i used to believe

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I thought herniae only occurred in male genitalia.

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I used to wonder what happened to people when the doctors couldn't make them better, because naturally you don't die until you're really old

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Tonsillectomy! (You should have a section for meidcal procedures and surgery) Went through it, got the ice cream for a week afterwards. Later in the doctor's office for follow-up I just INSISTED that No, they had not taken out my tonsils! My mother and the doc just stared at me, incredulous.

Roger Mexico
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In elementary school, everyone believed in cooties, and would give eachother "cootie shots". It would go something like "circle, circle, dot dot, now you have a cootie shot". I never really believed in cooties, and I never knew what they were, but I always thought if I didn't have a cootie shot my friends wouldn't talk to me anymore!

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I believed that bee stings caused chicken pox. Don't know why...

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whenever i got a stomach ache as a kid, i always pictured a mouse with blue overalls on pushing a wooden play block out of a shadow and into light. this mouse was in my stomach, of course, causing the ache.

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When I first learned how to read for some reason I checked a book out from the library about a little girl who had diabetes. I cried when I read it and for YEARS afterward I thought that if I ate too much sugar, or too much in general, at a given time I'd get diabetes and die. I read about the symptoms somewhere too, and if ever I thought I went potty too much I'd get scared and wait outside crying until my dad got home. I'd tell him "daddy, I think I have "dee-a-betty's"

I couldn't pronounce it until I was in middle school. I got over this fear sometime, I guess.

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I used to think that only Asians could get SARS.

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I used to believe everything mostly mental illness is when you are very ill and might die! And I am mentally ill myself!

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I used to think that autism was some sort of childhood disease.

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I used to think saying "six" would make you sick

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I've been thinking for all my life that ADHD is just an excuse for misbehaving.

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When I was little, my cousin had kidney problems. I'd hear my mom discussing this quite often, and tried to imagine what a kidney looked like - kind of like a red cabbage cut in half. Why I got this image is beyond me.

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For some reason I used to think that whenever I woke up with a really bad sore throat it was beacause I didn't brush my teeth properly the night before. Now that I'm older and know this isn't the case, I still brush my teeth a little bit longer when I have a sore throat!

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when I was a kid I believed that I had a mortal illness that my parents hid of me.

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When I was a kid I used to belive that when you hurt yourself there was only a certain amount o pain it could cause. I could regularly be oung squeezing my cuts and bruises with tears streeming down my face! Whoops.

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As a child my mother would tell me, "Don't sit on cold cement or you'll get piles!" (hemorrhoids)

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I must have been about 7 years old when my mum told me that my dad had a gall stone. When I asked how he got it she replied that he had swallowed some grit while digging in the garden. She totally denies it now.

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i thought that sewing pins would give me a disease if i pricked my finger on one (i think my mom told me just to be careful). today i am really careful with pins and if i do poke myself i have this instant instinct that its bad!

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when I was about 4 - 5 years old a nurse in the ospital told me that if I won't eat the hospital's awful dinner
or any other dish I'll be so light that I'll start flying to the sky like a baloon and I'll die and that no one will help me - the polish reality is awful because no one cares about children goodness:-(

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