i used to believe

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I used to think that having an eating disorder or dietary condition sort of depended on where people lived or originated from, because it would sound strange to say (probably as a teenager) that your parents were Italian, but your diet was free of pizza and pasta, or any other food associated with a certain culture!

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I used to think that people's legs were hollow. When you ate food, it went down to your toes and then bounced back up to your belly.

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My Uncle told me that he used to have a hole in his bottom lip. This would cause his mouth to leak when he ate unless little men came and shut up the hole for him.

Karen Little
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i used 2 believe that i had little men in my stomach making me function properly,then,Jonny told me if i ate too many sweets they would become very ill and break out of my stomach and i would die.(he said this while eating a Milky Way bar)

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My dad told me that if you eat pomegranate seeds they will grow inside of you. Whenever I are it I always crushed the bead in my mouth and then take out the seed also I ate it one at a time to make sure I accidentally are one.

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When I was younger..I used to believe that you and and ate and it would fill up your entire body...up your throat and come out your mouth..and when you ate your share for your lifetime...youd die..haha!

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I used to think that i was the only person that could hear myself when i would bite really hard on nothing

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I used to believe mothers were suppposed to eat everything even the things they don't like just because they were mothers.

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If you eat a banana peal you can fly!!!!!

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When I was little, I thought that a giant gummy bear lived in my tummy, and when he got hungry, he would growl (normal tummy noises). And that is when I felt like I had to eat because the bear needed food.

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when i was a kid i used to put anything i saw in my mouth.one day it was raining and my mom, my brother and i were standing in the garden where i saw a candy wrapper and kept it in my mouth. my mom told me if i didn't spit it out there would be all kinds of worms in my tummy.i was so scarred i started jumping up and down screaming GET 'EM OUT!! GET 'EM OUT !! i jumped because i thought that way they won't eat me from inside. never put anything beside food in my mouth since.

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when i was little i use to think that a;; the food you ate went in one leg, and all the drink you drink went into another.

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i used to believe that wehn u ate something there were little men in your stomach and they put the food in a bin and if you were goin to be sick they threw it back up your throat

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I used to imagine a bunch of little men in your body "digesting" your food for you.

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I used to believe that if you swallowed food while hanging upside down, that it would drip into your brain.

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I used to believe that hamsters lived in my chest / belly and they would run on their wheel to help digest my food as I swallowed.

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I used to think that eating the crust of bread helped improve whistling

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When I was four I thought that you had a food tube on one side of your neck and a drink tube on the other side. When ever someone would choke on something I believed that either the food went down the drink tube or the dring went down the food tube.

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when I was younger I use to believe that little men lived in your stomach, and they crused up all your food, then they pushed it out.

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