picking my nose
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When I was little I used to pick my nose. My dad caught me once and told me that he'd 'swop a black one for a green one', meaning swop his with mine. I never picked my nose again!
My grandparents always told me that if I picked my nose too much, my nose would get bigger.
I used to believe that if I picked my nose too much, my "black gold" supply would run out and I would become "filthy unrich", anyway, that was a belief my Aunt inserted into me!
top belief!
I used to pick my nose when I was really little. One day my dad told me that everytime I picked my nose, what I was realy getting out, the "boogers", were bits of my brain, and the more brain I took out the dumber I would get. This scared me enough to quit cold turkey!
top belief!
My mom used to tell me several times not to eat my boogers. Well I never listened up until one day she told me "you know you're boogers aren't really yours? Its reindeer snot." Even til now I get squeemish when I see a kid eat their boogers because I can just imagine someone sticking a finger up a deer's nose then into their own mouth.
I believe that if I don't pick my nose it
will clog and I will no longer be able
to breathe
top belief!
when i was little, i picked my nose, and my parents told me that there was a little boy who stuck his finger all the way up his nose and it never came out!!! from that day on, i was terrified to pick my nose, and never did it again!!
When I was little I would only pick my nose (which I knew I shouldn’t be doing) when I was around my brother. It didn’t matter when it was around him because for some reason I thought that he couldn’t see me doing it--like I had some kind of nose-picking-blinding-force-field around me that only affected him.
My mum told me that if you picked your nose and flicked it on the floor then it would turn into a monster!
I was told that if I picked my nose I was picking my brains and if I kept picking I wouldnt have any brain left.
When I was little I used to think that Boogers Were accually Little people. But when You touched them They shriveled up and turned greem, and the only Way to make them alive agian was to Eat them. Boy was I a Dunce.
ok i thought that since i picked my nose when i was little.... i thought there was a little doll in my nose and she would come around and "re-stock" my nose every night with a minni wheelbarrow when i was sleeping and when i sneezed i was afraid she was in there and than she would be lost forever!
When I was little, my mom told me not to pick my nose. A friend told me that the little green things were aliens, and if I didnt pick them out, they would get into my brain and invade. My mom told me that they were nice aleins, and instead of picking them out I should be nice and use a tissue and just blow them out.
one of my friends told me that if i picked my nose then they would turn into worms and eat my insides.
needless to say i stoped
This is my two year old grand daughter's belief.
She was sticking her fingers up her nose one day, so I told her it was not a nice thing to do. She just looked at me for a second then said "There's spiders up there.
top belief!
When my sister was little my mom told her that there was a mouse that lived in her nose called a booger mouse and that it ate her boogers. She told her that if she picked her nose then the booger mouse wouldn't have anything to eat so he would start eating a hole through her nose. That put an end to the nose picking for awhile.
My husband used to believe that he had two stomachs. One was for food, and the other was for the boogers he ate!
top belief!
I used to believe that if I picked my nose in front of the TV, the people on TV could see me doing it. So, I went behind the couch where they couldn't see me do my business!
top belief!
My aunt once told me, upon catching me with my finger in my nose, that if I kept it up, my nostrils would get bigger and bigger from my finger stretching them out. Instead of quitting my bad habit, I would squeeze my nostrils together after picking, hoping that it would work.
After hearing that "On top of spagetti!" song, i always thought that if i picked my nose, and threw the booger on the ground, it would grow a booger tree.
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