed.

kelly from kansas
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When I was a little kid, I would say under ten years old I kept having a dream that there was a door under my bed that lead to some scarry places. So when I wasn't sleeping I was scarred to look under my bed because of that litle door that contains scary things.

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When I was very young, I used to think that the strange shapes in my bedroom at night were bees and other nasty insects coming to get me.

Fraser Allonby
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When I named all the bedposts on my bed "prettygoons" and covered them with socks or toys every night before going to sleep to keep them from coming to life and menacing me.

Michael Hall
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I used to think that a lady werewolf was under my bed when I was six well into my 6th grade. To this day I still can't sleep with any limbs hanging over the sides, even knowing better.

I thought it was because I remembered a scene in a movie called "Werewolf of London" where a woman discovers blood under her bed and a werewolf hand snatches at her and she wakes up. Someone was trying to make her believe she was a werewolf. No such scene exists in that movie, though. And I still haven't found out if that scene was actually in a film or not.

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When I was very young I believed that a family of witches lived underneath my bed. I imagined that when one of my feet was on the floor, the witches could open their refrigerator and see that foot inside. I always got into and out of bed quickly to avoid having my feet eaten.

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I used to believe that the Slestak (from the TV show "Land of the Lost") lived under my bed, and if I didn't sleep with my hands and feet under the blankets, they would cut them off and replace them with the weird crab-like claws they had.

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For some unknown reason to me I used to think that a terrible lobster lived at the bottom of my bed, and that if I put my feet all the way down to the end it would pinch off my toes.

I was scared to grow taller for fear that in my sleep I would put my feet all the way down by mistake.

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I used to believe there was a giant snapping turtle under my bed and if my foot got over the edge of the bed, even a little bit, it would bite my foot.

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