i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was younger, my mom used to tell me that if I swallowed watermelon seeds, a watermelon tree would grow inside me.

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top belief!

i used to believe that when you ate your food you had 2 diffrent pipes that were for food and the other one was for water and juice.

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top belief!

My mother told me if I ate too much butter I'd get worms. I didn't eat too much butter...

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At one point in my childhood I convinced myself of a false memory I thought I had... The memory was of me drinking from the top rim of a glass somehow... This of course caused me a lot of frustration!

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top belief!

I used to believe that when you ate food, it piled up inside your body and pushed on the top of your head and made you grow taller and when you couldn't grow taller it would pile around your stomach and make you fat.

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I used to think that the human body was hollow. When you ate food, it began to slowly fill your body. When your body got full of food, you got sick and threw up.

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top belief!

i used to believe that if we ate fruit seeds a tree would grow inside us and its branches would come out through our ears and mouth

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top belief!

My family is made up of mostly women, so when I was growing up I was very conscious about looking fat and losing weight and all of that business which women obsess about. When I was little I wanted to be thin too.
I thought that the more you eat the more would come out the other end and the more weight you would lose.
Needles to say I ended up being a very large child

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If you swallowed a watermelon seed it would grow in your belly

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i used to believe that if i swallowed beens,,a tree would grow in my stomach :P

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I used to believe that when you ate, the food would be put in your stomach whole (despite the whole chewing thing..). It'd all pile up, like a bad game of tetris. My aunt led my sister and I to believe there was always room for ice cream though, because of the 'trickle down' effect. The ice cream was the only thing that changed shaped-- it'd slowly make its way down your tummy through the cracks between the foods you've already eaten.

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top belief!

We put food in our mouths, so naturally I believed my stomach was in my head.

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As I child, I had a skewed version on how the digestive system works. I didn't understand the concept of acids then, so I thought that there were tons of sharp blades and rotating turbines to keep the food down in your throat.Then went into your intestines, which were like little subway stations. All the food bits would then be delivered to the correct spots in your body.

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I used to believe that if I ate a fruit's seeds, a plant would grow in my stomach.

Natalia Castillejo
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My Best Friend (forever) at Primary School used to have an over-active imagination. She always would make stories up, and tell me them, at first I used to believe these stories, but then I realised she made them up. One time she told me that if you ate 5 nuts and seeds, and they lined up in your stomach, you'd die because you'd get a nut allergy. I didn't think it was true, but I stopped eating the pumpkin seeds in my lunchbox just in case it was...

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When I was very young I thought that as you eat, the food filled your hollow body and stretched it, and that's how people grow.

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i used to believe if i ate the crust of bread it would make my hair curly

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I used to think that when I ate, food fell all the way to my feet, and the more I ate, the more my body got filled. Sometimes I was afraid of eating too much and thought the food would pile as high as to the top of my throat. I thought I wouldn’t be able to fit anymore food in me!

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i used to Believe that if you ate the top of broccili then your hair would turn all green a bushy and if you ate the bottom of it your arms and legs would go all stiff and green!
as you can guess i still hate broccili!

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I used to believe that the mouse in the dungeon of Eureka's Castle-- and this completly reveals my ages, lived in my stomach and would grind up my food. I really don't know why, but that's what I always thought.

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