being ill
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I don't know why but I used to think that cancer was a kind of cheese, and my teacher said that her friend has breast cancer and i blurted out, "She has boob cheese?! GROSS" Everyone was dieing fro laughter. And I was really kinda freaked out because everyone was laughing at me. So I thought everyone turned a wee bit retarded. Lol...
i used to believe that when u got wounded on holy week especially good friday it will never heal and rice will come out from it
I used to believe that red cordial was medicine. It was kept on the top shelf and we were only allowed some when we had an upset stomach. You can imagine the problems that ensued when, one day at a friends birthday party, I thought the parents were making us all drink medicine...
top belief!
My grade six teacher got sick in that year with glandular fever. I'd never heard of that disease before; everytime I heard people say it, I thought they were calling it "Glenangela Fever". Kids at school were telling me that it is also called the "kissing disease". So, I came to the conclusion that it got this name because a boy named Glen and a girl named Angela kissed and ended up getting sick. I was later corrected about this my mishear.
I used to think that amputate (meaning to cut off) meant to heal, or fix. I got the image of lotion and ointments when I heard this, so I was talking to my mom (this was about 1-2 years ago, and I just turned 13).
Me: Why are Grandma’s fingers crooked? (She had athrightious)
Mom: Because she has arthrightious.
Me: Why can’t we just amputate them? (Since healing something is good, amputating must be good, huh?)
Mom: That’s a mean thing to say.
Me: Isn’t amputating good?
Mom: No, it’s very mean.
Me: But… isn’t healing her fingers good?
Mom: Amputating is cutting something off.
Me: Oh.
top belief!
When I was like four, I always got sick and when my Mom wanted me to take my medicine, she used to say things like it will help my bloodsells and my stomach and different body parts and she would always say that my blood cells were at war with germs and it sounded like they were alive how she explained it so I used to belive my insides were alive and the food in my belly would talk to eachother and when I took medicine or ate something healthy, I would look down at my stomach cheering for my blood cells!
When I was a kid, I thought you threw up when the food in your stomach had collected up to your throat and needed to be emptied.
One time in school I really got embassered cause I always raise my hand (not to brag but I was very smart) when the teacher asked wats a viris I raised my hand thinking wow this sure is easy then I said it's when you get sick and to my horror it was on the computer!! Who kinda thought? lol by the way i home school
top belief!
I used to think that, when I got sick, it was my tushy where the illness was, since my mom took my temperature there several times a day and always announced how high it was and seemed so concerned with what was going on "back there."
When I was younger I saw a rugrats episode where Chuckie was scared to get a shot and he had a dream that his stuffed bear got one and then it exploded, and after that I got scared I would explode if I got one... I still have this irrational fear.
when I was little this kid told me that if you suck on your hair while it's wet (which is something I used to do alot) you would get worms.
I used to believe that bruises were mouldy blood.
top belief!
when i was about seven yrs. i thought tampons where band-aids so one day my friend got a cut at my house so i said that we had special band-aids and i taped the tampon to his leg when my mom came out and asked what happened we told her and she could stop laughing to this day she even told the story to my kids
top belief!
I was once in my mom's car when we drove past a 'naval hospital'. I thought it was a navel hospital - a hospital for people with injured bellybuttons.
I read the book "The Velveteen Rabbit" when I was a child. It's a story about a young boy who contracts Scarlet Fever, set in a time when they didn't know much about diseases. They ended up having to burn all of the boy's toys, bedding, and stuffed animals -- including his favourite, his velveteen rabbit. I was terrified for years, even into college, of getting Scarlet Fever. I couldn't bear the though of my favourite teddy bear and pillow -- which have been with me my whole life -- being tossed into a bonfire. Scarlet Fever is still one of my biggest fears,
top belief!
i used to believe that if you had a heart attack , your heart would jump out and attack you! it scared me to death....
I used to think that Levitra was an arthritis medicine, and that Viagra was a heart medicine.
I was terrified of breaking a bone, i thought it was the worse thing that cold happen to you. I would exemine my elbow bone every morning bcos it stuck out (like its meant 2) and i thought there was something wrong with it. i was so scared.
All this changed when i broke my arm and i realised breaking a bone wasn't actually that bad.
I watched a movie when i was just a young tike and it was said that a charachter had a stroke when they slipped in the shower. So from then i believed that having a 'stoke' meant that you slipped in the shower.
I knew that people who had cancer frequently lost their hair, but I didn't know it was a symptom of the treatment. I thought it was a symptom of cancer itself. Cue heart attack when I noticed my long hair falling out more than normal in the shower!
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