top belief!
I thought second-hand smoke was bought off eBay
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I thought that secondhand smoke was when a homeless person picked a cigarette butt up off the ground and relit it.
When I was 5 and an adult I knew would get drunk or smoke, my Mom showed me a video to make sure I wouldn't do it when I was older, and the video showed that this weird black stuff accumulated in the lungs of someone who smokes. I thought it was a sludge monster, and that it was going to come alive out of the vial they had it in and eat her, and I thought alcohol was some kind of special drink that made you happy, but if you were greedy and wanted to much happiness, it would make you sleep so that you wouldn't be happy at all.
Safe to say I was a weird kid
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I used to believed that smoking would make me a cowboy.
I thought cocaine and marijuana were the same thing.
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When I was younger I thought secondhand smoking was when you couldn't afford your own cigarettes so you bummed them off of someone else...
Whenever I saw somebody smoking I just assumed that they were eating a Lollypop.
I used to believe it was necessary to blow to smoke a cigarett.
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I used to believe that people who resolved to quit smoking "cold turkey" as a New Year's resolution chose the timing because of all the cold turkey left over from Christmas.
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You know how cigarettes come with health warnings on the box? Well, one of the warnings used to be "Cigarettes cause impotence", and since I was a kid and didn't know what "impotence" was, I assumed they just made a spelling mistake and meant to write "Cigarettes cause importance". I thought it meant that if you smoke cigarettes, it would make you more important. Which I thought weird, since being important is a good thing.
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I used to believe I could stop pollution if I stomped on every cigarette that people threw on the pavement while still lit.
I only ever saw men smoke, so I thought that only men smoked.
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I used to believe that quitting something 'cold turkey' meant that you ate cold turkey instead of smoking or doing whatever else they're trying to quit. I figured that since cold turkey doesn't sound that delicious, they must be so distracted by how annoying cold turkey tastes that they forget about their addiction.
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My sister thought that smoking (a cigarette not the other stuff) was against the law. We were watching film and this policeman lights up a cigarette and she goes, "ooooh he's smoking and he's a cop!"
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I always thought that second hand smoke was someone smoking with both hands until i learned about drug abuse in fifth grade...
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When I was little I thought people smoked cigerates to keep warm.
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When I was little, all the grownups smoked. My uncle told me that when the cigarrette burned down to the filter, it would explode. I hung around waiting for this to happen, but it never did.
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When i was little every single adult in the family smoked (and still do) and then when my mummy said to me that she can't quit, i thought you HAD to smoke to live.
My little brother still believes that when you smoke, you blow OUT of the cigarette. He is 8.
top belief!
No one in my household smoked when I was little, but when my aunts and uncles would come over at Christmas, they would smoke in the house. I thought that they ate the cigarette because they were putting it up to their mouths and it got shorter and shorter. I guess I never considered the smoke they blew out!!!
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