being ill
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top belief!
When I was little (4) I had my tonsils out because of very severe ear infections, bad enough to burst an ear drum. Somehow I got the idea that I was sent to the hospital as punishment for being sick and in pain. I was very reluctant to complain about anything after that.
when i was about 7 or 8, and would get sick to the point of vomiting, i thought that my body was confused and that i was actually having diarrhea out my mouth instead of my butt... needless to say, i had some interesting complaints to tell my parents.
I used to think that, when people were talking about "Alzheimer's," they were actually saying "Old Timer's." I used to think the official medical term for the disease was "Old Timer's." Heh.
When a classmate repeated that old addage "step on a crack, break your mother's back" I believed it and since my Mom had a lot of illness for years as a I child I was terrified of stepping on a crack.
My cousin came in we were young and announce that HE had pulled his cervix. Connfusing that with his cervical vertebrae. He was ina lot of pain, but that was really funny
My little brother who is 14 has never had the chicken pox...but he's convinced that he has. My mother and I know better, but I don't think we're ever going to convince him of the truth.
top belief!
After Mom went to the doctor's office, we stopped at the grocery store to pick up some prescriptions and a herbal supplement. I couldn't remember exactly what it was, but thought I had the word.
Mom started cracking up when I asked her if we were going to get the "euthanasia". (echinacea)
My aunt told my cousin when he had an ear infection that there was wax in his ear. He thought she'd said there were "wacks" in his ear, so when he had a less severe infection he asked if there was just one "wack" this time, lol
When I was 4 years old I used to believe that I was allergic to rain because whenever it rained my asthma would get worse.
I used to think that if you were sick or injured you couldn't die if you didn't lay down. I noticed that the cowboys in the Westerns didn't die until they fell off their horse or were laying on the ground. Ever try standing up with the MUMPS?
top belief!
my little sister one day received a rather nasty gash above the eye one day (my fault) and she was taken to hospital to get stitches.
I was four at the time, and as I was waiting outside, i kept wondering how on earth the doctor would fit my sister's head under the needle of the sewing machine to insert the stitches...
top belief!
I remember seeing a pamphlet in the library about V.D. and even though I couldn't read very well, the basic message was that anybody could catch it. So when my third grade teacher mentioned that wasn't feeling very well I asked her if she had V.D.
I used to believe (thanks to a friend who's mom had breast cancer) that you could get breast cancer by wearing a bra to sleep at night!
top belief!
When I was a a very young child, I was afraid of band-aids! I thought that they were chunks of flesh from other people who had gotten hurt.
i used to believe i would become disabled & unable to walk if i ate an icicle my uncle walt who was disabled
When people said they had a cataract I thought that meant that a bad kitty had scratched their eye and it caused permanent damage.
I actually believed I got my chicken pox from the chickens I used to play with at my grandmothers house!(I think she wanted me to leave them alone!)
As a child my mother would tell me, "Don't sit on cold cement or you'll get piles!" (hemorrhoids)
My dad had diptheria as a child in the early thirties, but having survived that major killer disease, he has never had any of the usual stuff like measles, chicken pox, mumps etc - all highly infections, and him with two children who caught the lot! Is it any surprise that I always thought that, if you survived diptheria, you would never get ill again, and was quite disappointed to discover that I had been immunised against it!!
When I was in elementery school, my father had a heart attack and nearly died. In my music class the teacher would blow into a round disk before we sang a song to get the right pitch. Somehow I believed she was blowing into the disk to prevent her from getting a heart attack!
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