i used to believe

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I used to believe that if I bled and I would drink the blood, then the blood would go exactly where it cam from.

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when my daughter was young she used to think anyone who broke an arm or a leg were missing them as she thought they snapped off

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I used to believe that barf always had noodles and carrots in it no matter what you ate that day.

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When I was about 5 years old I had a bad headache and I yelled to my mom "My head hurts!" and she replied with "Would you like an aspirin?" I got this shocked look on my face and toppled over the couch crying, my mom walked over and asked what the matter was, I said "Mommy, your not going to burn my ass are you?"

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One summer, when I was 4-5 years old, I got the mumps and had to quit going to Vacation Bible School. Momma said I woke up feverish and told her "that apple sure tasted bad!"

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My PE teacher told us that you could only get 4 concussions. When you got your 4th concucssion, you died. I believed it for years.

concussionless girl
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I used to believe that when you went to the doctor for a check-up and when you had to pee in the cup that you had to drink it and I would cry.

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Oh, how I feared the hospital. Not just the shots and doctors and tiny little gowns, but I feared turning into a vegatable. No one ever told me this, but I figured out on my own that if you got really sick or in an accident or something, you might actually, literally, as you were lying there in bed, TURN INTO A VEGATABLE. Like you'd become a squash (is that a vegatable?). Worst of all, then, would be that some nurse would throw you away - just toss you out with the garbage, not knowing you were, in fact, a human being. It SHOCKS me that I used to really, really believe and fear that!!! Wow - what goes on in kids' heads when they hear something they don't understand...

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When my cousin was little (now in her twenties) she hypervenilated alot. So her mother (my aunt pat) told her just to breath into a paper bag. She was running outside at her friend's house when she started to hypervenilate. So she ran inside and got one of those huge paper bags like from a grocery store. She believed that you needed to fit it over your whole head to make it work, or that she would die.

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I use to believe that hand foot and mouth was when you had your foot stuck in your mouth and you couldn't use your hands to get your foot out of your mouth. Then I heard my cousin had hand foot and mouth and that he couldn't come over and play because I would catch it so I asked my mom if he could send me a picture of him while he was sick.

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When I first heard the term "chicken POX", I was convinced that it was "chicken POKES". I thought it was a deadly disease that you got if you poked chickens.

Marshmello Da Strawberry Cow
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When I was 5 years old we were playing a game of "Girls Kiss Boys" at the daycare center. Well I cought one boy and we pcked each other on the lips. Well the teacher caught us and we both got in trouble. I begged her not to tell my parents cause I thought I'd get in trouble. Well the next day my eyes got all red and itchy so my mom took me to the doctor. The doctor said I had "pink eye" and gave my mom a prescription to get filled. Well we dropped the prescription off at the pharmacy and my dad said he'd pick it up on his way home from work. Well when he went to pick it up he ran into the teacher at the pharmacy and the told him that Beau and I got caught kissing. So my dad decided to play a joke on me. He came home and said, "Have you ben kissing boys?" I replied, "Miss Hurst said she wouldn't tell!" Well he said, "Miss Hurst didn't say anything. The pharmacist said you get pink eye from kissing boys." So I fessed up and told him what happened. Well that weekend we were going to visit my grandparents and my dad called them ahead of time (which I knew nothing about) and told them the tale. Well when we got there I ran up to Papa to say hi and he took one look at me and said, "Hmmm....you've got pink eye. You been kissing any boys?" I was shocked! And from that moment on until I was 14 and had my first REAL kiss I believed that you got pink eye from kissing boys.

No Index Finger Rat
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Once, when i was little, I saw my older brother sucking on his bleeding cut.

"Ryan, what are u doing!!" I said, amazed that my older brother would do something as silly and as gross as sucking on a cut.

"I'm fixing my cut!" He shouted back.

"What do u mean fixing your cut?!?!!?!" I asked.

"Well, if you suck on ur cut for about twenty minutes, ur blood will go back into ur body and ur cut will heal!!" He said to me. He still talks about it to this day!

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I got the chicken pox when I was about 5 years old. It was my belief that I got sick because I ate chicken. My brother, then 11, told me that was the reason. I remember not being able to eat chicken after that. It is only now I can eat it...but still, it is with silly caution. I only eat the meat from the breasts.

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when i was younger,i believed that if any one stepped on my shadow i would have to go to the doctors so it wouldnt die.

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When I was eight I had to have an especially stubborn tooth pulled, in another city. When my mom told my teachers that I would miss school because I was having "oral surgery" I burst into tears, because I thought that meant "very serious surgery", and I was surely on my deathbed.

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I believed up till a few years ago, (I was about 12 or 13 at the time) that I was going to have a heart attack. And I thought this because I had thought my teacher during a discussion on day, said that blue veins meant that they were clogged with fat. And well I had then and still do have many large blue veins running to my heart, as everyone does. It took my mom to set me straight, and we had a good laugh about it... still do actually.

Bryce Addington
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My Dad served in WW1, and was badly injured. One of his minor problems was his baby finger on his left hand which had not been set, when broken, and was like a corkscrew. As a child I would ask, time and time again, what happened to his finger. He would say "the Germans did it" I heard "the germs did it" and was very careful to scrub myself so no germs could get to me.

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When I was little my mum would tell me that if I took medicine and I didnt need it I would get the illness it was prescribed for. Eg. If I took headache tablets and I didnt have a headache I would get one. So I was always very careful when I told mum I was sick.

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I used to think you got chicken ocks from falling out of a bunk bed. I fell off the top bunk one night at a friends and woke up with chicken pocks.

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