i used to believe

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When I was younger my dad was talking to me about cancer (I don't know why, i think I asked what it was but I really don't remember). When he started talking to me about scientists looking for cures, his laptop, which was on the table near us, shut off and the screensaver (the colorful ball thing that changes shapes) came on. For the longest time I thought that the screensaver thingy was a computer program that scientists made to look for the cure for cancer.

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When I was a kid my brother told me that if I fake coughed then I would get cancer... I believed that UNTIL I found out what cancer REALLY is. To this day I can't believe why I actually believed that.

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one day, in the third or fourth grade, our teacher told us about AIDS and the methods by which it was transmitted. it was the usual methods--unprotected sex, unsafe blood transfusions, iv drug use and tattoos, if the needles were unsterilized. apparently, i thought all tattoos resulted in AIDS, because i came home in hysterics, thinking that my mom, who had two tattoos, was going to die of AIDS. it took her half an hour to calm me down enough to explain that there were safe ways of getting tattoos done...

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One day, while I was in preschool, I had a sore through. I had been playing outside earlier in the day and remembered there being a lot of ant hills around. before story time, I was telling my friend next to me how my throat hurt and it felt like a swallowed an ant (which I would never intentially do as a child, I wouldn't even eat food off the floor), and the thing was still moving around. Immediately my friend told the teacher that I swallowed an ant. I tried to explain to her that I was describing how my throat felt, not what I actually did, but I couldn't find the right words to explain. Everyone believed that I was a moron who ate bugs.

a few days later I found out from the doctor that the feeling I had was because I had strep throat.

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i used to belive a fever was a beaver crawling in my head i no right?

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when i was very little, I used to believe that people could throw up their heart...my older brothers thought it was a funny practical joke.

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My friends and I believed that if a special ED person would scratch you, you would become special too. (Kinda like Resident Evil)

Special Steve
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i use to belive that whenever i had a headache then my head would explode until i was 10

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I used to think that when I had to go to the doctors to get shots (wich was every other day I had to get like 10 because of a blood thing) was for being a bad little girl and every time a kid was bad, hey had to go get shots. And because my mom always felt bad for me that I had to get them, I thought it was the law that you HAD to! So I would poke myself with a pencil and hoped not to have to go get shots.

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When I was little and kids would stay out of school for head lice, I thought parents and teachers were saying Head Lights. I thought you grew antennas with head lights on the end of them and thats why they had to stay at home.

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When I was a child I used to believe that doctors wore those face masks incase they threw up.

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When my brother broke his leg he had to get a rod put into it. I got mad because I thought the doctors hurt him worse

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At one point during middle school for unknown reasons, I started to feel my forehead quite often. I noticed that, most of the time, it seemed hot and feverish. It concerned me a little, even though I felt perfectly fine. I was sitting in class feeling my forehead up until highschool when I mentioned this strange phenomenon to a friend. She casually informed me that it was because my hands were cold.

Actually Healthy
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when i was little i used to think when you split your head open it actually split open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but know i know thats NOT true)

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I used to believe that when you broke your arm or leg it actually broke off your body

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When I was probably four, I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible cough that sounded like a donkey. I genuinely believed that for being a "bad boy" I was being transformed into a donkey like in Pinocchio.

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top belief!

When i was 6 i once came down with a terrible fever, so my mother rugged me up in bed with lots of warm blankets and i slept for what felt like a week. It was nightime when i woke up & was very upset that my family wasn't all sitting around my bed crying. I found them in the family room eating dinner & watching a movie!

but very relived to hear i had only slept from 12:00pm - 6:00pm not a week!

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I used to think eating raw potatoes would give you "BEZORES".
Our family doctor told me this

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I was around 6 years old when I got novacaine for the first time, when I had a cavity filled in. Well, anyone who's ever had novacaine knows that wherever you get it injected *feels* like it's fat, but it's actually not at all. After this appointment, my bottom lip felt SO fat and numb- being so young, and not having a mirror around, I thought that my lip was actully fat! And like, 5 times its original size. And I was running around yelling and crying at people not to look at me, because I supposedly had a very fat lip- I was mortified, and the funny part is, no matter how many times my mom told me that the size of my bottom lip has not, indeed, changed at all, I refused to believe her, and thought that she was just saying that to get me to feel better and stop yelling to not look at me.

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i had read in a roald dahl's book, that i could get appedicitis if i accidentally swallowed bristles of a toothbrush, and yes i did contemplate trying it, just to see if it works. it didn't.

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