i used to believe

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When I was five, my friend Frankie's sister Kim was admitted to the hospital. I asked him why and he explained that she had "screamed her head off" and was getting it stitched back on. I naively believed him and pictured her doing this in my head. After reporting this to my father at dinner, he explained that was impossible and furthermore he knew she was there getting her tonsils removed.

Incidentally, I heard Kim was again in the hospital again last winter--to kick heroin.

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When i was little i used to think girls had cooties. well i being very gullable stayed with that belief until the age of 12. A girl asked me out and i replied "no way, girls have cooties.". the embarasment was unreal

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when i was little i thought people with big heads or big noses had cancer...

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When I was about 5 or 6, my mom would constantly remind us to check for ticks after we went hiking or else we'd get lyme disease. I was always so terrified of it, especially because for some reason I thought that getting lyme disease meant that guacamole would start pouring out of your eyes. Thankfully I never shared this with anybody,though, or else I think I would be institutionalized by now.

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When I was about 6 years old I accidently swallowed a shell casing for a 22 size bullet. My mother told me that if I fell down I would explode so my brother & sisters wouldn't play with me for a couple of days because they were afraid I'd explode.

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When I was 14, my friend brought some of her dads home made beer into school, and we drank the bottle between us. That night, I couldn't stop being sick, and all the next day too. I was in complete agony, I couldn't understand how home brew had caused this much pain, but I had to keep quiet as to why I was feeling so ill, by day 3 my little brother found me crying my eyes out in pain, . My dad sent for the doctor and he said I had appendicitis, I got admitted and my operation was put off due to an emergency, so I didn't get my operation until the next day. The surgeon told my parents that I was very lucky, it had almost burst.
I only owned up to my drinking binge a couple of years ago (33), that I had nearly died due to the fear that I would get caught for drinking alcohol. There's a lesson to be learned somewhere...

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When I in Primary School I was told that TCP was made from Tom Cat's Piss (hence the initials). I believed this for far too long!

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When I was five years old, I was rushed into hospital with pneumonia.
As I was recovering, I asked the doctor what had been wrong with me. He began his answer with the phrase "Our physical findings show ...". Well, I was only five and had no idea what those big words meant.
For years afterwards, I believed I had been seriously ill with "physical findings", a very nasty disease indeed!

Big J
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I also once got sick while I was wearing a certain nightgown so I was scared that if I wore it again I would get sick again. I never ever wore it again!

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I used to think that AIDS was transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, and was scared to death of being bitten by mosquitoes for fear of getting AIDS.

Lady M
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My grandpa had surgery on his stomach. When I saw the scar, he made me believe it was from he giving birth to me. I felt so sorry.. i said that must hurt a lot.

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When I contracted the chicken pox, I overheard my mom tell the doctor my rash hadn't come to a head yet. I took that to mean that little chicken heads would grow all over me!

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I used to think when women has just recently had children and they suffered from depression, that the term was post mortem depression and used it frequently.

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I used to blieve that if you had to get stiches from the Doctor, he'd put you under a massive sewing machine and sew you up, because that's what my mother did whenever she need to "stich." I've hated hospitals ever since

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i used to believe that gangrene was so named due to its colour "war its gan green" (geordie accent) as opposed to the use of medical terminology describing dead decaying skin.

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When I was 6, my dad went into hospital for gall stones. My 6-year-old hearing perceived this as "Gold" stones, and I spent the next 3 days telling my friends how we'd be rich when the doctor got these gold nuggets out of my dad.

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I didn't know there was such a thing as Down's Syndrome when I was a little kid. When I saw kids with this affliction on tv I just assumed they were all from the same unfortunate-looking family.

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When i was 5 or so i thought that if someone had brain surgery they would go in and sit down on a chair like at the hairdressers and someone would just slice their head open and fix whatever was wrong. i believed this subconsously until i was 12.

Robbie Pine
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For the longest time, when I was sick, I thought I could get rid of the cold I had by blowing the cold air out, and breathing warm air in. I thought this until I was 12.

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Actually both of my daughters, at ten years apart mind you, independently came to the same conclusion that you had to "give away" an illness such as a cold to get over it. Each of them had an episode where they started crying because I didn't want to "catch it" they both thought I was so mean because I wanted them to stay sick!

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