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My family is made up of mostly women, so when I was growing up I was very conscious about looking fat and losing weight and all of that business which women obsess about. When I was little I wanted to be thin too.
I thought that the more you eat the more would come out the other end and the more weight you would lose.
Needles to say I ended up being a very large child

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i used to believe that if we ate fruit seeds a tree would grow inside us and its branches would come out through our ears and mouth

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i used to believe that when you ate your food you had 2 diffrent pipes that were for food and the other one was for water and juice.

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I used to believe that there was a village of gnomes that lived in my stomach and digested my food for me. Everytime I ate I was feeding their village, so I ate lots of seeds so they could grow plants.

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When ever I choked on water or food as a kid my grandpa always told me it went down "the wrong tube". This made me think of the back of my throat having hundreds of tubes for all different kinds of food, like one for pizza and one for oreos etc. Thank you 5th grade biology!

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My mom used to tell me if I ate mustard I would grow mustard.

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I used to believe that when you 'went on a diet' you registered it with the government, and if you broke your diet you would be arrested.

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I would think that my mouth and digestive track was an amusment park ride and the bits of food were little people. I always wanted them to have the best ride so I would worry about how I ate each peice of food

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I used to believe that if you ate off of others people plates or their left-overs they would get diahhrea, so i would always cry when someone tryed to eat my leftovers or off my plate in fear they would get diarehea

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Well, this isn't about me but my little brother. We had a dog and he would shed all the time so there'd be strands of hair everywhere. I told my brother that if he accidentally swallow a strand of dog hair, he would grow fur too. And then I said that it was already too late for him and I pointed out that there were fur on him already(it was actually his arm hair/peach fuzz). He started panicking and I was cracking up.

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I used to believe that when you ate, the food would go to your feet, and when the food pile grew to the top of your head, you would get taller so there would be more room for food!

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I used to believe that when my stomach growled, it was a big empty pit with a growling tiger in the bottom pacing around waiting for me to throw food down to it.

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I thought that when you ate anything, it started filling up at the tip of your toes and built up through your body. When the food you ate reached the top of your head, that's when you died.

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When I was little, my mum told me not to swallow chewing gum. I asked why, and the reason she gave me was totally unsatisfactory, or at least kind of partial. Like: "Because your stomach can't digest it." To 6-year-old me, that was just not satisfying as an explanation. The same with toothpaste.

So in my head I imagined that everybody's stomach has lots of different compartments, each for a different type of food. There'd be one for peas, one for roast beef, one for spaghetti, etc. But things that aren't food don't have their own compartment. So when you swallowed chewing gum, the whole system would get messed up because the gum wouldn't know where to go.

This theory also had the nice benefit of explaining why you've always got room for pudding :o)

Rachel Nunson
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When I was younger I used to think there was an infinite amount of fridges in your stomach, each fridge for a type of food. This explained why I could be full of vegetables but would still be able to fit in a few more fries. The vegentable fridge was full, but the fries fridge wasnt...

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I used to believe that "gluten free" meant you could eat as much as you wanted without getting full or fat

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I used to believe that my stomach had two sides: one side for regular meals, and one side for snacks and dessert. So when I got 'full' and I didn't want to finish my dinner, my parents would say 'well then i guess you don't want any dessert.' and i would say 'no, mommy. THIS side is full. My snack side is still empty!'

Always room for dessert!
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When I was a kid, whenever I heard someone saying that they were on a diet, it was always an overweight person. So, I thought that "on a diet" was just a polite way of saying "fat". Once, my mom (who wasn't heavy) mentioned that she was on a diet. I kept arguing with her, saying, "No, you're not!".

Joe Martinez
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Last year my little cousin, who is about 6 stayed at our house for a week, one day I bought a dozen of donuts and my little cousin started eating them, after the second donut I told him that if he ate the holes in the donuts he would end up with a hole inside his stomach, after that I went about my day, that night I went to grab a dounut and found nothing but the holes of the donuts, he had eaten all of them ecxept for the parts around the hole.

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I used to believe your throats had a bunch of sharp bony parts that cut up the food as it fell down. For some reason I never thought that chewing did the same thing.

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