i used to believe

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under my bed

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when i was little i used to think that if i didnt sleep with my socks and shoes on a monster would come in my room and eat my feet.

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I believed that an alligator lived underneath my bed and that if I let my legs or arms dangle, it would bite them off. I also would check each morning to make sure the carpet hadn't turned into the ocean with sharks circling me.

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When i was little to make me stay in my bed my mom told me that if my feet are off the bed that scary dead people would grab them, so i would stay in my bed, but i would also run and jump into my bed so they couldnt grab them..and to this day i still dont just "walk" to my bed when it's dark..

Jennifer B
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I believed that the monster under my bed had a sharp sword that he would run around the edge of my mattress in hopes of lopping off any body part that I might let dangle over while I was sleeping. To get into bed, I would run from the doorway and leap on, just in case the sword was out already.

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I always make sure my feet aren't outside the bedsheet and covered with my blanket when I go to sleep cause wayyy back then I happened to watch my first horror movie, the kids got pulled out of their bed by the ghost who hid under their bed cause it caught their feet were outside the cover. I'm still scare till now. but I never did believed in ghosts.

trang n
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Like many other kids, I used to think that there was a monster under my bed. Once, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this HUGE lump under the covers. I ran like hell out of my room. When I went back in (with the lights on), I saw my cat climbing off my bed. I decided that there really was no monster under the bed, it had been the cat all along.

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I belived when i was asleep there where whroolpools on my carpet then whene i woke up thay would suck me in.

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One of my favorite movies of all time has been The Little Mermaid. Well, when i was about 7, i believed that Ursula lived under my bed when it was dark and when it was light, she went into a hole underground. So i thought that her tentacles would grab me if i got out of bed too slow, resulting in my jumping off the bed, landing ten feet away and booking it to the door :)

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when I was little, I used to believe people were under my bed and would kill me ! They caught my foot and were going to pull me ! I have believed this since I saw a horror movie. I am still afraid.

chloé 401
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i used to think something would grab me from under the bed so i would get a running start and fly onto the bed grab the blanket and then hide my head but then i would think well if i just stick my head under the bed really quick and scream in a monster voice really loud that i would scare it before it could get me cause i was kind of curious what it was under my bed and what it looked like

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when i was little i used to believe in bed bugs so every night when my mom would say "dont let the bed bugs bite?" i would get out a shoe from under my bed and hold it just in case until i fell asleep!

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that wolves lived in the foot on the floor beside my bed

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My room as a kid had a space between the foot of my bed and the wall about a foot wide. I used to think that the Boogey-Monster lived in there and that if I slept with my legs out it would come up and bite off my toes. So, to avoid the perils of the Boogey-Monster, I used to sleep completely curled up at the head of the bed. I still remember the relief the day I finally stretched out (I was scared, but I survived!)

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from when i was about 6 to when i was about 10 or so i used to believe that there was a scary monster with a grean leafy hand living under my bed and at night when i had to go to the bathroom i would be terrified that when i got up the had would reach out and grab my ankle and pull me under. So i usually would hold it or if i really really had to go i would stand up on the edge of my bed and jump as far as i could away from my bed and make a mad dash for the bathroom.

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I used to believe that I had elves and pixies living under my bed, and that they would only come out at night and that they would only talk to me. I was absolutely convinced and thought that the reason that I couldn't actually remember talking to them the next morning was that they must have brainwashed me (kind of Men In Black-style) so that I couldn't tell anyone about them.

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I used to be terrified of the crocodiles that i thought lived under my bed in the dark - I used to hate it if I had to get up in the night in case they managed to bite my feet off!

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When I was seven, I used to think that, if I ran from the door which was next to my light switch and jumped on top of my bed as quickly as possible, then the monsters that lived under the bed wouldn't be able to get me. I had to make sure I ran fast as soon as I turned off the light because the monsters would only come out if it was dark. So I could be sure that running fast + jumping on bed = beating the dark and thwarting any dumb ol' monsters!

Diana Granger-Taylor
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When i was younger i used to believe there was a gremlin that lived under my bed and if i hung my feet over the edge in the morning he would grab me and pull me under the bed and turn me into a gremlin. I also used to believe that if i left my feet uncovered in bed the gremlin would tickle them befoe cutting my toes off while i was asleep... i still have the habit of tucking the duvet over and under my feet to make sure they are 'protected'

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I saw a Pippi Longstocking movie as a small child, a few days later I woke up with a big THUD I thought that Pippi had been under my bed and had picked it up and then dropped it. I guess I just rooled over and got some air time, (unless I was levitating ;) )

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i used to believe that under my bed there was a witch who wanted to catch my feet to pull me in her world.

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