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under my bed

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Whenever I went to sleep (I had long hair) I was always afraid to have my hair hang at the back or side of the bed and that It would get cut off. So I never let my hair hang anywhere..I was soo scared.

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To this day(Im Now 15)i still can't go to sleep without curling up the end of the bed covers and hiding my feet in there because i've always beleived that there is a toe-eating monster under my bed that will eat my toes if they were not covered.! And when i feel the cold on my toes i think its the monster getting ready to eat them!!(My friends get real annoyed when i sleep over at theirs or they sleep over at mine!! Hehehe I Cant Help The Though!)

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i belived one time that there was a spider under my bed, after i heard something rummaging through the papers. i ran from my bed, put my favourite teams football jersey on, and went back to bed in the thought that if im going to die, it best be in my teams colors.

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I shared a bunk bed with my younger brother (who slept in the top bunk) and thought that gorillas had come into our room at night to get us. I would not make a sound when I woke in the middle of the night because I knew that they had already 'gotten' my brother and they were on the top bunk and under the bottom bunk, just waiting for me to get out of bed and go to the bathroom... so that they could get me too. I peed the bed more than once over that one!

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I thought that there'd be a man or some kind of skeleton under the bed that took his arms around the bed from underneath and would grab me. So I tried to stay away from the edges of the bed. :)

Another thing I was afraid of was skeletons climbing on the house on the outside. And when I was stairing at the window and closed my eyes for a few seconds then they would climb past the window. I just didn't want to see them. ;)

the guy that was afraid of skeletons
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I used to belive that King Kong lived under my bed, i would go into my room, and quickly jump on to my bed so that he wouldn't grab my legs.

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I used to believe that an ugly witch lived under my bed, but she could only come out if it was dark AND i was out of bed. Needless to say, turning off the bedroom light at the switch by the door took a great effort of planning and execution. It involved a quick flick of the switch followed by an immense leap onto the bed (generally followed by the angry cry of an isate parent disturbed by the noise of a not-so-small person landing on the bed). I would lie awake in the dark thinking of the grasping talons of the witches bony fingers reaching out greedily from under my bed.

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I didn't have any fears of things hiding under the bed, until my next door neighbour (a few years older than me) told me that she had things called 'Mutton Jeffs' hiding under her bed, that would 'get you' if you even stepped on the floor, even in daytime. Whenever I went over to play at her house we had to jump from her bedroom doorway onto the bed, and stay there - using the furniture to climb around the room. She even showed me a mutilated doll - that she said the Mutton Jeffs had eaten. Then one day she said they had come to my house - they were under my bed, and my parents bed. I remember dreaming about them - they were invisible but had vivid green eyes that glowed in the dark, and I remember them chewing at my fingers, but thy were all numb, so it didn't hurt much (I guess I had slept on my arm and it had 'gone to sleep', so I was actually getting pins and needles), but ever since then I used to have recurring dreams about what they were doing, and found out that they couldn't get me if I sat on the magic carpet (a big rug in my parents room) which would rise into the air if they tried to get near me. Luckily, we moved house, so they couldn't come after me any more.

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As a child I was afraid of the dark and had a night light in my room. I couldn't sleep without it although its dim light probably gave the room a creepier look. I was sure there were monsters lurking under my bed and behind every nook and cranny but.. the trick was to hide completely under the bed covers, not even a finger showing, because the rule was that if you're completely covered the monsters couldn't get you! I have no idea where I got that rule or why I thought that the bed covers were such adequate protection..

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There was a Close-and-Play production of the House of Usher. It was quite frightening to us wee ones. When Madaline crawled from the grave and burst into the room she yelled, "Uhhhh" we ran from the room.
From that time on we called that monster the Uhh. Because I was the oldest, she lived under my bed at night. Eventually my brother and I killed the Uhh with a bomb. There was a toy called time bomb. It was basically a timer shaped like a bomb. You tossed it back and forth and if you had it when it went off, you lost. We wound up the bomb for three minutes, rolled it under my bed at midnight and ran for cover. Convinced she was dead, we slept soundly ever since.

John & David
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As A Child: I used to believe demons would bite your feet off if you dangled them over either side of your bed while you were sleeping at night (or trying to sleep!)

Kira Pangburn
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I used to believe that in the middle of the night a monster that looked like a red hand with a pair of scissors came and 'trimmed' off the blankets that would come untucked from the bed so I had to sleep in the very middle and not get close to the edges- even tho I was tempted to slip my feet into that cool part over the side where it was tucked in. I was well into my thirties before I 'defied' that old fear and made myself purposely sleep with my feet hanging over the side(I don't tuck the sheets and blankets anymore). But I still sometimes feel uncomfortable and will draw back to the center.

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I, too, used to believe the things in my room (both in the closet and under the bed--mainly skeletons, 'cuz I was terrified of skeletons) would attack me in the dark. I had to cover every bit of me and I couldn't sleep on my back because I didn't want to see the terrors coming to get me!

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When in bed,I used to believe that if I put my feet to the bottom of the covers that BIG crabs would pinch my feet!

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top belief!

When I was 12 or 13, I began imagining that huge spiders were coming to get me as soon as I closed my eyes to go to sleep at night. I was old enough to know that this was silly, but the image was disturbing enough to keep me awake. So I developed an equally silly defense mechanism: As soon as I closed my eyes, I would pretend to enclose myself in a box, building the box wall by wall. I would think, “side, side, side, side, top, bottom,” and presto!

But soon, this wasn’t enough. After all, the big spiders were right there just on the other side of the wall! So I would repeat the process over and over, building up layer after layer of boxes.

This became such a long, drawn out process that I soon figured out a more efficient way. I would build just one box, but each wall would magically expand outwards infinitely (in the process making a little “pshooo” sound, like if you pretended to fire a missile). So I would think, “side (pshooo), side (pshooo), side (pshooo), side (pshooo), top (pshooo), bottom (pshooo).” If you don’t think “pshooo,” it’s just a regular wall after all.

But it quickly occurred to me that there were chinks in the armor at all the edges, and don’t forget the corners! So, the nightly ritual became “side, side, side, side, top, bottom, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, edge, corner, corner, corner, corner, corner, corner, corner, corner,” each step accompanied by a little “pshooo,” and with my closed eyes scanning around to indicate which edges and corners I was covering. With that, I was finally able to fall asleep in perfect peace.

I think the spiders vanished from my thoughts within a few months, but I performed the 26-“pshooo” ritual every night almost until college.

dave (spider-free since ’83)
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I used to believe that there were goblins under my bed. I told my best mate and now every night befor she goes to bed she checks her bed and looks in the wardrobe no matter what!

rachel hastings
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As a child I was convinced that there were red indians living under my bed. I really don't know where the idea came from - too many cowboy films perhaps! I could not stand near the bed in case they grabbed me so I had to take a running jump on to my bed and getting out of bed was almost impossible.

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I thought there was a monster that I think was called baggy bones and he would steal your bones out of your body if you let your legs or arms hang off the bed. He stole them because his bones were missing and he needed some.

I also had dreams where a demon would be floating above me and I'd wake up so terrified that it was really there that I wouldn't be able to open my eyes for what seemed like eternity, but was probably 15 minutes or so.

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top belief!

When I was 4 or 5 years old, I always thought that there was a guy wearing a bandana who lived behind the curtain next to my bed and he would get out in my sleep and tickle me to death. Sometimes I even found him in my dreams.

Fahad a.k.a. $noopy
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I used to believe that there were 6 fat witches living uinder my bed. i was so afraid at night that i would jump from my door to my bed in fear that if i walked to close to the bed at night the witches would pull me under the bed and savagely attack me.

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