being ill
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I used to believe that "shrinks" literally shrunk your brain.
My mom told me that she had to go to Reno for her appendectomy and I thought that was because it was the only place they did that surgery. I believed this for YEARS until she finally told me that she was in Reno because they were on vacation.
When I was little I figured since people got sick from being around people with an illness then I should be able to get to feeling good again if I started hanging around people who wern't sick, when I was.
I know it's silly, but as a child, I misunderstood what people said concerning Heart Attacks.
It sounded to me as if they were saying "Hard Attacks"
as though it were some great difficulty, and not involving the heart, at all.
Strange, but I was a child.
When I was about 4 and 5 I thought you got chicken pox by getting pecked by a chicken.One day my brother bit me and the next day I got chicken pox ,then I ran up to my mom and yelled "MOM JAKES A CHICKEN DOES THAT MEAN DADDYS A CHICKEN AHHH!"
I had a fear of vomiting, so my mom told me that I couldn't throw up unless I had a fever. I spent many days taking my temperature (the only five year old on the block that knew how to read a thermometer) to make sure I was "OK". Then, as a freshman in college, someone laughed at me and I realized the truth...
Since people feel their pulses to count their heartbeats, i would use this fact as a way to test if i was still alive. so one day i couldnt find my pulse, and i thought i was dying and ran to my mom crying asking her to give all my toys to my best freind.
One time I was in gym class (I was in 1st grade) running around the school. Then I got a nose bleed. I suddenly stopped. I thought that a mini-beehive had grown in my nose and all the bees were gathering "nectar" in the inside of my nose, because that's what it felt like to me. Then I thought you could only get a nose bleed if you hit your nose on something because everyone was asking me if I hit my nose on something. I also used to believe I was a vampire, and when any of my friends were bleeding like on their arm or something I would suck on the wound. Then I thought blood was made of metal because that's what it tasted like.
top belief!
When I was little I thought that EVERYBODY's mom took their temperature in their tush. It was only when I started watching TV - the Brady Bunch and the like -- did I realize that some people got their temperature taken in their mouth.
When I was around 12, I became very ill. At the peak of a fever dream, I truly believed that my blanket and my sheets were waging a war over me like I was valuable land. The blanket was like a giant monster and the sheets seemed to take on a resemblance to those tiny green, plastic soldiers! I guess my skin was crawling because it actually felt like they were marching across my body!
top belief!
When I was about 7 or 8, a friend of mine had to have "anti bionics", or so I thought it sounded. I couldn't work out why anyone would want to reduce Bionic strength (Steve Austin - Bionic Man!) as I figured it was a good thing to have.
I used to believe that when you were sick, all of these little people inside you would pull the sick up with gears, pulleys, buckets and wheels!!
When I was little I used to eat a type of flower as my friend told me they were good for me (what a friend!) They instead made me sick. I thought if I kept eating the 'good for me flower' I would get better but instead I got worse.
I continued eating it until me ma caught me doing it and told me the truth
I used to believe that being an organ donor meant that you had to be alive in order to donate. I wondered why people would give up their heart or their liver when they needed those things themselves to live!
when i was 5 my sister told me my stomach was the size of my fist and i didnt understand that it was an organ and it stretched out when you eat a whole lot. for weeks i tried to only eat what i thought would fit in my hand because i was afraid my belly would explode or i would throw up everywhere. then i got really scared i was always going to throw up, at school, at friends house, in a car...everywhere you could imagine. i think i worried about it so much i created tummy aches very often when i was young.
I used to belive that when you got ill, that these imaginary people inside you started to die. So when I took medicen, it made them feel better.
My mum would always warn me about "Breaking my head" in an accident. I thought that meant you would fall down, and your head would snap off. This was realized in a dream I had when I was 4, about getting roller stakes, (or maybe a stakeboard) for my b-day, and falling off my porch (which had no gate) and my head snapped clean off, bloodying the front yard, with approx. 500 gallons of my blood.
When I was five I heard my parents saying they thought I had broken my leg in a bad fall. While they were driving me to the hospital I pictured them throwing me in the trash can like a broken toy.
When I was little I hated all people on crutches, becaue my dad was on crutches, and he was very mean and yelled a lot. It wasn't until I was in high school and one of my best friends got in an accident and is on crutches, that I realized that mean and angry is not contingent upon crutches.
My apologies to all the handicapped people that I didn't hold the door open for.
When I was little I hated zippering up my jacket and my mom used to say "If you don't bundle up you'll be in the hospital with 'Triple Pneumonia'". I always thought it was one of my cousins who was always sick.
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