being ill
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I watched a movie when i was just a young tike and it was said that a charachter had a stroke when they slipped in the shower. So from then i believed that having a 'stoke' meant that you slipped in the shower.
My father always told me my stomach aches were just "butterflies". I literally thought I had butterflies running around in my stomach. It was when I voiced the opinion at about age 11 that I realized what he meant.
One time I was in gym class (I was in 1st grade) running around the school. Then I got a nose bleed. I suddenly stopped. I thought that a mini-beehive had grown in my nose and all the bees were gathering "nectar" in the inside of my nose, because that's what it felt like to me. Then I thought you could only get a nose bleed if you hit your nose on something because everyone was asking me if I hit my nose on something. I also used to believe I was a vampire, and when any of my friends were bleeding like on their arm or something I would suck on the wound. Then I thought blood was made of metal because that's what it tasted like.
when i was five, i thought that there was a little man rollerskating in ur throat. everytime u coughed it was because he fell.
My older cousin tried to scare me one day by telling me that if people were really tired and they hit their head, they would have a "spaz" and they would begin to try to swallow their tongue until they choked on it. My cousin said no matter what you had to hold their tongue down, even if they started biting you like crazy. Every time I hit my head that year I was terrified I would have a "spaz" attack.
When I was young I was told that woman with consumption were alcoholics. And I believed that til I was about 20
My mother sewed clothes for my sister, so when the adults talked about getting stitched-up at the hospital, I envisioned some sort of large machine that you would be run under to get sewn back together.
i have a scar on my forehead from walking into a table when i was 3 (i wasn't too bright). people used to ask me how i got it and i told them that my daddy punched me. i'm not quite sure why but my goodness did he got some strange looks
I have a tendancy to get stomach ulcers and when i was little i convinced my class that i had lots of bugs living inside me, about the size of a cocroach, and they ate away at my stomach which caused me to have tummy aches!
I had a yeast infection when I was little. I'm told that I was given a sandwich, and I started crying and screaming "I'm never eating bread again and you can't make me!!!," sure that that was the source of the infection.
For whatever reason, I used to get chest pains when I was a child. I was so frightened of doctors that I never mentioned them. One day when I was eight I tried to nonchalantly mention them to my mother, who (and I still wonder why she didn't show more concern) told me they were growing pains. I must have been 20 when I started thinking that I can't still be growing.
When i was little i overheard my grandmother and aunt talking about solutions for yeast infections so when i heard that i overthought what the word yeast ment and i thought i immeadeately thought that a yeast infection was when you ate too much yeast and had to swim in a yeast bath to cure it.
I used to think that I would get AIDS if I let my head get too close to the toilet when I flushed it.
Once I had what I now know to be pleurisy and I was so scared that I was going to die that I didn't tell anybody. I was only in the 7th grade and terrified!
When I was about 4, I used to be terrified if my stomach hurt, because I was convinced that it was because there was a baby in my stomach.
as a child, i would sit with grandmother, she told me fanciful stories, one went like this.." When you sit too much, your ankles swell, When you sit too much, your knee caps blow, When you sit too much, cankles grow! ".. .i now cant sit for more than 5 minutes.
When i was like 10 or 11 i had an extreme fear of getting herpes, after seeing a picture of them at my doctors office. For some reason i was firm in my resolve that i could get herpes from toilet seats and sharing drinks, so i would never sit down until i had a good 20 layers of TP on the potty and would check myself constantly by looking at the back of my throat (for some reason i thought they were bumps at the back of my throat) Finally i became tired of my obsession and rationalized that having herpes wouldnt be that bad because "they are in the back of your throat anyway"
When my boyfriend was young he wasn't feeling well one day. He kept whining until his mom finally asked him what was wrong.
He told her that he couldn't see because there was something in his ear.
It wasn't a mistake, he actually believed it!
Like many children, I had my tonsils removed when I was young, but I also had my Pharyngeal tonsil (also known as "adenoids") taken out. Having no idea what tonsils or adenoids look like, I somehow got the idea that tonsils look like Corn Pops cereal, and adenoids look like dried rosemary leaves (which my mother had on a spice rack)!
I hit puberty when AIDS was "new", and heard that people got AIDS from getting sperm in their butt. I thought you could give yourself AIDS if you ejaculated in the bathtub and they swam up there.
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