picking my nose
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My Gran told me that if I picked my nose, IŽd get brain cancer. Traumatised? Yes I was!
My mom told me that picking the nose can enlarge my nosetril..
she's right!
I'll keep picking my nose and sometimes put tissue in it..
nowaday everybody's always talk about my big nosetril..hikss
top belief!
When I was young, I used to believe that in my nose were tiny purple machines that created boogers, and the boogers came down on conveyor belts and sat in my nose waiting to get picked
My uncle used to work in a sawing factory and had lost the top half of his index finger in an accident. So, When I was little I used to pick my nose, and my dad would tell me that my Uncle Danny used to pick his nose until the evil snails that live in our nostrils (you know, those ones) bit off his finger. I never picked again. Until I was about 13 when I figured it out. Now I pick freely.
top belief!
My mum told me that when you pick your nose your nostrils will enlarge and look "unsightly and un-ladylike". I must have been about four back then. Now I'm closeto thirty, with a university degree in medical sciences, and I am still a little suspicious of people with big nostrils (including my husband)!
my mother once told me if you pick your nose and eat it you will have snakes in your stomache
I used to believe that if you didnt get the boogers out they would fall back into the throat and u would choke
There used to be some joke page on the internet that claimed to know everything about you if you put your finger on the screen in a certain spot. So, I did it and it said, "You pick your nose!" Well, I was only a little girl, and I really did pick my nose, so I thought it really was psychic. I also believed that if I picked my nose once, I would forever be marked as a nose picker.
I used to believe if you picked your nose, your brains would fall out your nose.
when I was a kid my neighbor told me if I picked my nose I would poke out my eye. I believe him.
When I was 3 or 4 I used to eat my boogers(gross i know, but I was young so SHUT UP!) and my mom's friend said if I ate them my veins will pop out of my skin and I believed her of course.
My dad told my brother that if he picked his nose, a little man that lives inside will grab your finger and never let go so your finger would be stuck.
My oldest sister (who is about 18 years older than myself) would visit a lot when I was a kid and told me the there was an evil snail with HUGE teeth up my nose that would eat my finger off if I picked it. I believe that until I was about 10 years old!
My late granda only had half a ring finger on his left hand. I once asked how he'd lost his finger. Granda told me that it happened cos he picked nose so much, so it would happen to me someday.
So, Christmas 2005, my granda's funeral. My brother and I are sitting side by side in the front row, when I stick my finger up my nose. The minister was talking about the accident when my granda lost half his finger (car jack colllapsed) and I remembered what he'd said to me that day. I could hardly hold myself together, neither could my brother when I told him.
top belief!
When i was young, my parents told me that boogers were part of your brain, so to stop me from picking my nose. Logically, i thought that if i ate them, they would just go back into my brain, and no harm done. needless to say, i never wanted to blow my nose, because then that part of my brain would be lost forever!
When I was little I used to pick my nose and put my finger in my mouth and then repeat.(Sort of like eating a booger,but more like licking it) This was a bad habit for me,but I really wanted to stop becuase I used to think a huge booger ball was slowly forming in my stomach and that eventually it would kill me.
My Grandfather worked in an abitoir for more than 40 years and has 4 fingers and 1 thumb missing from the knuckle to show for it. When I was younger he would tell us that he lost his fingers by picking his nose, one day they had got stuck and just come off!
I never really believed him, after all how could someone with an average sized nose have 4 fingers and a thumb stuck up there! However, it didnt stop me from suggesting to my son who had started sticking his fingers up his nose to ask Grandpoppy how he lost his fingers :P
My grandma told me that I was eating my boogers I was eating my brain.
When I was young a cyst grew on my face. I was told that it was probably because I picked my nose and rubbed it on my face. I had the cyst removed in the 5th grade, but I'm still in therapy now.
My Grandma told me that boogers were part of your brain. I believed her...
I never picked my nose.
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