being ill
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I used to believe that when u got like the flue or some other sickness that was contagious, that if you gave it to someone else you wouldent have it anymore. So i used to go around hanging around other people to make them sick.
When I was little and I heard of someone that had 'broken' their arm I always assumed it mean that their arm had fallen off, because when you break things they usually fall off or something.
My earliest memory is of when I was 4 and had gotten chicken pox. My mother tried to give me a bath and put baking powder in the water to soothe the itching. When I saw her add the baking powder to the water I was convinced that she was going to cook me in the bath water and panicked.
AIDS was a condition where all the aids (eg bandaids, medicine, things given to you by doctors to help you get better etc) no longer worked on you.
When I was 4 I had a very high fever and my mom took me to the emergency room. I complained about being cold, so the nurse gave me a paper-like sheet to cover up with. I refused to use it because I belived that if I fell asleep and the doctors saw me all covered up they'd think I needed to be operated on and take me into surgery.
When I was little, if I ever hurt myself like getting a cut or a graze, my Mum used to ask "is it stinging?" and when I replied "Yes", she'd tell me that that meant "It was getting better". I believed that and would shut up as I thought that meant the pain would stop soon. I still believed it until I had a kid of my own and realised that its just a good way of getting them to stop whinging about it.
When I was four I was told that my cousin had split his head open while playing on the swings in the park. I went to visit him and was very disappointed to see that he had only a few stitches in a little cut rather than his head being completely cleaved in two like an orange cut in half.
When I heard my mom talking with the doctor about TB tests. I thought they said "TV test" and I was wonderingthat I would answer all the questions right about television shows.
I saw a cartoon of germs and I actually thought that germs were little green or purple balls that would attack you. And when i blinked a lot I could see them.
When I was 6, my family was getting into the car and my mom said she had to go back inside and get her leather handbag, but I heard her say 'Liver handbag'. When we got in the car, I kept thinking of how disgusting liver was, let alone as a handbag. I could swear that I could smell the rotting meat in the car. I was trying so hard not to think about it by looking out the window. My mom noticed I looked kind of tense and she pulled me close to her and wanted me to lay my head on her lap, where she also had the bag, and I tried to make myself stiff so she couldn't move me but as she pulled me closer, I kept thinking I thinking how squishy the liver probably was before they could make it into a bag and I threw up all over the place, especially on the bag. After that I always rode in the front with the windows wide open and the bag no where to be found.
When I heard that doctors had diagnosed people with cancer or any other illness, I thought that the doctor had given them a shot of it. It made me angry and confused to why a doctor would do that to someone.
My mother used to tell us that taking medicine that we didn't need would cause us to get the sickness it was meant to cure. Like, drinking cough syrup when you didn't have a cough would cause you to *get* a cough.
When I was a kid, there was a rumour that if you could fit four fingers of one hand on your forehead (without touching hair or eyebrows, I suppose,) you were going to die of cancer.
Imagine a bunch of six year olds sitting around, solemnly determining whether they'd be perishing presently of such a deadly ailment.. pretty funny.
I am born in june and my sign is Cancer. When I was younger, I believed that this meant I was going to get Cancer when I was older. Every time someone mentioned the fact that I was a cancer I'd run crying to my mom. Boy was I silly!
I used to believe that having a cast on an arm or leg was the coolest thing ever. When my aunt fell downt he stairs and broke BOTH legs, she had to get casted from her toes to her hips. Over the phone i told her that she was the luckiest woman alive.
Also, when one girl in my 2nd grade class told us she had "only" fractured her arm I was lead to believe that a fracture was not as bad as an actual break.
I had a fear of vomiting, so my mom told me that I couldn't throw up unless I had a fever. I spent many days taking my temperature (the only five year old on the block that knew how to read a thermometer) to make sure I was "OK". Then, as a freshman in college, someone laughed at me and I realized the truth...
I used to believe that the cure for any illness was an injection! I nevA figured out that it had to be filled with a liquid or something.......
When i was little, my grandfather used to tell me that if i left a splinter in too long that it wold travel to my brain and kill me...i beleived it for years and would immediatly take out any splinters!
when we were little, my nan used to tell my little brother and me that if we scratched our freckles we would get cancer and die - difficult as i have loads of freckles; just odd ones scattered all over my body. when my brother and i told my mum about this a couple of months ago (i'm 22 now!), but on separate occasions, my nanna completely denied it. she obviously realises now how evil she is, due to the many sleepless nights we used to have, fighting the urge not to scratch an itch
when i had a cut or scratch, i used to believe that if i ate my blood it would go right back to the same spot in my body.
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