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picking my nose

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When I was little I used to pick bogies out of my nose then shove them back In!!
Because my brother told me if you picked your nose your brains would fall out!
I believed him till I was 6yrs old.

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When I was little I used to believe people on the TV screen could see you from the other side. That's why I always waited for commercial without people in them to pick my nose.

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American girl. Dolls are real im for real you should watch the american girl doll video american girl dolls can walk,talk at night a a
And sing of course.

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This may not be a belief, and yet at the same time almost a third of this site seems to be devoted to bad parenting, so this fits well.
To this day, I have a tendency to pick my nose and eat the boogers. I've learnt to do it in secret now, because my parents were complete jerks about it. Yes, my own parents would always tease me about it.
They would ask me questions like "are you digging for gold in there, or diamonds?" They also said other things, but I forget what they were. I never actually believed there were precious minerals in my nose, but they did hurt my feelings.

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Picking your nose and eating it. Hey! Tastes like chicken and only half the calories

Henry the Seventh
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When i was little my grampa told me that if you pick your nose for more then three hours a day it would all go down in to your belly and the acid in your belly would not be be able to take and you would soon blow up in to a bunch of little pieces.

selena gomez
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When I was younger I used to believe that everytime I picked my nose, my nostiles would get bigger, I stopped very quickly fearing they would be like golf balls.

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I sometimes used to have tonsil stones up until I got my tonsils out when I was 12. But I never knew what they were until a couple years ago (I'm 37 now); I had never even heard the term before, nor did I know they came from my tonsils (the doctor never even mentioned it)! Anyway, it embarrasses me to admit this, but up until age 8 or so I used to pick my nose and eat it (gross, I know -- I cringe when I think about it now). It was around the same time that I started getting tonsil stones, and up until I learned what they were and where they come from, I thought they were boogers that I had previously swallowed but somehow lodged in my esophagus and didn't make it all the way down to my stomach! I don't remember if it helped scare me into not eating my boogers, but my tonsil stones continued long after I had stopped that disgusting habit, and I never told anybody about it because I was embarrassed!

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I sed to believe that if I picked my nose, it would grow as big as a potato. That's what my grandmother used to tell me!

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My brother used to tell me if I picked my nose I would become more stupid because bogey were brain cells

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I used to believe, if you picked your nose and ate your boogey, your head would cave in!! I even told my kids this when they were toddlers, stopped them doing it, like me!!!

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When I was younger, we used to travel to the States to go on vacation. My parents told me that I wasn't allowed to pick my nose or the police would take me away and I would have to go back to Canada!! Wow!!

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My Uncle told me when I was little that there was a snail that lived in your nose and if you picked your boogers it would it bite them OFF!! I've used this one myself on all the little ones in our family that came after me!

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I believed if you picked your nose then rubbed your eye you'd get some horrible illness

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When I was younger my dad told me buggers were actually bugs that flew up your nose. Only recently did I learn this wasn't true.

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I used to believe that boogers were a part of my brain. I was told that if the brains were removed from my head I would lose brain cells, thus losing intelligence. In order to avoid being stupid I ate my boogers to keep them "in the system."

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my babysitter told me to stop digging for gold. I beleived that I could really find gold and started hiding all my boogers and waiting for them to change to gold.

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my brother used to pick his nose when he was little. one time my dad caught him and told him that he shouldn't do it because he could scratch his brain.
i've never seen him pick his nose again.

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My dad lost half of his ring finger a couple of days before I was born so I never knew him with it. All my siblings and I always had our fingers in our noses so he would tell us that he was picking his nose one day when he was little, in the car and his mother hit a bump and half his finger got stuck up there. We didn't stop picking, we just stopped picking in front of him but my younger brother believed it long enough to pass it on to other kids his age.

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My mother told me that if I picked my nose my nostrils would expand and become extremely wide. I had an uncle who had an unpleasantly big nose and wide nostrils so my mom would say that my nose would be just like his because he picked his nose when he was a kid. I used to believe this until I was a teenager!

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