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I hadn't learned about the digestion system yet so i wasn't sure what happened to your food. So i made up my own idea. Food would be stored in your toes and as you got older and ate the food level would rise until it came out your mouth and you died. every day i checked the mirror to see if i could see the food yet.
I used to believe that each kind of food had its own compartment in your stomach. In other words, meat went to one compartment, vegetables to another, etc.
when i was in pre-school, one of my teachers told everyone that if you didnt chew your food, it would float around inside of you for the rest of your life.
I used to believe that when I ate somthing, it would go down in to my stomach and by sorted out for the people in my stomach to eat.
top belief!
When I was little, I always heard that if someone choked or coughed while eating, it was because food 'went down the wrong tube'. As a result, I believed that in peoples' mouths, just past where you could see in the mirror, were three different tubes leading to the stomach: the food tube, the drink tube, and the wrong tube. I even envisioned little plaques above the opening to each, labeling them so whatever I put in my mouth knew which tube to use.
When I was little and told my parents I was full from dinner, they would tell me to open my mouth, look in it, and then say, "no your not." I used to think there were these little jars in the back of my mouth that would fill up and tell them if I was full or not.
When i was a kid.. i used to think that i had little fridges in my stomach each that could hold 1 type of food.. and when that fridge was full you couldnt eat any more of that type but you can eat anything else ..
for example if we were having french fries and beans n i couldnt have anymore beans id tell my mom i couldnt eat any more, but when i still ate the fries shed ask why and id tell her my beans fridge is full, but my fries fridge can still hold more.
When my brother and I were little, my mom told us that we had to sit up straight when eating at the table, because otherwise the little men in our stomachs would be squished and therefore unable to move the food around...We believed her for many years. I also believed there was a separate little compartment in my stomach just for desserts, and therefore always had room for dessert.
My grandma told me when I was a todler "If you eat mashed potatoes your ankles wold be prettier" and I believed her. I can't believe that I could believe such a silly thing.
I used to believe that every kind of food had its own tube in your throat. For example, french toast tube, macaroni tube and so on. That's why choking people always say "it went down the wrong tube."
I used to believe that if you ate too much food it would pile up in to your stomach and hit the top of your throat, that meant you were when my aunt said she was full I ask her if I could look into her mouth...she let me and I stuck my hand down her throat.... she started gaging and it took 3 people to get me off of her.... afterwards I was explained the digestive system..... don't judge me...
I used to believe that there were little people living in my stomach who would play with the food I sent down, e.g., ride on Cheerios like inner tubes on the milk. If they didn't like something I ate, they would push a button to reject it.
I used to think that i was the only person that could hear myself when i would bite really hard on nothing
I used to believe that when you accidentally swallow a seed, a tree or some kind of plant would grow inside your body. That time, I learned at school that water and sunlight helps the plant grow. So what I did, I neglected water as much as I could and would never go outside on daytime so the plant wouldn't grow. My parents actually thought I got rabies from our dog.
I was told when I was about 6 (I'm now 18) that if I kept eating the end of my pencil, a tree would grow inside of me.
top belief!
I used to believe that any royal people like kings or queens used a brand new spoon for every bite of food and never ever re-used silverware. I would count how many bites I took at dinner and try to calculate how many spoons the Queen would need to eat dinner. And then how many spoons she would use in a day! I still am not totally positive this isn't true.
When I was little, I thought that when you ate something, it re-formed in your stomach into what it looked like in the first place. Like, if you ate an apple, you would end up with a whole apple in your stomach.
When I would choke on something I ate my grandmother told me that it went down the wrong tube. For example, if it was Wednesday she told me that it went down Tuesday's tube. What a shocker in 6th grade anatomy to learn that we didn't have seven tubes (one for each day of the week) but we only had two to eat and one to breathe.
I used to think that when I ate, the food would spin round and round inside my chest, before it went down into my stomac.
I used to think that people could only eat so much before the food would come back out of their mouth's, and that this was the reason that people were overweight, the food had come out and they shoved it back down and made their stomach bigger making them look fatter.
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