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When i was small i believed that we are all empty inside and that the food we eat first goes in the feet, then the legs and then slowly fills us up until to the top of our head!

David Clark
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when i was younger i thought if u didnt eat all your pea and u have 1 left it would miss all its friends

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When I was little, I didn't finish my dinner but wanted my dessert anyway. I told my mom I couldn't finish my dinner because the vegetable sack and the meat sack in my tummy had fallen over. And the reason I could still have dessert was because that sack was okay.

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I used to believe that if you didn't eat you got sent to the "skinny-pinny" farm where all they fed you was stale bread and warm water.

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I thought that your body is hollow and that your food just sat in there and you slowly fulled up.Then when you got filled up you just emptied yourself in the toilet.

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When i was a toddler i sued to believe that if you ate soap you would blow bubbles for the rest of your life.

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When I was little was always told to eat bread with my meat or I would get the worms . It wasnt untell a few year ago that I figured out that was because meat was 80 cent a pound and bread was 25 cent a loaf. P.S. I never got the worms

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that grown-ups didn't need to eat.

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when i was a little girl, my mum told me, that if i drink too much juice or water, i would have a frog im my stomach.. and i used to believe in it for a very long time..

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Whenever my mom told me I needed to finish dinner in order to have desert, I would argue with her. I used to say that I had multiple stomachs, just like a cow...one for breakfast, one for lunch, one for dinner, then another seperate one just for desert. It never worked though :/

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I never liked and of my food to touch on my plate when I was young. I thought that it had to be eaten separately because it would fall into a slot inside my stomach that was set aside for that one food.

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I used to believe that if I ate all my dinner the pattern on the dinner plate would change.

Then I found out that my mum told me this to make me eat all my tea!

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I used to believe that our bodies r empty and when we eat food it goes first to our feet then to the legs and every time we eat food goes higher till it reachs the neck then we feel we want to go to w.c. to have an extra space 4 our next meal!!

i love this site
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i've always been quite an intelligent kid and my parents educated me well so i've no idea why even tho i knew about internal organs and stuff i still believed that there was a production line of mice who processed ur food from when u swallowed it sticking it all together and painting it brown until u eventually pooed it out!!! i guess i just decided the real explanation was too boring!!!

me :P
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I used to think that when you ate food it would reconnect in ur stomach and dance around. And I'd imagine like hamburgers and corn on the cob dancing in my stomach.

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wen i was littel i thought that wen u ate ur food went to ur feet and worked its way up, so wen my parents would ask how full i was i would point to the shin on my right leg, and theyd say well, eat to the same spot on ur other leg, and then u can have dessert.

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My dad always told me that food gave me energy, so I always thought that when you ate, it went into your stomach, which was a giant tub that was being stirred up like what you see in the factories on TV. When the factory was done with the process, it would've made energy.

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remember those little toys we hasd when we were young--the ones where yyou had a hollow box with different shapes cut into the side--and you were supposed to put the correct shaped toy into the matching hole? like the pyramid would go into the triangular hole...well, i think you get the point...any ways, when i was young, about 3-5 years old, i thought that your throught was the same way, like if you ate an apple, it wouild fall through the circular hole in your throught,and if you ate a slice of pizza, it would fall through the triangular shaped hole.

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You know when you're eating or drinking somthing sometimes it doesn't go down right and you start to cough? People always would say to me "It went down the wrong tube." So I used to believe that people had 3 tubes. One for food, one for drinks, and one for breathing. So like when I was eating somthing and I started to cough, I would just assume it went down the drink tube.

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When I was younger, I believed that when you ate food, it would all gather in your stomach until one day you were too full to eat anymore. I started to eat less and less, afraid I would explode if I ate too much. It never occured to me that when you pooped or peed that was the food leaving my body. I always thought they were just things humans had to do.

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