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My mom used to tell me that drinking too much soda while I was waiting for the meal I ordered to come would fill me up. I used to argue in the resturant that it wouldn't "because the drinks go down one pipe and food goes down another!" This also explained why when I took a sip of water and started choking "the water went down the wrong pipe!"

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I used to believe that if i swallowed some Play-Doh and made a wish, my wish would come true.

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i used to Believe that if you ate the top of broccili then your hair would turn all green a bushy and if you ate the bottom of it your arms and legs would go all stiff and green!
as you can guess i still hate broccili!

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When I was little I firmly believed every bit of food I ate went down into my toes, then feet, then ankles, then legs ... I think you get the picture. I'm pretty sure I didn't know this was wrong until we started learning about digestion in school.

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when I was little, I thought that the food we ate went into each leg, and then all the way up. Once it had gotten to my neck I knew I was full.

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remember those little toys we hasd when we were young--the ones where yyou had a hollow box with different shapes cut into the side--and you were supposed to put the correct shaped toy into the matching hole? like the pyramid would go into the triangular hole...well, i think you get the point...any ways, when i was young, about 3-5 years old, i thought that your throught was the same way, like if you ate an apple, it wouild fall through the circular hole in your throught,and if you ate a slice of pizza, it would fall through the triangular shaped hole.

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I used to believe that our bodies r empty and when we eat food it goes first to our feet then to the legs and every time we eat food goes higher till it reachs the neck then we feel we want to go to w.c. to have an extra space 4 our next meal!!

i love this site
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When I was younger, I somehow got it into my head that there were a whole bunch of little compartments in my stomach. I thought that there was one for every different kind of food that I ate. And I thought that there was alittle man inside of me who organized and guarded everything for me. I didn't realize it was wrong until I saw a picture of a human stomach, and there were no compatments. I even used to make sure not to mix foods and eat everything seprately so that the man would have an easier job.

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When I was little my grandma told me that if you stood while you were eating. The food doesn't go to your tummy, instead goes in a tummy of a stray dog nearby.

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Once when I was little, my mom brought me a happy meal. I had to use the bathroom, but I wanted my hamburger NOW so I decided to eat it while using the bathroom, and my mom said no. I kept asking why, and she said that if you eat while using the bathroom, you die. That left me very traumatized for a long time. I refused to even chew gum if I had to use the bathroom.

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I used to believe that everyone had two stomachs. One was for dinner, and one was for dessert. My family would always eat dinner and tell me how full they were, then they would eat dessert! I just thought this was normal

Jamie Lynn, Dallas TX
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When I was a little girl about 5 or 6, I use to be the pickiest eater and never eat much of my dinner. One week when i went to stay with my grandmother she noticed this and wanted to change this habit. So she told me that if i didnt eat, i would dry up and blow away. I believed her and I would cry and cry thinking i was going to blow away and never be able to see my family ever again. one night when i didnt finish my grandmothers dinner (she made me eat beats yuck!) I thought " this is it, im going to blow away tonight." so i snuck downstairs that night and found something i actually liked in the panchery and ate as much as i could. I thought i had saved myself, untill my parents came to pick me up and told me it wasnt true. they werent too happy with grandma

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when i was little, i always imagined the inside of your stomache to be like a big pool of blood, and anything you ate just bobbed around in it...whole!! there would be whole fruit and veg, and anything that had started with a wrapper had somehow mysteriously retained it on the way down! even drinks would still be in bottles (unless it was from a cup, in which the cup would be bobbing around like a little boat!....i was an odd child.

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when i was younger my mam used to say drink milk it keeps your bones white.so i imagend when i drank milk it would go down a seperate tube into this big bucket in my stomach.and litle men woul climb up along my bones and fill there litle bucket with milk and go down to the bones and srub them white.when i was bored i used to talk to the litle men i thought were in my stomach and say things like please litle men scrub my bones as white as you can!

i believed that till i was about 12!

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Before I could understand about what happened to my food, I ussed to believe that my body was, in fact, a huge country with little men in lab coats running around inside. My food would go to build their houses or to feed them. My stomach growling was them with this huge mortar and pestle, grinding up stuff for themselves. At least I would always eat everything "necessary" :)

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I used to believe that there is a grinder inside our stomach (with rotating blades made out of bones) which crushed the food and hence digest it. I even used to believe that when we walk or run there was some kind of a mechanism which would rotate the chopper blades faster, digesting the food quickly!

Usama Khan
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my mum told me that when you choked it was because your food had gone down the drink hole. You also have an air hole too! I was very embarrassed when my firends corrected me !

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I used to believe that there was a hungry creature inside my belly, and that when it started growling it was demanding to be fed. I thought that if I didn't feed it, it would start to eat me from the inside! I was always afraid that I would be stuck outside playing somewhere and wouldn't be able to make it home in time to feed it when it got hungry.

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I didn't understand much about digestion, and thought that once food entered your body, it stayed there. I believed that it began filling your feet immediately after you were born and would continue filling your body until it reached your throat, preventing you from breathing. I thought that being "full" was the reason people died when they were old.

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I used to believe that whenever you accidentally swallowed food without chewing it, there was a little mouse-trap looking thing living in your stomach that chewed it for you!

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