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under my bed

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I thought as a kid that zombies were just blue people with raggedy clothes, long nails, and messy black hair. So when I'd be in bed laying down (at the point where your head bobs back and forth when you're tired) I thought the bobbing was my bed actually moving. So what I imagined was that Skeletons and Zombies would pick up my bed and carry it around the world while i slept. But, If I woke up that they would drop the bed and I would be back in my room. So I would pretend like i was asleep so they would still carry me. I wasn't afraid of zombies or skeletons as a kid so it was sort of fun to imagine. When my grandma would ask me how I slept every Saturday morning, I would tell her China and England were nice lol. She could never figure out what I was talking about and died never knowing.

Texas Guy
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When I was younger I believed that there was a lion under the foot of my bed and if i stretched my feet out all the way it would attack my feet. I still sleep curled up.

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My brother told me that a man was under my bed who would come out and get me if i got up in the middle of the night. I have never forgiven my brother for the stories he told me. He also told me potatoes were bread, but thats a compltely different story...

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When I was little I read a scary story about a monster under the bed. I was convinced that the monster was real, so I still have residual habits. Such as hurrying across the room when I turn off the light, and trying to spend as little time as possible next to the bed in the dark. Also I sleep in the very middle of the bed. When I reread the story recently, I realized how utterly ridiculous it was, but that didn't change any of my habits.

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As a little kid,I was told that if I sleep with my leg stretched out,the wicked which who lives under my bed would reach out and grab my leg n pull me down.
The witch who lived under the tub would do the same if I bathed for too long.

To this day,I sleep curled up in bed n take short showers. I'm 25 now. Yes, I swear!

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when i was younger,
i believed that at night, the yip-yip aliens from sesame street and scraggly hobos looked at me through my window that hung over my bed, something terrible lived behind my ceiling tall dollhouse, and numerous things ready to grab my legs lived under my bed.
But when i ran to my parents bed for protection i was sure they had turned into crazy zombie/escaped convicts. So i would stay at the edge of there bed petrified with fear.

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I used to be afraid that E.T. was under my bed!

Mandie B.
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I called the monsters under my bed "burglars" and it was a group of five men who were dressed in all black like ninjas. They only showed up at night, had to stay under the bed but could reach thier arms out to grab me if I walked by or dangled a leg or arm off. I also had to run and jump past my bed if I ever had to get up at night.
How I got over this fear? I stuffed so much stuff under my bed so that they couldn't possibly fit under there anymore.

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Ever read Roald Dahl's "Dirty Beasts"? As a kid I was terrified of Sting-a-Ling, the scorpion that hid in your bed and then stung you on the bum. I would lie there rigid waiting for the sting...!

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I used to believe Hitler lived under my bed! lol

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I used to believe that there were spiders under my bed and if i went too close to my bed they would attack my feet. So i always did a run-up-and-jump onto my bed, its pretty funny when u think about it.

Dana ^_^
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I once beleived that in bed at night (I was afraid of the dark) there was a glass sheild over your bed to protect you from all the scary monsters/ghosts. I also believed that there really WAS a monster under my bed, and any body parts that went over the edge of the bed would be eaten by the monster.

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when i was little i heard that man in one night ate like 8 spiders, and i couldnt sleepo for weeks cuz i didnt want to eat the spiders...

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i used to believe that if i didnt fall asleep before midnight the wolf i thought that lived under my bed would come out and eat me.

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I used to believe that there were popcorn balls under my bed because I thought that they were the same thing as moth balls. So one night, I crawled under my bed and got out the box of them and crawled out. I was about to put one in my mouth when my mom came in and took them away.

Edwardac Cullen
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I had a horrible fear of vomit when I was little (sadly, 20 years later, I still do) and I HATED sleeping on the top bunk because I was afraid there was going to be burritos filled with vomit sitting on the rungs of the ladder, and if for whatever reason I had to get down before morning, I was going to have to dodge them with my feet.

Don't ask me where I came up with that as a kid, but I just knew the vomit burritos were waiting for me. I didn't even dare to look!

Scary Dream
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When I was little I used to go on an adventure every morning by sliding down my bed underneath the covers and getting out at the foot rather than the side. So many times I felt mortal fear as I thought the bed would keep going and going and suck me up forever.

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when i was little i watched movie chuckie (the killer doll) and i strongly beleived wheni went to bed and my feet were hanging off the bed he would come and chop them off so i couldnt run away. so i used to never let any body part hang off my bed.

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i used to believe that there was evil little people under my bed and everytime i would get out they would shoot at my feet with little canons, or tie me down and take me away, so every time i got u i`d stand on my bed and jump as far as i could and run out of my room

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I don't think this is very unusual cause I know lots of other people used to do this but I used to believe that there was a monster under my bed that would grab my feet when I got on and off the bed... so I used to run and jump onto my bed and then when I had to get off I'd make sure to leap far away from the bed.

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