i used to believe

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when I was little this kid told me that if you suck on your hair while it's wet (which is something I used to do alot) you would get worms.

Wormy McGee
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When I was in 7th grade my friend was absent from school one day. I talked to her later that night and asked her why and she told me her bladder had exploded. The next day at school I went around telling everyone what had happened and they all felt terrible for her.

I'm now in 9th grade and she just told me last week that she was kidding.

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Up until I was about six, I thought that pain was transferrable. When I skinned my knee, I thought my mother could put her hand on it and feel how much it hurt to me.

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I used to think that if you were sick or injured you couldn't die if you didn't lay down. I noticed that the cowboys in the Westerns didn't die until they fell off their horse or were laying on the ground. Ever try standing up with the MUMPS?

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When I was 4 years old I used to believe that I was allergic to rain because whenever it rained my asthma would get worse.

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when I was little, I used to believe that when you broke your arm, that part of your arm would actually fall right off. Then evenntually it would grow back.

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While while staying at my grandparents house, I used to be allowed to eat a ton of candy with the usual caveat that too much would "give you a tummyache". Once when I was 5 or 6, coincidentially I'm sure, I got a horrible tummyache at their house and ended up projectile vomiting repeatedly. After that I was terrified to eat any candy especially at their house for fear my tummyache would return.

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I used to think you got chicken ocks from falling out of a bunk bed. I fell off the top bunk one night at a friends and woke up with chicken pocks.

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when i was younger,i believed that if any one stepped on my shadow i would have to go to the doctors so it wouldnt die.

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I used to believe that barf always had noodles and carrots in it no matter what you ate that day.

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when i was younger i used to believe my mom could feel my pain when i fell down and hurt myself then one day i was screaming and yelling it hurt and she was asking where does it hurt i was like right there cant u feel it

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I used to believe that STAPH infection was a disease one got when they went to work (staff infection). Then I actually contracted it and learned the real meaning.

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When I was five I heard my parents saying they thought I had broken my leg in a bad fall. While they were driving me to the hospital I pictured them throwing me in the trash can like a broken toy.

Edith F.
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I knew I NEVER wanted the doctor to use the blood pressure cuff on me. I was SURE it contained rows of sharp, tiny needles on the other side. Why ELSE would it be used for BLOOD?

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When I was in kindergarten I went to the zoo on a field trip. While I was there a giraffe licked me and a couple of days later I got the chicken pox. So for a very long time I believed that giraffes give people chicken pox. Crazy I know.

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I use to think i heart attack was when you got stuck in an elevator. I have no idea how i came to believe this

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I was around 6 years old when I got novacaine for the first time, when I had a cavity filled in. Well, anyone who's ever had novacaine knows that wherever you get it injected *feels* like it's fat, but it's actually not at all. After this appointment, my bottom lip felt SO fat and numb- being so young, and not having a mirror around, I thought that my lip was actully fat! And like, 5 times its original size. And I was running around yelling and crying at people not to look at me, because I supposedly had a very fat lip- I was mortified, and the funny part is, no matter how many times my mom told me that the size of my bottom lip has not, indeed, changed at all, I refused to believe her, and thought that she was just saying that to get me to feel better and stop yelling to not look at me.

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When I was a kid my brother told me that if I fake coughed then I would get cancer... I believed that UNTIL I found out what cancer REALLY is. To this day I can't believe why I actually believed that.

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my dad has always had a pretty severe alergy to poison ivy, and i thought that when he got poison ivy it made bubblegum grow out of his skin. i later learned that the medicine he put on to relieve the itch was just pink.

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When I was about 8 I thought it was really grown up using perfume. I put some on my wrists and neck (like I saw my mum doing) and went out. Before we left I some-how licked my arm (where the perfume flavour had spread) and it tasted funny. I knew perfume was poisonous and got really, really worried. I was crying and telling everyone I loved them, until mum broke it to me by saying "Oh darling, such a little amount won't kill you." I was really embarrassed and said, "Yes... I know THAT mum I was just checking."

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