being ill
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I once got it into my head that if I threw up, the Nesquik rabbit would climb out of the sick and live with me, and be my friend. I was cool with that- as long as he had a bath first!
top belief!
I used to believe that an amputated limb would grow back. I remember thinking that it must be a very slow process when I overheard that a friend of my parents who only had one foot had lost it several years before.
as a young tomboy, i had many scrapes and cuts on which my mother put antibiotic ointment to help heal. i somehow decided it was a cure-all and once helped my little sister's headache by smearing it all on her head and hair. it didn't make the headache go away. i'm now a nurse.
I used to believe that the reason you washed a cut with water was so tha the water could seep into your body and replace the blood you lost.
When I was little and had a tummy ache, I used to think that if you sat really still and didn't talk it would go away on its own. I guess I am a slow learner because I ended up puking all over myself more than once before I figured out that it wasn't true.
top belief!
When i was younger i had my TB injection when i was born as did my sister.
One afternoon when i was about 5 years old, i was watching TV with my little sister and some of my older cousins. Suddenly i turned to my teenage cousin and said ''Its ok she can watch it...Shes had her TV Jab''
they all started laughing i didnt understand, i believed that a ''TV'' injection was given to you at birth so u could watch television!!!
At Every oppurtunity my parents bring this up just to embarrass me!
my mom always taught us that if we hurt ourselves, and its not bleeding, then it doesnt hurt. i broke bones, and never ever tell told her. even today, if i hurt myself, it doesnt hurt until i see the blood. its a psychological thing, but its a little weird.
I used to believe that if a person needed a blood transfusion, that all of his or her blood was removed and then replaced with the new donated blood.
I used to believe that STAPH infection was a disease one got when they went to work (staff infection). Then I actually contracted it and learned the real meaning.
as a kid i used to believe that when doctors "diagnosed" someone with a disease it meant that they gave them the disease. Whenever i heard that someone was diagnosed with cancer or soem disease i would think to myself why did they give them the disease? lol
I used to believe that if you weren't sick and you took medicine, you would get sick. That kept me from faking sick a few times. I didn't want to ACTUALLY get a sore throat from the medicine.
I used to think that you could not only take too much medication and overdose, but you could take too little and "underdose".
Yeah, I wasn't the brightest crayon on the box.
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I used to think there was little people sitting in chairs that worked your brain, and I though you got sick when little children in your head played with the controls.
When i was like 4, i got pecked by a chicken and my dad convinced me that i had Chicken-itis and would soon turn into a chicken. I cried for the longest time befcause i liked being human and didnt want to eat bugs and lay eggs. kinda sad...
i used to believe that when you had cramps your appendix would blow up.
When I was 9 years old, my best friend's dad owned a liquor store. He kept excess stock in his basement.
Well, my friend and I both pretended to be sick one day so we could stay home from school, and he brought a six-pack of beer & a liter of vodka to my house for our very first grown-up party.
After maybe 3 shots, I was ... well, praying to the porcelain god is the best way to put it.
Several hours later, my Mom came home to find me, in the bathroom, sleeping with my porcelain idol in a daze of alcoholic stupor.
For whatever reason, she decided I had learned my lesson and told me that I was suffering from "Russian Flu" and could stay home from school the next day, too.
I didn't figure out there wasn't a Russian Flu until I was 21!
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When i was a kid i used to complain to my Mum that I had diarrohea, however i just had an ear ache and thought it meant 'a dying ear' i never heard the proper pronunciation and made up my own mind what it meant, the looks of horror on peoples faces and the way they would rush me to the toilet, I could never understand it!
When i was around 4 or 5 my mum came home and was like "your brother has chicken pox" i was like "WHY DOES HE GET CHICKEN POX I WANT SOME", thinking it was some type of nice chicken chips.
When I was little I thought that the AIDs virus would come and get me in my sleep if I breathed it in and I would die a horrible painful death and green fungus would grow all over my face, so I fell asleep way under my covers at the end of the bed, breathing through the sheets hoping that the AIDs virus wouldn't find me.
top belief!
When I was little, I use to think that the best cure for brainfreeze while eating icecream was to eat faster. So, I would eat at a more rapid pace while I felt that the sharp pain in my head as "getting better."
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