If you pick your nose your brain will fall out or cave in
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: If you pick your nose your brain will fall out or cave in.When I was little I was used to picking my nose but one day my mom told me that every time I pick my nose I'm touching my brain and I always believed that if I put a pencil in my nose I could touch my brain.
when i waz little i thought that if you stuck yerr finger up yerr nose high enough i could take my brain out. yet no matter how hard i tried i could never reach it! hahah.
I used to believe that when you picked your nose, the booger was a piece of you brain and eventually you would pick our your entire brain and die.
My Mum used to tell me that if I picked my nose, it would cave in. I have a memory of waking up one day and my nose was full of dried mucus. I obviously had a cold with a blocked nose but I believed my Mum's prophercy had come true. I never picked it again (until I was older.)
when my aunt Sandy saw me picking my nose she told me that if i did it all the time eventually i would reach my eye and then my brain and then my finger would get stuck and when if i tried to get it out my eyeball would fall out and my brain would fall out through my nose in one long strand like spaghetti i didn't believe it, it sounded too ridiculous.
I was told when i was little, that if i picked my nose,
i would be picking my brain and it would fall out my nose.
When I was young, I used to believe that if I picked my nose, my head would cave in !
when i was little my mum used to tell me if i picked my nose too much my brain would fall out!!! think it did
I used to believe that if I picked continued to pick my nose, my head would eventualy cave in. I was curious so I continued. I still half believe. Indeed, I'm typing this with one hand.
i was always told if i picked my nose my brain would fall out! i belived it for years!
top belief!
When my sister was about 6 or 7 (i was 15) i told her that if she kept picking her nose her brain would fall out. Well, she didn't believe me but a few days later i heard her screaming she ran to me with a bloddy nose and told me her brain was falling out!! she never picked her nose again :)
My dad told me that if I picked my nose my brain would fall out!
Teachers used to say 'If you pick your nose your head will cave in'!!!
when my sister was little she used to pick her nose. my mom told her one day that if she kept picking her nose her head was going to cave in. ever sense then she hasnt picked her nose once out of fear that her head would cave in.
If you picked your nose your head would cave in... Thank dad!
When I was little my mum told me that if you picked your nose too much that your head would cave in (as if snot helps the head keep its shape!!) so I used to imagine that all these people who picked their noses too much would be walking around with a perfect head, but instead of having a nose that points out, that their noses would point in!!
I heard a mother in the street tell her young son not to pick his nose...because his head would cave in.
ever since i can remember my mum has always told me that if i pick my nose my brains will fall out
i used to believe that if i picked my nose my head would cave in cos my mam used to say to me "dont pick ur nose or ur head will cave in" !!
I used to think tht if you picked your nose too much, your head would cave in!
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