i used to believe

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My grandmother had these really ugly lamps that were sculpted busts and I used to think that if I looked at them long enough, they would throw up cherries and watermelon all over the room and I would get yelled at for vomiting.

To this day, I still get creeped out if someone has to throw up, because I still think my grandmother is going to yell at me.

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Whenever I got sick, I thought that God had put a curse on me for misbehaving, so I have always tried to be on my best behaviour thinking that this will prevent me from falling ill. But no matter how hard I tried to behave correctly, I still kept in becoming sick occasionally.

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I knew I NEVER wanted the doctor to use the blood pressure cuff on me. I was SURE it contained rows of sharp, tiny needles on the other side. Why ELSE would it be used for BLOOD?

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when i threw up for the first time i thought oatmeal was coming out my mouth so i ate it. i then ran into my parents room and said '' mommy oatmeal keeps coming out of my mouth'' ! she then told i was throwing up.

wacko zacho
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My parents always told me my white blood cells were little army men inside of me fighting off the germs. I thought they were literally tiny plastic army men in my viens, but wondered why they didnt hurt when they poked me (the plastic toys were kinda pointy)

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In 1st grade, my friend convince me that chicken pox was when you get chicken meat spots in your face. She also added, you can pick the pox off and eat it. Hahaha gross.

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When my sister hurt her right leg she hopped... wait for it... on her RIGHT leg ... so she wouldn't hurt the left leg and not be able to get around at all. She also somehow got a limp when she jammed her thumb in the door

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When i was very young I got sick and started hallucinating, I would ask my mum what's that? (pointing to my hallucinations). She tried to explain that she couldn't see them too but I couldn't comprehend that so she would just say random things like, 'lamp post' or 'cat'. Funnily enough as soon as she said something that is what my hallucination would morph into.

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When I was six or seven years old, I woke up one morning screaming for my mum because I was covered in red spots (chicken pox). I swore off chicken for months because I believed it was the chicken I had eaten the night before which had caused it.

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Once, when I was about 8, I twisted a nerve and it made my left arm feel really weird and kind of numb. I remembered from science class that if your heart stops, the first thing to go numb will be your left arm. I completely freaked out and made my mom take me to the doctors immediatly! When we got there, the doctor told me I was not dying, that I just twisted a nerve and it would repair itself. And here I thought I was having a heart attack!

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whenever i got a stomach ache as a kid, i always pictured a mouse with blue overalls on pushing a wooden play block out of a shadow and into light. this mouse was in my stomach, of course, causing the ache.

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There were two double doors when my food went down and when i got sick, they were rusty and it'd be harder to get the food through so it would hurt.

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In my tummy there was a little factory with stick people and when the food went down it'd land on a conveyer belt and the little men would sample it. If the food was bad the man who tried it would get those little ex-ex on his eyes and faint. Then a red light would go off and everyone'd panic until everything was in order again. It was during this time that I'd have a stomach ache.

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When i was small i use to think that if anyone cut you and you bled and couldn't make it stop, then you would bleed to death until your body turned flat... i later realized human beings had bones and they would never turn flat even if they were to bleed to death.

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When I was about 7 my sister's friend told me that, when you were sick, if your temperature got to 105 you would die. I remember lying on my mom's bed getting my temperature taken, terrified that I would have 105. I found out my answer one time when I had pneumonia and my mom took my temperature in the middle of the night. She let out a huge gasp after she took the thermometer out of my tushy, and when she collected herself she reassured me that I wasn't "going to die."

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When my son's preschool teacher called and told me I'd have to come and get him because he had diarrhea, he thought that meant he was going to die!
Poor kid.

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when i was little my mom used to get a ton of migrains and my older brother always told me to leave the room because when you get a migrain this little guy in your head pushes on your eyeballs and they pop out of your head!

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At my grandma's, my cousin had fallen asleep on the couch and drooled on a cushion. I woke her up and asked her what it was, thinking that she had been sick and didn't realise it.

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I thought that when you vomited, you had to do it into a container and fill it up right to the top. Then someone would take it away and test it for diseases or bad food, whatever the cause of the sickness was. I thought throwing up was a really big deal, and was alarmed that when I got sick from the flu I vomited in the toilet that my mum just flushed it away before it could be tested.

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When I was about 4 or 5, we went on holiday with a family we were friends with. Later on in the holiday, my mum informed me I had Athlete's Foot. I misheard her and thought she had said "Ashley's Foot", and therefore went up to the dad of the other family, who was called Ashley or Ash, and announced to him "Would you like your foot back now?" I could see he was extremely confused by this.

Christie, but with Ashley's foot
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