i used to believe

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When i was young, i fell over and split my knee open. We went to the hospital to get it stitched. My mum said to me though that wneh you had stitches done to you, they put you under a massive sewing machine and it automatically sewed it together! It was 2 yrs later that i realised the truth

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This is my friend's not mine. When she was about 5 she thought that all chickens were children who got a very bad case of chicken pox where they didnt get just the spots but they turned into a chicken!! So when they went to a farm guess the look of suprise on her mums face when she asked "Mummy, I feel so sorry for those poor kids who turned into chickens!, Im glad I didnt get them so bad!".

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I used to hear people talking about Alzheimer's Disease, except I heard it as "Old Timer's Disease." It made sense since only old people got it. Then I asked my grandma if she was an old-timer, and she said yes, and I was so afraid that she was going to get Old Timer's Disease and forget everything and then die.

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When I was about 5 or 6 i thought whenever you saw someone on tv that was sick, you would get the illness too. After watching part of a soap opera were a girl had tuberculousis (sorry for the spelling) i started coughing and crying convinced i would die. When I didn't I thought i must be really lucky to survive all of these diseases. Um, yeah...i was pretty dumb.

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i remember my parents referring to someone as ending up in the hospital and being a vegetable. I remember imagining for years afterwards these giant carrots or celeries in hospital beds and i couldn't for the life of me figure out why they would turn into vegetables.

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When i was little, my grandpa developed cancer on the top of his ear. Before he had it removed it looked like a giant bug bite and he had me convinced that there was giant dangerous bugs in Texas (where they had just came back from)

Sassy Nassy
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when i was little i thought that when you were sick, a huge monster had gotten into my body and would soon eat me no matter what....

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I used to think that if I hurt myself and then made it hurt more, it would heal faster. The logic was, it would be more painful for a shorter amount of time rather than less painful for a longer amount of time. Go figure.

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When I was a little kid me and my sister would kick the wall a lot and so my mom got really mad and said if we didn't stop kicking the wall we would get the chicken pocks. So we kept doing it than I go the chicken pocks and I got really scared and never kicked the wall again!

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Being the smarty pants sixth grader that I was, when I got my first cold sore on my mouth I began to research it to find out what and why I had this thing on my lip for. (I still wonder why I even had one) Then I find out that it is Herpes Simplex (I or II, I don't really remember now) But I wanted to sound smart and told everyone who asked what was wrong with my lip that I had herpes, and I said it very proudly, thinking I sounded super smart. Finally a teacher pulled me aside and explained why it was not such a good idea to be exclaiming that to the entire middle school. I was mortified.

Smarty Pants
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I use to believe that if i blew my nose that i would be able to blow all the snot out and then my stuffy nose would go away. So i'd sit in the bathroom for hours just blowing my nose, waiting and waiting for it to run out of snot. I mean you can really only have so much in you right?

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My father has a sick sense of humor. When I was a little kid, I was prone to cold sores around my mouth. He told me they were herpes, and so when adults would ask me what was on my lip, I would reply simply, "Herpes."

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When I was around 10 I thought I had a brain tumor and would have black-outs. Since, you can't remember blacking out it seemed logical. I also thought that my parents didn't tell me about it because they didn't want to upset me.

Meg in KY
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when I was little I thought that when you threw up it was because you ate too much and so all the food filled up your stomach and went up your esophogus and out of your mouth.

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When I was 4 and my sister was 6 me and my sister would kick the walls and my mom said we would get chicken pocks I believed it until I got the chicken pocks.

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when i was about 6 or 7 my mom said something about my aunt acting "bubbly" so i went and asked my neighbor what it meant and she said it was when all your insides boiled up inside of you and you would explode in 4 days if you didn't drink a cup if lemon juice!! (she was in 8th grade). so i started crying and freaking out and finally my mom told me what i meant.

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I used to believe that the "gimmys" were an actual disease or virus that you could get. My mom told me that my cousin got the gimmys once and that i shouldn't be like him.

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My mom would tell us that the pain resulting from her applying hydrogen peroxide to our cuts and scrapes was "just the germs dying"

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I used to belive that Alka selters were for the dish washer.

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A few years ago, my friends little sister believed that when you were sick and took a capsule, a mini-doctor would pop out and pull out a carry-case. He would then run around fixing you up with his little hammer, and when he was done, he would jump back in the capsule and dissapear.

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