being ill
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When I heard that doctors had diagnosed people with cancer or any other illness, I thought that the doctor had given them a shot of it. It made me angry and confused to why a doctor would do that to someone.
i use to believe that if i wrote all over my hands, i would get aids.
I had a friend tell me once that before we got old we would all have at least one fatal accident! I didn't understand what he meant at the time but as it sounded so dramatic I told my sisters as I thought it must be true!! Only a few years later did we all laugh at how impossible this was!
When I was little, my cousin told me that if you got a cut or something and you were bleeding, if you sucked the blood it would recycle into your body.
I used to believe that if you touched your own privates you would get AIDS.
top belief!
I was about ten when I asked my grandma what herpes was.
"They're Furbies, right? Only a little bigger? I think they sell them at the gas station."
My parents still think it's really funny.
When I was little (6 or so), I knew that 'lupus' was a disease, and I also knew that 'lupe' was Latin for wolf; so I assumed - and I think this was a quite reasonable assumption - that perople with lupus were werewolves.
I used to believe that all old people got the disease "OLD TIMERS DISEASE" Instead of alzheimers disease :D
When I was 6, my family was getting into the car and my mom said she had to go back inside and get her leather handbag, but I heard her say 'Liver handbag'. When we got in the car, I kept thinking of how disgusting liver was, let alone as a handbag. I could swear that I could smell the rotting meat in the car. I was trying so hard not to think about it by looking out the window. My mom noticed I looked kind of tense and she pulled me close to her and wanted me to lay my head on her lap, where she also had the bag, and I tried to make myself stiff so she couldn't move me but as she pulled me closer, I kept thinking I thinking how squishy the liver probably was before they could make it into a bag and I threw up all over the place, especially on the bag. After that I always rode in the front with the windows wide open and the bag no where to be found.
top belief!
when i was in first grade a classmate of mine broke his arm rather badly, and was hospitalized for about a week a a result. it had happened on a sunday, needless to say, he wasn't at school the next day. all the kids notived something was different, and the undercurrent of conversation in he class was "why isn't todd here?" then my teacher got up and made an annoucment. "Todd's mother has mjust called to inform me that Todd won't be here for several days, he accidently rode his bicycle of the porch, and broke his arm. Why don't we all make some cards for him? I'm sure it's very lonely for him in the hospital."
Well, i, having heard that assumed hat Todd;s arm was broken OFF and on my card was a picture of him in a hospital bed, minus an arm, and the arm in a smaller ber next to him. When Todd returned the following week and told us about the pins they'd put in his shoulder and showed his cast, and i figured the 2 togerther were holding his arm in place. "how awful" i though, he'll have to wear that thing forever" luckily, i found out he truth when Todd's cast was removed 6 weeks later.
when I was little i got a cut and my big brother told me that if I lost too much blood that I would die so i held the cut over a cup and waited until it stopped bleeding and drank the like ounce of blood that had collected in the bottom. eww gross
When I was quite young I was afraid to go to the doctor. This was because I didn't realise that when you get a shot, they take the needle out after. I thought they left the needle inside your arm forever. I would could imagine looking at an x-ray and seeing hundreds of needles stuck inside your arms. It's not completely my fault though, nodody ever told me... I guess they figured it was too obvious.
i used to believe that if you were sick in school the school would shut down and would be dis-infected by the special people so when i was sick i wondered why noone was cheering they were just saying errr so i asked my mum when i was taken home and she really dis-appointed me saying that you didnt close the school and go home....but i still enjoyed going home but not the sick part
top belief!
My mom told me that my neighbor had thrown her back out. I felt very smart because even I knew you shouldn't leave parts of your body in the trash can.
When I was little, I used to believe that there was a 'mixer' in your tummy. If you were sick, the 'mixer' was going round the wrong way!
I used to think that instead of Alzheimers the name of the disease was OLDTIMERS and thats why old people got it.
top belief!
I used to believe when someone said they broke their leg, their leg actually fell off and they had to get a fake one. One day when my mom told me my grandma broke her leg I started crying thinking she wouldn't have a leg anymore.
I used to believe that if you broke your arm, it broke off. And that if you got shot, you automatically died.
when I was about 4 - 5 years old a nurse in the ospital told me that if I won't eat the hospital's awful dinner
or any other dish I'll be so light that I'll start flying to the sky like a baloon and I'll die and that no one will help me - the polish reality is awful because no one cares about children goodness:-(
When my sister and I were young, when we were in the bath she used to mix soap and water and give it to me. She said that my mother told her to give it to me as medicine or i would die. So I drank that soapy water for years, until I finaly worked it all out!
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