being ill
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i always thought there was a bank of 'health' : that if someone was sick in the family, they could draw on this bank to prolong good health. And that the way to fill up the bank was to count to over a hundred.
Sort of the same principle people use prayer for now.
When my cousin was little (now in her twenties) she hypervenilated alot. So her mother (my aunt pat) told her just to breath into a paper bag. She was running outside at her friend's house when she started to hypervenilate. So she ran inside and got one of those huge paper bags like from a grocery store. She believed that you needed to fit it over your whole head to make it work, or that she would die.
my dad was (still is) a real hypochondriac and one day i remember that he came home with a real pain in his mouth (was prob just an ulcer or summat) anyway trying to be helpful, i joined in with mum who was speculating what it could be, by saying, "it could be mouth cancer"
cheery eh - i thought you could onlyget lung cancer cos thats the only one id ever heard of!
When I was around 12, I became very ill. At the peak of a fever dream, I truly believed that my blanket and my sheets were waging a war over me like I was valuable land. The blanket was like a giant monster and the sheets seemed to take on a resemblance to those tiny green, plastic soldiers! I guess my skin was crawling because it actually felt like they were marching across my body!
In my tummy there was a little factory with stick people and when the food went down it'd land on a conveyer belt and the little men would sample it. If the food was bad the man who tried it would get those little ex-ex on his eyes and faint. Then a red light would go off and everyone'd panic until everything was in order again. It was during this time that I'd have a stomach ache.
I have always hated going to the dentist and when I was smaller and would wait in the waiting room, I would hear the sound of drilling and used to think the sound was too drown out the patients screaming.
I used to believe that when the news reported that someone treated for shock, it meant they were treated for the emotion. It was a long time before I learned that medically, shock means the inability of the body to supply enough oxygen to the organs and tissue, usually to to injury or blood loss.
When I was young, I was terrified of throwing up for some reason, so every time I got a stomachache I would freak out. Well, one day I was annoying my mother so much that she told me if my sense of smell was in tact it meant I wouldn't throw up. Needless to say, I believed that for 3 whole years. I was a pretty gullible child, but at least I stopped worrying.
I used to believe that the difference between a 'cold' a 'flu' was that if you have the 'flu', you threw-up. I just now was informed that a 'stomach flu' is when you throw-up. Just because you have the 'flu' doesn't mean you are going to puke.
In kindergarten a classmate told me that if I chewed on pencils I'd get lead poisoning from the 'lead.' I think in fact it the real danger was from the paint.
I used to believe that when you were sick that you took medicine. Well i thought, the pills i take, where do they go? So i came up with a story that the ones who work pile up inside the right leg and the bad ones lined up the left leg. Then i thought, what happens if they get to the top of my mouth? Do i just swoosh off a few and then close my mouth back? Weird, i know!!!
I thought that if u said u felt sick wen u didnt and u had medicine wen u didnt need it you would get that illness, eg if u had panadol wen u had a headache u would get a headache
One time when I was little I was sitting on the toilet a very long time so my mom told me that if you sit on the toilet too long, you'll get a rash sort of thing on your butt. The only way to get it off is to go to the hospital and they have to cut it off. My mom then told me that she had it when she was going to the hospital to give birth to me. I probably believed that rash story longer than any other childhood belief. It took me while to realize that my mom never had part of her butt cut off right before she gave birth to me, I would have heard about it more than that one time!
I used to believe that if anyone got pricked by a pin/needle, the metal would go straight through their blood to their heart, and they'd die immediately.
As a little kid, I noticed that vomit looked a lot like apple sauce, which led to believe that it WAS apple sauce. This is why I refused to eat the stuff as a kid.
I used to believe that if you get sick and then die, that if you were sick, you were just a little bit dead.
i thought that when i got a splinter, if i didn't get it out of my skin right away, that it would get into my blood stream and flow straight to my heart, causing a heart attack.
When i was little, my grandpa developed cancer on the top of his ear. Before he had it removed it looked like a giant bug bite and he had me convinced that there was giant dangerous bugs in Texas (where they had just came back from)
One summer, when I was 4-5 years old, I got the mumps and had to quit going to Vacation Bible School. Momma said I woke up feverish and told her "that apple sure tasted bad!"
my mom always taught us that if we hurt ourselves, and its not bleeding, then it doesnt hurt. i broke bones, and never ever tell told her. even today, if i hurt myself, it doesnt hurt until i see the blood. its a psychological thing, but its a little weird.
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