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under my bed

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I was a disturbing child sometimes, i was cmpletely conviced a man was under my bed wit a HUGE knife and if I lied on my back he would stick it through my matress and, well... ya know, stab me... my bed was up against a wall so i would sleep on my side right up against the wall so his knife would be more likely to miss me...

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My stuffed animals would often fall of of my bed, and roll beneath. I'd always retrieve my stuffed animals in the morning because I believe that, if I didn't, they'd come out later and seek revenge...

[_[ I still don't like to leave stuffed animals beneath my bed...

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i saw this documentry about a lady who was scared of getting in her bed because when she was little her brother grabbed her ankle as she walked past her bed.
im still scared to look under my bed.

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I used to believe that there was some sort of monster living under my bed and that he would go out only at night. I used to throw lots of pillows under my bed so it would stay there and its big purple hand would not come out to pick me. This lasted until I was 20 years old!!!!!!

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a giant spider lived under my bed and when my grandmother was asleep he would creep up to the foot of our bed. i could see his eyes watching me and he was going to reach out and touch me on the foot. i could not scream or move. finally i could move a little finger. then i was able to move, but the fear would go away..

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When i was about 4 or 5 i had watched the movie "Peter Pan" for the first time ever. I was very scared of the alligator in that movie. and i had nightmares that it would eat me instead of captainhook....after having that dream for the 2nd time i started believing that the alligator lived under my bed and that when i would go 2 get on my bed i had to jump to keep the alligator from grabbing one of my legs. I also thought that when the lights were off he could get me even easier so i never slept with my arms hanging off the side of my bed and would sleep right next to the wall. I beleivedthisfor about 3 years & i finally figured out that ther were no alligators under my bed.

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When I was younger, I used to think there was an alligator under my bed, but was nocturnal. I was a messy kid, and my bedroom was always cluttered.. so there was plenty of junk under there. If I ever needed anything and couldn't find it, I made sure to look under my bed during the DAY- a sunshiny day- or the alligator might think it's night and wake up and eat me. Also like any other kid with some sort of monster under the bed- I made sure to keep all limbs from hanging off the edge of the bed... or else I'd wake up the next morning without it.

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when i was little, like 6 or 7 i used to watch the show Are You Afraid of the Dark and i remember one time there was an episode where a kid was standing right near his bed and he got dragged under into a new scary world, so i would always get a running start to jump onto my bed from afar. and i would be sure not to sleep with either my arms or legs hanging off the edge so the monster couldnt reach up and grab them.

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When I was about 4 yrs old I thought that if I was to hang my arms or legs off the edge of the bed when I slept, an aligator would bit them off.

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When I was seven, I used to think that, if I ran from the door which was next to my light switch and jumped on top of my bed as quickly as possible, then the monsters that lived under the bed wouldn't be able to get me. I had to make sure I ran fast as soon as I turned off the light because the monsters would only come out if it was dark. So I could be sure that running fast + jumping on bed = beating the dark and thwarting any dumb ol' monsters!

Diana Granger-Taylor
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I used to think that my bed had wierd polar bear type monsters underneath so when I went to bed I would try to hear them plotting wierd schemes on me now I am 11 and under my bed is filled with junk... no polar bears.

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I used to be terrified of the crocodiles that i thought lived under my bed in the dark - I used to hate it if I had to get up in the night in case they managed to bite my feet off!

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I used to pile every stuffed toy I could fit, under my covers when I was little. If I couldn't fit them under the covers, then I would find blankets or even kleenex if thats all i had, and cover them so they were safe from whatever monsters there were. I had this HUGE mound of them at the foot of my bed so that I could not hardly fit in the bed myself.

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I used to think there was a goblin under my bed that would get me if I came to close, so I had to jump onto my bed without getting to close. It was fun.

I also used to think that there was a vampire under my bed. I had an active imagination (and still do), so I thought he would make his teeth grow, like in the old movies, and they would go though the entire bed and go through my arm and kill me.

I was a weird kid.

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When I was a kid I used to believe that I had to the count of 10 to turn off the light and make it to my bed to get under the covers or a monster from under the bed would get me. Of course it was MY ten-count and I always made it!

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I used to believe that I had elves and pixies living under my bed, and that they would only come out at night and that they would only talk to me. I was absolutely convinced and thought that the reason that I couldn't actually remember talking to them the next morning was that they must have brainwashed me (kind of Men In Black-style) so that I couldn't tell anyone about them.

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When i was little i used to think there was a warewolf living under my bed and that if i came within reach, it would grab me and pull me under the bed and down into a hole in the floor to his creepy underground cave. So at bedtime i would stand at the door and cling onto the door frame, shimmy my way up and jump from there onto my bed. Even when my parents came out to check for monsters under there, i always just believed they were plotting with the warewolf and tried to trick me into walking close to the bed. Thankfully, i was too clever to believe them.

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I used to believe that if I allowed a foot or arm to dangle over the edge of my bed that "something" would grab it and drag me under.

TL Henry
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I used to believe that if u didnt tuck ur bedding under ur feet adn around ur body really tight a crocodile would come and bite of ur toes

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When I was 5 my sister told me that there were evil potatoes under my bed, and that they would pull me down there and turn me into a potatoe with their shrink rays. So I was so scared of being turned into a potatoe that every night I curled into a ball and slept in the middle of my bed.

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